Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240713 :

Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240713

Economics the externalities of their Business Model it till the should not be in private hands transportation should not be in private hands education and medical Health Services should not be in private hands for this reason because youve got gouging and monopolization in the private sector its not appropriate for these basic core utilities of the economy our Corporate Structure today is one of private equity it extracts that equity and it leaves a carcass of debt that is indeed what you see here but the other thing you see especially in california is the woak progressives have basically enabled a tax regime whereby they always win so in california the property taxes for those who have ben there you know for the past 1020 years are extremely low and theyre not theyve passed laws long ago where they youre not allowed to raise taxes so the cost of maintaining the infrastructure. In regard to the utilities they dont have enough taxes anyway to cover the maintenance on it and so it is the corporations it is the government and it is the taxpayers across the United States who have helped hollow d out the infrastructure that was provided and paid for by previous generate the previous generation and im going to talk about this because there is an actual word for it and that is called technical debt the toxic bubble of technical debt threatening america Climate Change will soon expose a crippling problem embedded in the nations infrastructure and fire ravaged california it already has a kind of toxic debt is embedded in much of the infrastructure that america built during the 20th century for decades Corporate Executives as well as city county state and federal officials not to mention voters have decided against doing the routine maintenance and deeper upgrades to ensure that Electrical Systems roads bridges down and other infrastructure can function properly under a range of conditions kicking the can down the road like this is often seen as the profit maximizing or politically expedient option but its really borrowing against the future without putting that debt on the books deferred obligation or deferred debt i guess the other word for technical debt so if youre not willing to maintain the infrastructure and its eroding underneath the surface you know you have this potemkin village of an economy going on in california but behind the facade is a decaying decrepid technical debt amassing problem and in the case of p. G. And e. Its obviously falling apart and when it does it causes these enormous wildfires but nobody wants to look at the wildfires and say the obvious number one taxes are being misused theyre not being adequately distributed to where they are needed on the infrastructure side because theres a government failure. Number 2 Climate Change regardless of whether you believe its happening or not the damage that is going to be applied to your pocketbook that you will pay for Climate Change whether you believe it or not you know its still the price is still there regardless of your orthodoxy its still going to cost you money and p. G. And e. Is a perfect example of this hope those who are Climate Change deniers are on the front lines are battling with the buckets of water saying oh its not happening oh my house is on fire yes there is Climate Change yes there is Global Warming yes they do have bigger droughts and longer droughts but on the other hand we as a society refuse to plan we do not believe in plans because that is socialism here so we do not plan for when youre building all these suburbs how do you deal with the fire risk that is inherent to the climate of california so how do you deal with all that brush fire risk that used for hundreds and thousands of years of native americans living there like what they used to do is let the fires burn and that helps you know with the nutrients in the soil and it helps keep the forests safe and robust now we dont have were not allowed to plan for the fact that these huge subdivisions and suburbs are developing nobody is allowed to talk about what to do with the fire and of course nobody wants even the tiniest of fire to burn even though it will save everybody because they themselves dont want that fire near their house right well cuber stright i mean people in california theyre being gifted hundreds of billions of dollars from the central bank for for free and they make superhero movies all day and they believe that theyre inflammable that fire doesnt touch them that they are immortal and that only mere mortals are being affected by fire and they really believe that theyve. Serious god complex and theyll believe that all the way down to the size of a small senator or where the previously the person existed according to the article it will cost 3. 