Command you niccolo schools you 1st move the coaches theres as with assume to say that any city county too because you must i dont. Even like us to tell. Them of course one has to get a suitable. And almost as you can. You must equal the newsmen a solo. As it has been a. Oh shit theres a husband over the house can. You tell you what to do and as i would go and have a boss that you can. Go through. Just to. Be close one vision up. Thank you so i can inform the host just. As. Well thats how. Long. Will strike if theres going to be. I. C. B. M. Like to discuss the modest of. The harvest you were dashboard to convert it to which. Could mean it could mean. The whole on a as good as video money to tell. On the sonic knob. Sunday song. As it was. I guess it wasnt. As. Good. I see as much. As we come to mean. I didnt think he did not must. Say. I was a dick. Was the 1st sign that im going to this is. Your view on my. Mom. You know she did not mean to be she. Thought. Art. Should be notified. Was. As. Good. As not. Now then why does it have one. If the. State has. A 3rd to lead to this then need to move to a suit up there. That. Said. It didnt. Get. Put a lot above a get it done. Given. Now. Back then i didnt know. For is it something im. Going to be a. Big to do. Not what you can become you might be one of them what. I did was. To my. Doc. That evolved. Just. So now let me make. Exuberant. Magnets go for governor. If not seeing a few if you can if. The vision if. Anything should. Make you drink a little groaned out of necessity people think fuck. Yeah i was hauled up. Ok matt. Was no. He didnt she. If you are if. You are ready. Good luck to. You. Guys so much more the soup and hed soon to guess and not the samaritan. Baladan. That is doubling does not get smoked a sin that is enough of some. Business. And then. Another never in the needs of them and the. Mileage they are the of us. What getting caught or moderate get then. Plus she. Read that the. Myth what is. Just called that the. War need to get. Very big. Come home on. The money does mean that. Quality invest in as novice who they say. That they have. Quit. Mind oh its not a fun game going. Collectivism cheer. As it is about how just because im ahead of his woman caught up. In the news im up close with. The thugs of arkansas as long as i look how bout they did to me that i wanted to go didnt she couldnt close you know world was i couldnt. Believe it would have. To suck yet just yet it. Was the better got out of it. The husband of the long walk didnt intend. For that conclusion of the race that a particular of that on his mind on the cloud. So i mean s. L. C. Still see on this measure the pot isnt close is it part of the communities what is it and one who has hit it off river that theres. So sad is a more well liked reason long would be to walk a body you ever see on the hubble on the slum yet it was on the a soft. On the films of the past and i go hey what the hell could go mean a whole new long fun cause it. Wasnt. His outpost plonk. Him in sonny and give a moon was young cool as a daughter would not get poisoned her goal has been a whole lot of the. Most good in the me or what zip song could as have a move to didnt. Come out. Of the above group but luckily for me the bubble which told was the beautiful. One. In the middle of. The. Never there for. What there was a grab. For. Gore. Well deserved but it. Was obama 7 but. The. Just says september loves. Her oh. This. Is. So hard for. Her were going to have a. Very very bad the other no one better than. Many other much better than. What politicians do sometimes we dont. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or something or want to be rich. To do like to be press this is like the book for free in the morning cant be good that im interested always in the waters in the house. Yes sure. Its a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented for the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associate. Famously. Some of. That. Data to see on. The moment. The whose story isnt new makes him Holding Henry kissinger to tell it would not be tolerated in latin america. Terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so wants and making the economy of venezuela schoolies. Wasnt nervous and. They bought him a simple but i mean many. Im alone i want. Now remember my camera. Is. For the one with the door neighbor who says to her my father said the one on the auto would love you to vote for the boy as i was going to give all of those i love the senate. Or. The money but the a. Lot. Of it. Quotes in the cuomo one of the only good for the government do you think of it when im just one of the world but it was not obvious that it was them who will give them food up. Because there was a bit then. She. Told him well as they have a lot of them have a place and having to. Good job. Well stocked and they might say well just to buy one. For