Has told them so many lies about whats going on in the region in the middle east in syria in yemen. They know there. But they know what the truth so i think its time to talk about this truth 3rd i meet so many interviews with with the media. They dont try to get the information they try to get the scoop. They dont try to object have to do to bring the audience whats happening in the world thats why i stopped doing interviews for for youth well look it will be a journey from damascus to reconstruction but how many civilians how many soldiers have been killed wounded or displaced from your country. Level this tablet that you so during the last 24 hours in damascus you see you arrive to to damascus is the result of the sacrifice of more than 100000 syrian soldiers who are martyred whole war and so many lives of course its along the. Until maybe tens of thousands of civilians or innocence whove been killed by. By execution by being. Kidnapped and killed later or disappeared we the family still waiting for the bill as there was a lot of cyclists in the faith of those terrorists thats why you see these stability and construction countries that have supported you include iran of course russia. I mean i want to get on in a bit to the british and american defacto backing for isis alqaeda in your country but how would you what would you say to a russian family that had lost a russian soldier who had risked and that sacrificed their life. For for a dictator for release dictator what would you say to them as to why. Glad to be uprooted and should be sending in soldiers to help your government you mention very important point even in theory no one would die for a person people would die especially. For cause and this cause the defending of their country thinking in their existence that their future. Little somebody coming from another country could a 4th person whether hes a dictator or whatever you want to call it so this is not realistic this is again delusion that somebody would come from because the president put his name to die for another person or even president put him put to put all the interest of his country. For one person this is against the logic actually of russia according to what they said i mean president putin level and the others they are defending their interest in different ways one aspect if they defend or if they fight terrorism in another country with a serial in any other country in the region that we defend the russian people because terrorism and ideology has no borders they dont see political borders its one. Its the one hearing. The whole world is one of the not for the terrorism secondly the implement in the door the International Law. According to their point of view with this International Law if its implemented its in correlation with their interests with the National Interest so implementing the International Law around the wood will help the interest of the theory that the russian people for what theyve been doing is in accordance with their National Interest with the global terror u. T. And with the syrian interest in syria stop it now you know that in media and nato countries this country your government you personally sit on them is with chemical weapons that. Lets just go back to one in 21st of august 23rd team. In. Did your government drop chemical weapons on the. On that day 21st august 2030 the funny thing about the identity of the same date where the 1st delegation that wants to investigate International Litigation that came to syria to investigate the didnt arrive to damascus which is only a few kilometers from this police. Logically the syrian army if. If we support that he has Chemical Plant he wants to do that he would into the bed take this for a 2nd. They talk about 200. Civilians killed if you use chemical weapons you mean you may kill theres a 1000 in such area with People Living very close to each other i mean its crowded area 3rd that is that it only existed in the mind of the with and often its the narrative that was that the pretext to attack syria the better for them and they didnt offer any tangible evidence to prove that there was such attacks and they are there were many reports that all that refute. That has refuted that report all those allegations so it was only the allegation never ever see an army use chemical weapons before he handed over his arsenal to the International Committee of course of the decision then to in the ideal b. C w m to remove chemical weapons or to actually win when there were such allegations about sitting on during 40 so you ought to raise it o. P. C. W. Want to you drive 40 interview we invited them to come we did of all we invited them to come because we told them you could come and should investigate because we were sure 100 percent who this is these are allegations but of course the delegation not always biased as you know they are mostly biased well i mean the present job you see w. Had for them to arrive as he may have his own problems with whistle blowers. There is no doubt though that. He was the director general of the obesity i believe aboard. The destruction here he said there were gaps of certainties discrepancies in europe b c w wanted to destruction of chemical weapons here in this culture gap in our reports why dont they show it now its been since 2013 weve been hearing the same allegations couldnt the prove it after 6 years and every time they say syria has used chemical weapons is it possible to do to be under this. Supervision by the whole western world and were going through that again and again this is not rational i mean the whole story we do we dont need it we are advancing i mean every time we talk about using chemical weapons it was when we advise not when we lose i mean even militarily you may use if you want to use such a weapon the mother called the syrian army because we dont have it anymore but really logically