A probe into a syrian topspin attack was suppressed. Hello there good afternoon youre watching r. T. International now the protests in bolivia show no sign of dying down with demonstrators denouncing what they call a coup against the countrys former leader evo morales he resigned 2 weeks ago on the advice of the countrys military and was granted asylum in mexico clashes with the police have so far left 27 dead and hundreds injured supporters of morale as say the armed forces have been heavy handed. We want justice from this president how is she sending military police to kill us like animals if were human beings were not animals for them to kill us like that. The. Only coming i would like publicly to denounce the killings that the military police are carrying out this self declared president and her killer cabinet ministers and criminals this is what the countrys getting. Was that we are unhappy with uni 9 years because above all shes issuing decrees authorizing the military and police to killers without there being any justice. Conservative senator proclaimed himself interim president of bolivia although she is not recognized by politicians loyal to morale as on thursday she issued a controversial decree protecting the military from criminal prosecution but maintaining public order and even Security Forces have sent meanwhile helicopters and Armored Vehicles to disrupt a weeklong blockade by protesters at a major fuel plant is led to the fuel and Food Shortages during the operation one person has been killed and 8 injured human Rights Groups are urging that bolivia repealed its new police immunity. The current social political and human rights crisis and believe runs the risk of deteriorating is authorities continue to respond in a violent manner to criticism protests media scrutiny and violence by 3rd parties where the us sector state pompei i commented on several protests taking place across the globe at the moment although he did not mention those in bolivia however he did praise Jeanine Schaefer expelling hundreds of cuban officials and doctors from the country dont cotton that looks at washington stance on world protests from latin america to the middle east. Lebanons countrywide protests are rapid over a month ago. I the United States will continue to stand alongside the lebanese people the protesters are accusing government officials of widespread corruption and hold them to blame for failing to put the brakes on a deepening economic crisis washingtons made it clear it thinks those are injustices worth fighting against not too different from its stance on hong kong. Insurrection began in june against a law that would have allowed extradition of hong kongs criminals to the mainland i the Chinese Communist party must honor its promises to the hong kong people who only want the freedoms and liberties that they have been promised in the sun a british joint declaration over the past several months there have been thousands of injuries and arrests its been a big challenge for beijing but for washington an opportunity the u. S. State Department Says the protesters are fighting for freedom and democracy just like the ones in iran. Iranians flooded on to the streets on friday after a massive price hike for petrol i. The Islamic Republic must cease violence against its own people the worlds watching the government denounce those rioting and the people in washington who contributed to the crisis with crippling sanctions it might seem like the u. S. Just loves to. Chaos wherever it may be but sometimes the government accused of injustice is a friend take chile. Monday marks one month since the beginning of nationwide protests against rampant economic inequality thousands of chileans rallied across the country to commemorate that day i. So far 2 dozen people have been killed and thousands arrested washingtons reaction a travel warning bolivia is a pretty similar situation. The countrys been gripped by protests in support of its recently ousted socialist president abel morales. The state department hasnt had anything to say about that they instead back to the new regimes claim that cuba is somehow to blame for bolivias problems joins brazil in ecuador in recognizing the cuban threat to freedom bravo to libya and one protests were taking place against morales washington had Something Else to say the United States applauds the bolivian people for demanding freedom around the world protests continue to rage for the u. S. Its a great time to fuel the fire of popular anger if its for the right reasons of course the United States can home go over to other parts of the world like the middle east we should just live to the United States is very much supportive and he put on his things to go about his exe reach out and trying to destabilize the google and that is the he will do the. Bully bit of the buttocks to be. Support its all for our. Raw its. Against what were all immoral to and there are people who get to power a logo logo of bolivia well you know and it stays totally switches. Or begins to support the government or that. There are all the. Efforts or which is supported by a liberal. Which was thrown into the United States. A demonstration by a group called stop islam eyes ation of norway ended in a brawl when it was confronted by a muslim came to protest tensions flared when 2 copies of the koran were thrown into a bin and another was set on fire by the organizations leader was the local media reports say the demonstrators also compared islam to fascism describing it as a religion of violence the rally had been authorized by the police several arrests were made as officers moved in and terminated the event the incident also provoked an International Reaction to a with turkey condemning it well a local muslim union leader described what happened as a hate crime he promised