Stories from the past 7 days and right up to the minute developments as well this is the weekly. Welcome. Russia is being kicked Major International sporting events for the next 4 years punishment the World Antidoping Agency. Bring with a key database of test results from russia. This is a russia that protects the rights of russian nazi each. Entry for major events. To demonstrate that they are not. New we did not comply what is important thing to these decisions. We are really sanctioning those who are responsible for this many pollutions and leave doors open for those who had nothing to do with dipping scandal in russia clean. It out because when you and your balloon are experts who provided convincing on says unfortunately they havent heard us resign or has time to appeal initially when we handed over the database we said lets investigate the database together so that we can make a full decision we wanted to have a kind of mechanism if we dont want some objective decision lets do it like this with saddam has all the necessary opportunities they could have taken a different approach ok so the key details now while this is cleaned up police will be able to compete on drone neutral flying but russian officials are not prohibited from attending major sporting events while the country wont be allowed to host any tournaments the list of vents that russia is not being excluded from pretty extensive take a look here include the olympic Parliament Games in tokyo next year also before world cup in qatar 2 years after that russia was the last host of that vent of course al its players will have to play as neutral if they qualify a whole host of other events to what it is insisting that the onus is on clean players to prove that theyre clean or Sports Correspondent lets hear machete breaks down and theyre rooting for us. It is quite unclear how exactly stripping a nation of its flag in a major sports competitions across the planet can actually solve the problem of fighting against doping youre not on innocent until Proven Guilty and im in and you dont do to youre guilty and he can prove youre innocent complete redress Justice System on but its always been that way youve got to think about whats on the World Antidoping Agency has jurisdiction but it doesnt at yours dictionary to the russian authorities become sanction Russian Politicians and all it can do is sanction resettling and take actions relative to scoot so its come up with this International Standard to code compliance by signatories which is used to sanction russia this time around. On top of everything it seems that what his decision from monday was made in such a haste that they have no clue how to actually navigate in that decision the biggest example of that is probably the situation with your way for anthy for tournaments well where you are where you quite expected that. These sanctions will not affect in any way russian part of the upcoming euro are 1st of all its a continental tournament not of world qualification for or for kampar 22. Is again within the competence so you have for sure that make it to the 2022 world cup in qatar it may be stripped of its flag of its anthem and it may be participating as a neutral country. And if youre not yet confused enough they already said directly that should russia deal to cast the court for arbitration of sports and this process takes longer than the official preparation for next summers olympics russia will go to next summers olympics in tokyo as a full fledged nation but then if the ban is implemented late it might miss out on the 2020 for some big games in paris from whichever side you look at it mondays decision by water looks like a vocal and very harsh indictment of Russian Sports it might send shock waves and reverberations in the country sport for many years to come but it might actually be the beginning of a new struggle of a new battle the legal one when russia takes its case to the court of arbitration for sports in switzerland and we are expecting this to be made quite quickly before the end of this year this is a punitive action against the law including begin to shoot once. More in just a few. Garage if its not going to particular which theres no evidence of this against them this may be raising a human rights issue whether. Theyre going to raise this before the court of protection order im not entirely certain we have to accept but there is a when we think of them and the involved. Thing theyre actually applying a very big use for more of an emotive crusade here they once were in terms of. The russian the english and russian expect with great anticipation to see what. Point in the lesson is doing its like saying im going to come into your state because somebody from you know decide who comes and goes. It is such a huge part of knuckly career major events so we got their thoughts some of the big names in russian sport they shared their reactions with us on the. For a few years i expected Something Like this after rio was going to be honest it was expected its a pity the athletes have to suffer its terrible its terrible for all Russian Sports thats what i can feel about it. Its just i dont want to make a link between sports and politics but it looks like good for those sanctions imposed by the west for the last few years. Someone just wanted to punish our country but this is without reason a country is not a 3 year old child. Allow us to compete on that the neutral flag somehow they dont want to see the russian colors. Maybe our flag is something irritating and someone doesnt want to see us compete in our own flag in our own anthem. As i visit here i have already hired a lawyer and even if they dont allow me to participate while im already a grandmother sports maybe this is our fate was more like a