A lot of liberals on the network with very strong different points of view but i think i mean i agree about the word were discriminated but lets not lose sight of the point how is it infringing on peoples life i mean kevin if youve been watching people blocking traffic getting crazy spitting on veterans outside of the inauguration which i experience and trying can attest to this to so many young republicans in this country and hes done so much work mobilizing young republicans across the country on campuses in the College Environment look at whats happening in our campuses how vile and how hateful people are and a friend of mine who was punched in the face at berkeley and was assaulted for being a republican so you know i mean i think things have gotten a little bit a little bit out of control and i do think that not being able to hear that other side and have that sort of conceptual discussion which has got out of control is a problem you know im ryan and you have a lot of experience in this here i mean i guess i portray my age im the oldest one here but you know how being different points of view was good and people respected you know ways like it but now youre demonized toward and youre considered evil and that comes mostly from one direction i would point out here that is a real problem with our body politic and our National Conversation because if youre deemed evil then theres no its not worth listening to you thats how bad its gotten go ahead ryan right so im 23 years old and you know ive only been in politics for a period of time and ive traveled this country to many different universities and ive seen the conversation happening there and its a very hyper partisan one never in my life have i seen this kind of partisanship where if you are conservative or youre worrying that red make America Great again hat have you ever been so targeted you know we see an teef up which the democrats are barely wanting to denounce burn down buildings attack people resort. All to physical violence we saw with any known washington we see multiple videos recently of turning point usa chapters having their tables vandalized in broad daylight students getting attacked milkshakes being thrown on people with cement in them you know people need to get back to living their lives its not that deep people do not need to go out and attack people for their viewpoints conservatives of some of the most persecuted people in todays day and age simply because of a man who says that he just wants to make America Great again and the proof is in the put it you see a great economy you see a booming economy you see jobs coming back to the country you see high g. D. P. You see the lowest unemployment rates ever you see trade the us some see a deal which the democrats are failing to push through the house right now you see many things so i think that we need to get back to working for the country stop focusing on an impeachment which they know is going to go nowhere and Work Together ok kevin i mean reflective on some of the things weve already heard on this program here i mean ol give you my opinion again and like you to react to it its just that it seems like to me many people on the left that dont want to have a debate they dont want to have a conversation they just know that they are right in a very often i will say in i feel this very strongly they think that theyre morally superior to people that they disagree with them thats not the art of politics is it go ahead kevin. I would agree there shouldnt be the way that politics is conducted but ill say you know response to your question some of the points raised earlier that when you talk about conservatives being persecuted which is which i think is kind of funny on a College Campus where yes because a lot of College Campuses and College Towns are mainly liberal most urban areas are liberal but if i were to go in an obama shirt to you know rural texas or arizona or somewhere like that im sure id get persecution to. Who knows what could happen to me there are some places i still wouldnt want to be caught in america after dark or bob us off not knowing where i am so we have to put that in the context to it depends on where you are because you know were seeing them merica has gotten to a point where the cities are mainly liberal and then in the suburbs as well but then rural areas are of course deep red areas that candid like donald trump has been able to dominate so yes i will agree that on twitter and in particular social media people that are democratic or liberal leaning do tend to talk down sometimes to conservatives are technically morally here i think you know good on certain issues were going to have name tags if you dont think thats an understatement you know 10 to no i think its an all out war chris let me go to you i mean this is a cultural war is well you know looking down on the fly over states you know and even the fact that we call them fly over states is so demeaning ok that theres some now less than the coasts ok and i think a lot of people in the fly over country feel thats way thats why they voted thats the way they voted in 2016 it has a lot to do with that cultural dimension and a moral dimension i would say go ahead chris. Well i welcome everyones thoughts on this but i wanted to point out one particular point and that is when youre discussing politics especially if youre someone thats in politics or in the news or in policy in the states or really anywhere is it when youre when youre talking to so much more left of center especially in the age of President Trump being in the white house being you know leading the executive branch theres a sort of qualification right where its like you have to qualify to pass their test and i think the term for it is virtue signaling right in todays politics where its kind of like well and you have to earn your way and how many discussions have you had or is ryan had where youre done with the discussion and then did they just run off they never wanted