00 trillion dollars to upgrade the u. S. Infrastructure just to safe standards not even to make an advance like they have an asia for example or parts of europe is just to maintain the infrastructure i think you know what were going to see are more of these enron type situations where companies vaporize it a matter of hours i think were going to see that with whole counties in california there simply going to be a prize the economy will like robert citroen member that in Orange County the whole Pension System vaporized in a matter of hours this will be the case more and more and at the same time there will be a greater and greater reliance on believing in the supernatural as the cause of problems and not the fact that its just greed and hubris snotty just the corporations it is definitely not just them every single individual is acting like that every individual went to the voting booth and they decided not to allocate any funds towards me and of the system they did go there and they did tick the box that sees california has one of the highest rates of of their budget go towards prisons they have huge vast Prison Industrial Complex there they spend a fortune on their prisoners there is Something Like 5060000 some locations across 300000 dollars a year to incarcerate some of their inmates so you know theyre willing to allocate money for that these are the sort of choices that are going to happen when these technical debts come to light people are going to say do i want to lock up a whole bunch of people do i want to spend 300000. 00 to lock up some kid who stole a slice of pizza or do i want to perhaps make sure that my house does. Im burned down and all my possessions and all of my you know sort of you know things inheritance from my parents and grandparents do i want my children to be safe and maybe their school not burned down like what do i prefer that my hatred for the guy who stole the pizza greater than my my love for my own life the presence of our new new structures New Buildings so they might be the only safe place left when the fires really hit everybody who voted for more prisons will be hankering to get in the prison because itll be the only safe structure left i mean all their houses on a mudslide being swallowed up by an earthquake on fire california looks like theyre in for at least a decade of blackouts because of p. G. And e. Because of the technical that because voters from the past and the corporation has decided to use dividends and share buybacks and said so this is all of us in the society in this economy are guilty of it this is how weve decided as a collective of individuals and corporations to run our economy and this is what it looks like some people are opting out and have been developing new economic models localism and this is one thing that a lot of our guests have always argued that is the future and including Gerald Celente and the town he comes from kingston new york is in the news the u. S. City preparing itself for the collapse of capitalism from a festival that helps artists trade work for health care to a regional micro currency kingston is trying to build an inclusive and selfsufficient local ecosystem theres a revolution going on in kingston they say they have this oh positive which was a carnival that was basically brought out where artists could trade their art for health care because of the u. S. Health care system which is as we go gone over many times as the lapid but kingstons anticapitalist antiestablishment Health Care Network is just one example of a model that could supplant Corporate America locals have launched a non commercial Radio Station radio kingston w. K. And why with widely representative. Local programming that broadcast via Power Generators if the grid goes dark a regional micro currency called the Hudson Valley current now exists to according to cofounder David Mccarthy create an ecosystem that includes everyone for a while as the globalization. Era post world war 2 a globalizing and synchronizing Global Economy is breaking apart for all the reasons were talking about p. G. And e. And over weaned corporations from free money now on the local level this is all fracturing its all breaking apart and becoming selfsufficient and people want individual sovereignty there and developing all currencies globally we see bitcoin is the currency of choice for those looking for soft sovereignty and even various countries that are looking for crypto currency a bit quiet to fall away from the dollar fall away from the Swift Movement speak of falling away with a fall away from this sentence and move into a break and when we come back more coming your way. To managing. The security for the ever career and career involves using your are fooling your computer into the going to be in the north as. Perhaps you sort of getting to mix the circulars. To stop all this and this. Was before. My world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up living in an ox. Magnetic field on my head. Like a real hard time my skin burned and wireless access point. Just continues on saying that there are students in the schools. Here. Continually bathing our citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electoral small and its getting worse. Join me everything like so im im sure and ill be speaking to get a feel of the world of sport. Im sure ill see that. To my hardest to a dash or sticker but if thats. Not a regular ricky. Place a country because he must not tell i officially i mean i can tell. Has suddenly become one thing my mother 100 of us who. Should. Listen. To him on the hood who can move the whole thing as opposed to fit in with the what is in this is a guy said come see. Us so we dont have to lay on whose young is there. By so much smoke the soup he chooses still so not to sing on. Such and such. Welcome back to kaiser report imax keyser time now to go to a very very special guest general salon today from Trans Research dot com gerald welcome back well thanks for having me its good to be back so kingston i mean aside from being a fashion plate from