begin you prove these rules somehow unite us and if those follow to participate and additional boost but it does still the doping issue im sure more than 90 percent of athletes are clean. That i guess but if we have them with some athletes we support you and im sure you have enough patience together we will do it. Moving on. Conservative party was a result d ending majority after a dominating performance in britains historic general election on thursday for the opposition labor and liberal Democrat Party both seeking new leaders while north of the border the Scottish National party almost swept the board in terms of seats which reignited their calls for another independence referendum from the u. K. Heres how the respective Party Leaders reacted to a dramatic night in westminster as they. A pride to say that members of our new one nation government a peoples government will sit tight from constituencies that have never returned a conservative m. P. For 100 years and yes they will have a well we mandate from this election to get it done and we will honor that mandate by general the 31st will not lead the party in any future general Election Campaign i will discuss with our party. To ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take Going Forward the stunning election win last night for the s. N. P. Renew reinforces and strengthens the mandate we have from previous elections to offer the people of scotland a choice over their future that monday says that it is for the Scottish Parliament nor a westminster government to decide whether and when the should be a new referendum on independence a quick look at the numbers there are 650 seats in the house a common so a party needs 326 to hold the majority the conservatives took hold of 365 seats while the labor party got to 3 their lowest result since the 19th thirties so ask. What happened. Thursday saw the general election in just 4 years so how did we end up on this rollercoaster again wost wel my friends its the usual suspect yeah you guessed it. It works its too late it turns out that decision taken by those 17400000 people in june 26th into the e. U. Set off a Chain Reaction thats led to this moment but im guessing ahead of myself lets start from the beginning the british people have made a very clear decision to take a different part of my view we should aim to have a new Prime Minister in place ok so now were down one Prime Minister lets see how the next one a couple of weeks later to either may to calm the and then the ball roll of finding a way through the process that wilderness and she was very clear about her goal bricks it means bricks it rex it means bricks it and were going to make a success of it the original deadline. From march 29th teen oh those early days of optimism but this is possibly the most Divisive Political issue the u. K. Has faced in recent memory m. P. s have never felt so important all powerful so its unsurprising that may was thwarted at every turn by those less willing to cut ties with our european friends fed up she decided to go in and call a snap election in june 2017 we need a general election and we need one now but it was a gamble that just didnt pay off the conservatives lost the majority theyd been counting on tide already me to also taught at this point every single. Your charge of the infighting your charge of the political games and the arcane procedural rounds but disappointment in the polls was really the least of mays problems the opposition tried to get rid of her own m. P. s tried to get rid of her and then she said shed get rid of herself if only theyd back deal which they didnt and it just ended up being too much for may who decided to finally hang up put heels i do so with no ill will but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country i love ok so now were down to Prime Ministers whose our lucky introducing Boris Johnson former mayor of london a bit of a daft man just like his predecessor he was absolutely adamant that hed be the one to get it done can you make a promise today to the British Public that you would not go back to brussels and ask for another delay to practice it yet and so youve done and revealing. To his credit hes really gone for it he was sick of parliament blocking his ideas so dissolved that. So then he went to the e. U. And negotiated a deal which parliament defeated and then be forced to class and not that extension really really really didnt want to do but to do anyway and then he just decided enough is enough so essentially taunted the Opposition Party of the faith and not have a general election in order to quote get it done which my friends i think brings you up today. With the report where we saw some experts and politicians from around the u. K. For their views on the Election Results and the possible consequences. Now boras can go into a meeting to negotiate and the you can be certain that whats agreed in that meeting will actually get through parliament the big problem that weve had so far is really any suggestion that was made seem to run into this blocking wall in parliament who were determined to vote against just about everything the labor party used to say they were voting against against Different Solutions as a general election then they voted against an election as well as a small force i think is the sentiment of the people of scotland there is not based on the views of any one politician this period to the sentiment of People Scotland has been moving gradually no rapidly towards independence but at least an overwhelming view that scotland should have the right to determine its own future that is the chain suck that is the system will force the a movable object is bought as johnson though it may well be that. It is thinking that on the day can hold back the