to take legal action against the organization and its leader and allegedly burned who allegedly burned the core. We want to take these stop islamization of norway group to the courts we want once and for all to stop the group and others who create divisions and rivalries we spoke to the head of dialogue from the Islamic Cultural Center about this and he believes that the rhetoric of some norwegian politicians is also a serious threat. But sometimes we get stuck in blood in this our purpose but more interested as a politicians that were dont talk against muslims about islamisation of the ways in society that is at least more dangerous than a couple of crazy people in Christian Sun i think the most important thing to counter when it comes you know how do you hate speech is to talk to each other and create good examples are all muslims that are muslims and look when we talk in our way and this is very important to us as muslims we dont talk about muslims and theyre not muslims or addition to about us the reason they muslims what we talk about is just society where everybody is part of the bigger us. The head of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons a signed an open letter urging his own watchdog to give to whistleblowers a platform at its next conference they claim that the a. P. C. W. Suppressed evidence when conducting a probe internet alleged chemical attack on the syrian city of duma in april of 2018 but again as more details. 7th of april 2018 terrible images flood the internet the news people civilians suffocating with symptoms of nerve agent poisoning the alleged aftermath of a chemical attack in syria within a week cruise missiles flying at syria. Generally when you launch missiles at someone you know they did something wrong what made these 3 incidents so remarkable is that everything happened in reverse 1st they launched the missiles and then investigated who it was that they should have targeted it took a year for the u. P. C. W. To compile a report where they said that they found traces of chlorine with strong indications that the gas containers were dropped from the air done and done todays o. P. C. W. Final report on the 7th of april 2018 attack in duma confirms chemical weapons used demonstrating the vital importance of the o. P. C. W. s work this confirms chlorine attack was only the latest example of the assad regimes Chemical Warfare attacks on its own population except it isnt done its own raveling to whistleblowers involved in the investigation and now come forward alleging irregularities and suppression cherry picking of actual findings the 1st contest that the u. P. C. W. s acetate and that the gas canisters would dropped rather than placed at the scene observations at the scene of the 2 locations suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those 2 locations rather than being delivered from aircraft the 1st whistle blower was allegedly an al. Side contracted the u. P. C. W. Said it took into account all findings not just here is the problem is according to the 2nd whistleblower a member of the team which was on the ground the collecting samples is that the u. P. C. W. Took into account some findings more than they did others most of the duty and focus he reports on the instant interim report and the final report was scientifically impoverished procedurally irregular and possibly fraudulent the whistleblower who is identities being kept secret for his safety featured at a high profile conference in brussels and his testimony appears to be much more damning than the 1st whistle blowers professor richard fall cause there at the conference where the whistleblower spoke professor what pushed him to come forward what was the gist of it well essentially he presented evidence testimonials to be a thing in the room for a new group or it could not be justified in the form that it was submitted and that it had been tampered with in such a way to create a set of conclusions that corresponded with what. The u. S. Britain france it would be the outcome of an investigation but the evidence didnt support better remember the rebel videos we talked about with victims showing symptoms of nerve agent poisoning it was most likely staged no nerve agent was found by the u. P. C. W. What they found traces of chlorine the symptoms of chlorine poisoning are different traces of chlorine is the finding of these chemicals at the allege site is to be used as an. Case that chlorine gas was present in the atmosphere least be shown to be present and level significantly higher than what is present in the environment already they werent all that the u. P. C. W. Said that that it is chlorinated the organic chemicals which are everywhere all around us in our Drinking Water the difference is in the event of a chemical attack they would be in a much higher concentration and for whatever reason new p. C. W. Didnt say what that concentration was not it was the public not even to their own inspectors but when the analysis of these key levels came back from the laboratories the results were cats who sammy barrick at unison who was the doom of Fact Finding Missions leader against normal expectations they were not passed on to the inspector who was drafting the a. B. C. W. s interim report on them the inspectors tested the victims the whistleblower said their blood their head and found nothing no nerve agent no chlorine in levels that would indicate a chemical attack nothing which raises an important question professor didnt the whistleblower come across as political perhaps with a bias none that i could detect and he seemed very much like. International Civil Servant a technocrat i think this central underlying difficulty was that the evidence of the. Gases that were alleged to be used didnt seem to be to occur with what the inspectors. And that there was a discrepancy