you can use it when you are. Losing ground not when your advancing so you didnt use in job or shake was. In the area of aleppo. You presumably deny 4th of april 27th all of these you deny the use of chemical weapons by the syrian every story are worth nothing more than any geisha the one who thread there was youth of chemical weapon he the one who should prove his story hed want to should off for evidence is that you speak with the c. W. Did. Lead britain and the United States and for us to believe. They needed to bomb your country on the basis of their believe both believe is one thing and bringing evidence is another think so we are talking about evidence what the evidence that they have. To prove their story nothing they have nothing that can be any truth in the room was arguably on your side saying Video Evidence is being manipulated in that rebels were using chemical weapons via the Saudi Arabian government and chemical weapons were indeed used but by the socalled rebels. On the you tube you can see it i mean the stage play fully with somebody. Play the role of the victim in many incidents not only with chemical weapons even with bombardments they. Believe that somebody has been the victim then at the end of the shooting his normal person hell stand up and go home or move and you can see it on you tube its very clear we can offer you would be evidence for this but theres no other evidence beyond that because the white helmet supported by the British ForeignOffice Government recently been given extra funding by the trumpet ministration. They claim their videos are absolutely true and that in fact the people who are making those videos saved 150000 lives in your country which was unity again is very simple to see of the same faces of those angels. The white had meant the same face had the same one in the white helmet was a fighter without quite. You can see me very clear the same one always been behaving. Or. Cutting hate and one of them would be eating the heart of a soldier i mean this is very common to see on the internet the evidence i mean no one in this region believe the stunt the p. R. Stunt of the whitehead myth they are offshoot of unlawful. Well the u. K. Statement dated b. B. C. And the international of their religion your government killed 11000 people using socalled barrel bombs from 12 that would be a violation of the Un Security Council resolution you want 3000000 and indeed Human Rights Watch is pointing to satellite imagery youre talking about you tube videos saying there are fake videos these are some of the major nations as biggest n. G. O. S and broadcasters no war is a good war. This is selfevident truth you always. Victims in any war but the talk about an army or state to go in killed 3000000000 and its own people this is not realistic for the simple reason the war in syria was about capturing the hearts of the people and you cannot capture the heart of the people by bombarding. The syrian army was fighting the terrorist. Whether there is a. Fire that affected some 3000000000 that could have happened and you can have investigations but how could the Syrian People support their state and their president and their or me if they are killing them. Was the only way. To regain the east aleppo. The joke i want is for you personally authorized the only way to get rid of al qaeda i said arguably backed by britain and the United States the only way to get rid of them was aerial bombardment we definitely and we succeeded in some areas. We captured without war we made negotiations with those groups and they left they left that area and then we need to produce in the pictures and presumably say those pictures are true of the destruction in east aleppo because that really the only way to defeat al qaeda is the groups. Those groups in eastern alipore used to bombard the civilians on daily basis and kill. Hundreds of thousands of people in aleppo so the mission of the army and the mission of the state is to protect the civilians from those terrorists how can we do that without attacking the terrorists that small children own media and later nations they should bear in your defense but what about the use of double tap strikes by the Syrian Government and the Russian Air Force where you bomb part of east aleppo and then emergency workers go in when you bomb again there are a lot of. Narrative misleading narrative in the with truth to show that the syrian army is intentionally killing this event without no reason and to show that those that they called them. Like a y. Tell me any other hospital which is paid a quarter for the terrorists they say that the syrian army is only attacking the humanitarian facilities in order for the civilians to suffer actually what happened your top of the those civilians fled those area and came to the government side in every place not only just in aleppo. Those people if you go to pull this to leave them be in those areas under the support. Vision of the government why didnt we kill them why didnt they fled to turkey. This is. A feud the worst are not of but as i said great silent of the head of the british backward helmet spoke on my program and said they are just a humanitarian organization not terrorists at all despite what you and the russian government allege but you bet you have pictures you have videos you have proof so its not there we dont have any of the allegations how do we know through their images where you we can offer you all the evidence we have evidence mr president ill stop you there more from president Bashar Al Assad of syria after this break. Big tag in the political left tonight the age of the gag order is underway and is Boris Johnson said to win in win big in the general election briggs it would seem has changed everything. Welcome back youre watching an ati International Exclusive with president Bashar Al Assad of syria im going back a little