to hear your point of view they didnt care about your point of view all they care about is power and for 8 years. When president obama was president i actually work with the white house on Veterans Issues at the time i didnt vote for president obama i would have preferred to have a republican candidate but you know what he was a president to work with if the president trying to been there for 3 years youd think hes been there for 3 decades the way these people behave because for them peter its about power they dont have it they want it and theyre nasty and its not equal i have not seen it be equal ive seen republicans and campuses and instead of just saying you know what i denounce it its always there what about us and everyone should stop that what about islam i dont think thats a good thing in general but it is really bad to the point where you get threats you get people doing all these kinds of things and really i think we need to take a step back and not do it but i would agree with ok you know maybe you know it is an understatement you know its really into an ego to ryan here and im going to take a step back ok but ryan the question is whos 1st is going to take the step back you know i would say that but i would say you 1st ok because youre the one thats the most aggressive ok you take a step back id be more than happy to do it what do you think about that ryan go ahead. You know i wanted to respond to to kevins initial point my comment about conservatives being persecuted you know i think its very important to mention if you look at these examples on College Campuses you see you know conservative speakers all across the country getting disinvited lawsuits that happen a u. C. Berkeley because the students didnt want those speakers there are a select group or a select group of people at the top didnt want these certain speakers to come to this university and in order for them to even come to speak there to be a lawsuit about it you know the same thing applies with this impeachment stuff thats going on right now they know they cannot be donald trump they tried it with russian collusion they tried it with a recession they try to would Stormy Daniels they know they cant beat him so their next scandal is this impeachment inquiry and they know they cant do it you know you know when we look at this country and how far weve come since the election. They wanted to impeach the sky since hes taken office you know chris made a very good point you know our country at this point in time we need some unity we need people to get together but that i you know on the other hand i look at i say you know well you know this is a republican you know theres probably never much so unity. Just. Because of the fabric but one of the most important pieces here is that conservatives you know they want to have their voice heard they want to have an opinion they want to have a debate they want to have a discussion but you the left is constantly shown in that showing them no they dont want to hear their opinion they dont want to talk to them they dont have a debate kaminey discussion i mean they want to attack them let me just let me jump in here lets go and i want to go back to kevin your last 25 seconds before we go to the break i want you to reply go ahead you know what i would just say that you know i think that both sides are guilty of doing this i mean i interact with people on twitter i make a lot of appearances on fox news and and conservative networks and when i appear i get the name calling and the sort of low blows that people throw i think both sides do it and i agree i think we all agree that it really isnt healthy but its just where we are now because things are so polarized and weve got to figure out how to to get back to being able to debate without those tactics will god bless you were going to hopefully we well were going to show our break gentlemen after a short break we will continue our discussion on political intolerance stay with our team. Reality has mandates of its own that go beyond what our wishes and preferences are. And our utopian visions maybe were going to get a new deal but it may not be the Green New Deal that people are expecting will get the Green New Deal that we have we deserve rather think we are going to get a Green New Deal because the green youre dealing compas is things beyond just right Infrastructure Health care is in the new deal there are other elements if you go back 20 started in 2006 that we are going to get and that are popular in this country thats. Going to fulfill the prophecies possibly to the people you know weve all pots be. Pretty. Much. Pretty good. If you want to. Know. The. Time off to time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stadium in a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim that production is completely hominis. Its a complex number of us and it does not decrease on Companies Want us to feel good about products while the damage is being done far away this is Something Else this must be going down even as i am. This is im new this movie didnt even and im stunned seemed only the best of a disconnect with who is going to. Welcome back to cross talk were all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle were discussing political intolerance. Ok lets go back to chris in washington just recently nancy pelosi the speaker of the house called donald trump an illegitimate president. Thats a doorstopper because it invalidates the entire electoral process the decision of the people in 2016 and again i want to be tolerant i mean i was brought up liberal im a conservative but i was brought up in a very liberal environment where you supposed to listen to everybody with politeness and respect but i we here we have one of the highest officials in the land. Saying the vote of so over 60000000 people i mean how do you talk about being divisive i mean that is that is so irresponsible and it what it does is that it doesnt ask for dialogue it is doing just the