floods generally speaking that so the politics gives out eventual it and i would have my money is on the other system will force as opposed to the movable object in terms of standing the test of time and the course of the last 2 years the unionist. Let it go electoral majority was ended as a result of this election unionist Political Representation in the north has been reduced to a minority and not quite safe mc and the context not only of the bracks issue but also with respect to the unfolding constitutional debate and ireland north and so hes. Ahead on the weekly sees more of violence details emerge on the scale of the u. S. Led military campaigns failure there we delve further into about. You know world of big. Law and conspiracy its time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. Your back with the weekly on tuesday a suicide bomber detonated his car outside one of americas main military outposts in afghanistan the earth field the attack came not long after a surprise thanksgiving visit by President Trump local media report of a powerful blast hitting a medical facility located in the immediate vicinity of the bases main gate reported thinks aimed at least one life with as many as 62 others injured initial reports suggested the suicide bomber targeted a u. S. Military convoy the washington denies. But during the president s visit to the bagram base he struck a rather upbeat tone. With the help in the devotion everyone has given here tonight america is winning again we are winning like we have not won in a long time. And you know what were respected like we havent been respected in a long time america is winning again and america is respected again and respected at the highest level well just bearing in mind the revealing news articles appeared in the us which details years of deliberate dissent from ation on the part of top american officials who it transpires have been putting on a brave face the spite knowing the unpalatable truth about the afghan war. Hundreds of thousands dead trillions of dollars lost generations traumatized but you know what nothing good comes easy nothing in afghanistan we helped liberate an oppressed people. And we will continue helping them secure their country rebuild their society and educate all their children boys and girls. All that i set to defeat al qaeda and deny it a chance to rebuild is within reach and were doing a tremendous job. And as you know a big part of the job is isis certainly the biggest and al qaeda and we. Will get them down very low numbers you didnt need to be nostradamus or clairvoyant to know that someone was telling bull its just logical fallacy you cant keep fighting the same guys for 20 years and claim the jewel winning but then appearances must be kept up its important that everyone thinks youre winning right up to the moment you admit you lost why well its obvious no one has the remotest clue we were trying to do here we didnt have the focus notion of what we were undertaking there is a fundamental gap of understanding of the front and overstated objectives grew lines in the military and the lack of understanding of the resources necessary and wed never have known if it hadnt been thousands of secret and classified documents on afghanistan stuff from the white house from the pentagon the un and various n. G. O. S well we would have known its pretty damn obvious that the war was going terribly but who says mouth and all that it is worth considering what the president the deficient said and what they actually believed when i called our troops in action i did so with complete confidence. Their courage and skill and tonight. Thanks to them. We are winning the war on terror. And. Today we lack metrics to know if we are winning or losing the global war on terror are we capturing killing or deterring a dissuading more terrorists every day done them addresses on the radical clerics are recruiting training and deploying against us does the us need to fashion a broad integrated plan to stop the next generation of terrorists the us is putting relatively little effort into a long range plan but we are putting a great deal of effort into trying to stop terrorists the cost benefit ratio is against us see when youre in your 2nd term and you started a really messy war that you just realized you cant hope to win there only so many ways to save your own but heres a list of words you should use courage the more chrissy kids schools and hospitals and for the people that dont buy your baloney get a hope in there as well thanks to the courage of these military and civilian personnel a nation that was once a safe haven for al qaeda is now a young democracy where boys and girls are going to school new roads and hospitals are being built and people are looking to the future with new hope also poor in money into huge Infrastructure Projects to obligate money that was appropriated to so we could spend it through Building Infrastructure in ways that have again instant could never sustain or even the use in some cases if youre a nato country taxpayer i honestly dont believe you can comprehend how much of your money was poured into this adventure you 1st need to understand the sheer degree of incompetence that these leaked documents show imagine for example someones putting together a crew for a bank heist they invite a bunch of people give them a time and place and tell no. One what their rule is no plan so everyone shows up thinking that everyone outs knows what to do and things go as you would expect now is the time to save your own heidi lets add a few more words difficult days human rights confidence success we will reward Good Governance work to reduce corruption and support the rights of all afghans men and women alike. There will be difficult days ahead but i am