to the 1st demonstrations in. Damascus there was a famous again we see state mandated british Media Program in which they interviewed of all people well the germ of the druze in beirut who said you authorized the killing of the team year old. Is that true and that they then interviewed a succession of people saying the mistakes you made led to what happened it wasnt the british and american backing of alqaeda and i said in your country at the very beginning. During the. During the 1st few days we lost 5 policemen. By shooting by bullets how could we talk about Peaceful Demonstrations why do you have. Kids. But how could you want to raise the killing of a 13 year old yet im just starting from voting for from for the very beginning i mean the word Peaceful Demonstrations wasnt correct there was hooting and you cannot there who is hooting the police into the one with hooting. At the civilians because in most of the incidents that the police didnt have even machine gun or if that this child was tortured no thats not true hes not we never had a cigarette burn there was one of the he was killed in and he was killed he was killed and there were there legation but he was tortured he wasnt tortured he was killed and was taken to the hospital and i met with his parents they have been all the read story this is only in the with the in the west and in the western Media Outlets this is not the story syria so thats why im so proud of all those the 3 that are completely disconnected from our reality hes somebody who died how did he die who shot about you know it was killed when you have chaotic demonstrations anyone could be infiltrated by demonstration and start shooting in Different Directions and killed police in order to retaliate. Or vice versa to have you heard of. Been arrested in germany the germans alleging some of the goal broadchurch to 511 of your torture units to torture demonstrators and we dont have torture unit we dont have for torture policy in syria what why do you use the torture for but the question why is this a call if you could situation you just want to torture people of this kind of. Way to torture you need information f. B. I. Or the information the measured it all the ceiling people supported their government thats why weve been here for 9 years in spite of all of this aggression by the with and by the petrodollar in the region thats why this are the only reason so why do you torture the people but the question is not what is it if you talk about individual it is it is this is only individual incident that could happen by anyone for revenge for any other reason that could happen anywhere and do. We dont have such policy we never believe in that torture could make your situation better as a state very simple so we dont we dont you know what did you make of it when the British Government sent the royal navy to intercept in the rain the universal. They said the iranian government said it was with heating oil. For syria and the sanctions from the European Union going to hit the poorest people of syria. This winter. Exactly 1st for this is by recy. The biography by the United Kingdom of jean and this is the core meaning of the word regime called regime in polythene gang of youth something similar. Yes they wanted to effect the people in syria why because those people expected to rule to rule with against their government during the different stages or the war but they didnt they were supposed to be supporting the terrorists the moderate rebels with the angels of white helmet but the people didnt this would with their government so they have to suffer they have to pay the price 1st for they have to learn the lesson that you should to do with their agenda 2nd this is maybe the last ditch attempt in order to push them to be against Big Government but they tried to tried it before and they didnt work because the people in you know the whole story and they know where their interests lie. People in the global south you and your government ministers may think its natural to accuse major government of supporting al qaeda bases but view is watching this interview in those major countries may think this is ridiculous why would the British Government say or the obama government. Because i suppose trump arguably has suddenly realized what may have been going on why do you think they wanted to support al qaeda and i says why because of the fact this started with the fact that the american officials before anyone else verbal you with their dog like john kerry like Hillary Clinton and many others when they talk about their role in supporting of clyde in afghanistan in order to be a tool against the soviet union that this is this is their modus operandi is not something we invented theyre not online 11 why would they make the same mistake again because the american policy in general. Depends on trial and they invaded of against they got nothing to invade big got nothing and they started to invade other countries but in different way they change the way the problem the left is now the the fighters survival war from their point of view they are losing losing their hegemony so they want to fight the russian youre a me and the theory and whoever said no even theyre alive this ignore like that with some government they will fight with them they need dude they notice that in iraq it didnt work by sending the army they lost a lot and they paid the price even when inside the United States so its much easier for them to send a proxy told is a proxy against the Syrian Government again the russian government and the hearing in government best buy theyve been using this but you have evidence the ice is how did i says rise suddenly in 2014 out of nowhere after nothing. In iraq and syria at the same time with american armament. The be physically how could they smuggle millions of barrels of oil to turkey under the supervision of