the moment that. You didnt. Even have any i mean many thing that you know that is not the. End of the night im going to die. Thats when are enough then. When i get that nod of the night that. May be why bob oh i am. Not. One of those theres the star of them. No you may not but the. Ringback home of paulo did you do all. Alone. Linger there was one that im. Told will do was that bloom of all. Of them long ago was it was now with those who dont want to ask 10 a photo that took them soft how much money any one what kind of look at you know what love with. Vision theyd like someone like that will fit of votes that. A mobile horse will the heart of. What were going to get. You know no. Woman will. Bond out of all of. Her just to her 7 back. Muscles money working on. It if you want to have a. Federal. Debt which is under the law not. Only does she separate the 7 to get the number. 3 let me see movies that are not much to. The merchant of. Over the. That. The part of my good the north 2nd. One. Thing is. That i have. The love cycle. But over to my death in a fight over a local who havent. Told you. Yet this hour they said of the bus. That. Tell. Them im not going. Cut my good man. And if there was any of them on her route. Were wounded in iraq and we were doing was. Something. Going on before you believe we. Want. To does question. Is about a core. Though if you put her theyd love yet was it a widow you just dumped. This what i said off as much like the demands of just how soon anyone like you fosters bill graham must have been less and had sense enough to not to have been a woman she was a relic of that it would be a quick david big wig in the big wig magick of the court of king live us to have a whole hour. Longer on one side and the g. B. Not about cost that you want a long. Beginners and an. Other was just me i didnt even know for. A moment that i made no stake in enmity tonic have i let my d. D. Get up edward that don the odds boozy or the 2 that i think i made that im a copy of a lot of them had it in a good stead dedicate a little of it was a gun. Im a little kid when im a gallop a bitch and. Then last. So i did. So find out his name got it up and ill do the same tell him that if you dont want to have that kind of a look at him. You got a video well i can use it as a get out of them so i was in the comfort zone one of the we had a break im above it but the other car design and. Shit on a new. Pair are the key. To keeping. A look at their work and then after that just get a little hot cross the season. As and thats because they have on the hook of an indy car. And get it. In a car seat. Whatever the reason said. Thank you kid your question about pull them up with the good info and the hope for the most down to go most are about the i have. Read washington bush on a lot of the most of the last of the. Things. That he. Was back. On. That. Moment. Yeah greg. Was. Only. 7 5. So. She was out of clay and if she was given a sound a sickening vote and had to have a look that she. Got a bit out of it she all of the young said it got me. Sick on me. She said it on me. T. J. Comedy. Thank you. Thank. You it was such a lot that im on im going to have. To cut the you look like a very mercenary was the word of a. Week on their trip. To become over there both of them could. Cut. Out where you have exams are akin to prior to practice pm you. Prefer. To keep your. Puerile. The air. To be. Cheap be a. Deal. E. S. P. A and. The ability of. The. Elite the easiest to. Be a. Without the present and constant dread. Of the free money. We would have a day of reckoning and prices would revert back to reflect supply and demand. And there would be a catastrophic trap door opening underneath the u. S. Economy because the u. S. Wont do it for itself china will do it for the in the form of announcing as a surprise 20000. 00 tons of gold and the introduction of a gold backed crypto currency this will kill the u. S. Dollar better than a doornail. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they have them and theyll still. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to wrapped and its going to chill. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace the shooting of. A turtle between now and the. Mexico grants political asylum to bolivia is former president evo morales who resigned from his position and fled his country following weeks of turmoil we talked to a former leader of ecuador he calls what has happened in bolivia a coup. For them all the Army Commander asked him to resign what could he do to avoid more bloodshed and violence just leave but this is what we call a coup. Disturbing images from hong kong where protesters set a man on fire apparently for being a supporter of beijing. And the u. S. Holds an event from say celebrations to mark the service and sacrifice of its military personnel not everybody is happy with the treatment of former soldiers