between. The information that was contained in that report about these 2 projects that supposedly had evidence of chlorine being used and the indication. Worse place. For. The means that the report describes apparently the management ignored not only the inspectors findings but also their concerns in fact whistleblower claims the inspectors were made to sit through speeches by unidentified american agents who insisted that asaad was guilty that the asset should be blamed the inspectors left fair weathers office feeling that the invitation to the americans to address them was unacceptable pressure and a violation of the o. P. C. W. s declared principles of independence and impartiality 2 days later the interim report was released a senior colleague told us 1st floor management says the for the credibility we have to have a smoking gun and look how that turned out the u. P. C. W is coming apart at the seams but lets hold off jumping to conclusions unlike the United States and pals are rather wait for our answers and the truth before launching anything at the u. P. C. W. What are cast if theyre still to come here to sas swedish prosecutors drop of rape investigation against the wiki leaks founder Julian Assange to move though his supporters say will make his extradition to the u. S. More likely this story preserves stuff break. You know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Efforts to impeach and remove donald j. Trump from the presidency have clearly divided the country this should not surprise anyone trump is probably the most divisive public figure of our time however all this division over a Single Person is changing in even damaging institutions is impeachment being normal. Back with our new scene in the us has announced that next year it will only acquire works by female artists the movie is meant to mark the 100th anniversary of women getting the vote getting the right to vote in the u. S. Or the Baltimore Museum of art will also feature works exclusively by women in 19 of its 22. 00 exhibitions and will also include at least one transgender artist we discuss the issue with the leader of British Political Party justice for men and boys and also with the womens rights activist. Museum is actually to affirmative action to right a historical wrong which has been. Excluding basically women from from the arts world and i fully support their their choice all too often in recent years ive seen some bizarre works and they are painfully poor and you know very often it must be by a woman because its been put in there to satisfy some gender quotes but you know the public knows good fine arts from poor arts i think my counterpart is not really understanding the argument the argument is the fact that. We men have never big given are not very well arts and its important to give access to art to all generosity to all genders in general like all races etc but did not say women cannot be good artists what im saying is that for you that i let most of the work coming out of the humanities where art please please maria let me finish let please let me finish what i was saying at the top of the virtually i think of every 3 year old. Excellence can be measured objectively not subjectively with me in almost represented at the top level i think theres quite a number of reasons behind the one of them its simple work ethic men work harder than women that we know for but. Study published in 2000 in the u. K. That world forward 7 british men works only one in 7 british women is work said men and women are different in order to play the meritocracy card you have to have an equal Playing Field right now society is not an equal Playing Field as a lot of studies have shown a statistics prove so you cannot put play them i talk of the card like we have this is an important move and its an affirmative action to prove to write a historical wrong and you need to give access to people for. For us in order for people to prove their Capital Cities this is all about forcing institutions to buy poor art from poor feeble artists. We just prosecutors have dropped a 2010 rape investigation against wiki leaks founder julian the songe citing a lack of evidence. Both after dinner show investigation and the investigative steps taken over the summer in the autumn is now clear that the oral statement testimony and support given by the injured party has weakened therefore i have come to the conclusion that additional interviews with Julian Assange would not argue or d. Avid in cherry bases in a decisive manner as such i have decided not to hold an interview with him however his supporters do fear the decision will clear the way for songes extradition from the u. K. To the u. S. Where he faces espionage charges the hearings proper begin in february i can 2010 he published classified documents leaked by former Us Army SoldierChelsea Manning these revealed alleged us war crimes in iraq some of us are just supporters say that sweden has been doing americas bidding. I dont suppose an apology is pending from those who for years referred to julian as a rapist and denied that the whole affair was about shoving him in a us supermax black hole for the crime of having exposed crimes against humanity committed in our name oh man its almost like the whole thing was an excuse to arrest the sanj and then extradite him to the us if only someone would warned us it was a sham by dropping the charges against julian a sons sweden ironically removes another way to stop an extradition to the us for him sweden cant extradite him there and the charges against him were probably a hindrance for the u. K. To just extradite him it was entirely expected because of course the swedish allegations were very obviously always a cia fit up and they were only ever intended to get assigned into custody in order to pave the way for a