opposite go ahead chris. Well its true i mean you know if you look back at what the speaker said before the election she just said donald trump will not be president take to the bank i mean i hope you didnt take that check to the bank because it didnt clear it bounced like a basketball. Theyre upset that they didnt win i mean thats what its about its about power its been about power and i think that its really that simple and i think to some extent Speaker Pelosi has a tough job because shes trying to balance this insane left wing side of the caucus and mainstream democrats that still want to oppose a president thats very vibrant and so its shes just trying to kind of keep that coalition in order but i do think that its its become cliche i mean i almost think from a from an electoral standpoint that democrats republicans will be better off if they keep with these sort of cliches of illegitimate this that resist all that i mean theyre going to have another term of president to go nuts about ok kevin react to what chris just said there its really a problem in your in your party because not only are conservatives demonized and i will stay with the word demonized but you guys have a lot of internal strife you know you have your radio sees in the squad and then you have you know theyre your bidens and you know in all honesty and i think objectively its fair to say he kind of is kind of bumbling along i mean theres a lot of problems within the Democratic Party as well and i think the same kind of you know political virus of this correctness you guys have more to worry about than the rest of us go ahead kevin. Well i would agree with that because that we have more to worry about because i think generally the Democratic Coalition socalled Obama Coalition tends to be a little bit more diverse and encompasses a lot more. You know people of different backgrounds different beliefs so it is tough i do think that when palosi talks about you know president be illegitimate it doesnt help i mean yes he lost the popular vote but he won he won the Electoral College thats the system we have in place i think what shes referring to is probably some of the tactics the campaign used in working with wiki leaks and roger stone and some of his associates whove sort of may have broken laws to get it done but he won and they did win and i think theres so many people on my party that do have what trump calls trump derangement syndrome t. D. s that is left is real and i think anything sometimes sets people off and weve got to be able to get beyond that i i really i really compliment you for saying that youre a man of great character to say that because thats obvious. Ryan you want to jump in go ahead. No i agree with cabot the 1st time in a while it agreed with a democrat in the conversation but no i commend you for that the Democratic Party has a lot of self reflection theres a lot of things if they want to have a chance in this election theyve got to look at who they have running for office right now i mean you have a guy you know joe biden who you know he says its a speech impediment ive talked to a friend it was a speech impediment he says about 80 to 90 percent of the time when joe biden speaking where he just stops and halts its not speech impediment he literally is just trying to find the words to say he doesnt know what to say i mean this video that just came out about him loving kids jumping on his lap and having hairy legs or Something Like that isnt helping anything and this guy this guys the front runner. Of what they got going on over there so i mean you know you really have to think you know when you put your cards in a deck here and you look around what you got you dont have much and so impeachment to them is like theyre their Golden Ticket to winning this election you know theyve become so divisive they have about 6 or 7 maybe even 10 secs of this party all with differing views you know i really do believe that socialists have infiltrated this party you see with a 0 c. U. Z. Would stacy abrams you know you see all around the country that theyre bracing this terrible ideology its not going to help them theyre going so far left you know imagine the spectrum theyre walking off the spectrum theyre falling down you know its really incredible you know republicans are trying to stay united here under this common goal of reelecting Donald Trump Holding the judiciary defeating impeachment keeping a Strong Economy i say good luck to them you know youre not going to beat an incumbent who has an economy like this who has done so much to to withhold or to help bring conservative judges over 170 conservative judges now theres so much to like about the guy and i think many republicans are going to get past some of those things you know such as the tweets of the rallies. If they dont really care for them much because theyre seeing what hes doing for the country and at the end of the day thats all that matters ok you know chris i mean one of the things kind of staying with this theme of intolerance and i think another variant of it is is this changing the rules i mean lets get rid of the Electoral College i mean well lets lets have a conversation about it ok im willing to discuss it im willing to listen to different points of view lets pack the court why give me an explanation why because you dont get what you want i mean the left historically the last 50 years when they have gotten is through the system not through the executive and not through congress its been through the courts now if you you want to pack the court look at what happened to f. D. R. A very very popular president here my point in bring this up this is another form of intolerance if you dont want to play by the rules that are better of longstanding and known to everyone and if you cant when you want to change the rules you want to move the goalposts i dont like that thats a form of intolerance against our institutions go ahead chris. Well i was going to some of the f. D. R. Reference pete