kingston new york and the kingston chic look i know its sweeping the globe internationally accepted now as really the she kissed style and town kingston theres like a lot of kingston its also about the community there youve got a local currency radical decentralized Health Care Cooperatives local radio agriculture whats going on vacation this is exciting stuff yeah you know its the 1st capital of new york state in the sieges democracy was sown there so it still has a element of freedom and its to most historic 4 corners in america you were there you and stacey and you see the beauty of it and its disk rediscovered now so the way this is being talked about is like theyre getting ready for a collapse and us are receding and they just get in there of their own farming their own currency their own everything is becoming like a selfsufficient selfsufficient no that theyre getting ready for the collapse because a lot of rich people who come here go there and theyre really building the place up but its a place we can express your own ideals and beliefs without anybody telling you what you should believe so theres that is that Mutual Respect that everyone up there has for each other rather than one rule gorgeous up there weve been up there will probably visit again theres actually a french restaurant up there was that im without a lock and i should a law to say for my doublet ok so lets talk about america california blackouts almost as medieval diseases are coming back in california havent seen these diseases sense the middle ages what is going on the trend as you might say not looking good whats happening in the world on fire not only in california indonesia or amazon not only those fires look at whats going on in. Chile how about bolivia been down to colombia lately lets go to ecuador maybe algeria no lebannon how about iraq hey hong kong maybe spain the people have had it when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose they lose it and theyre losing it whether theyre losing their freedom losing their money and so with belly as the world is on fire in my life ive never seen anything like this before and its again the protests are also against the one percent because thats all this monetary methadone that the Central Banks have shoved into the system its only kept the ball running everybody else has gone down and so thats what youre seeing going on the world is on fire physically emotionally and spiritually right you know we call it the global insurrection against banker occupation going back to 2008 when we had occupy wall street protests started to percolate but there was a direct focus on wall street and the financiers and the money folks and the banks it seems like the protesters around the world are starting to understand that their common enemy are the Central Banks around the world that are just printing money for the one percent or the 110th of one percent and they leave everyone else behind i call it our see what you think about this phrase Interest Rate apartheid if youre a friend of the bankers you get Unlimited Money and 0 percent or less if youre not a friend of the bankers you have to pay 16 percent 18 percent or at a payday lender 2003000 percent annualized rates of return is is that a common theme for these protests around the world connect those dots or am i missing something oh youve made it perfectly clear you know i just become or are plantation workers on the multinational plantation of slave land dia because thats what globalization has done is concentrated the wealth all the equity markets are going up you mention about all the cheap money coming in what they do with that cheap money all the. To buy back their stocks to buy up other companies when we were young guys there were no hedge funds and private equity groups everything and thats all the people are there theyre plantation workers on slave land and its better than the Old Plantation system because we dont have to feed you we dont have to how you just give you enough money get that kid tomorrow and go get something to eat well see you in a couple hours yes seems like when workers at General Motors are lobbying or protesting for more wages their position and they are characterized as. Greats and parasites on this economy but when jamie diamond. Stan or james cramer is throwing a hissy fit in a crybaby as he did to get the fed to print more money hes lauded as a hero as a as a man of the people by by his antics to have more money printed. You know there is a real disconnect between labor and the financiers. Theres 3 to have trillion dollars collected in taxes last year all inclusive in america it only pay for 3. 00 quarters of the operating budget of america we want to trillion dollars into debt. But in fact that money is not even needed i make the comparison to saudi arabia and the reason we have a slave class of saudi arabia is because the princes when they need more they just print they just pump more oil this oligarchic class when they need more money they just print more money they dont need the workers they dont need even that 3. 00 and a half trillion dollars their workers are completely suppressed thats why so many of them are deaf according on the street and dying and the Life Expectancy in america is is gone down is that a fair characterization yet is then again you mention the general motives lets not get General Motors was too big to fail lets give them money and lets make sure this c. E. O. Makes you know tens of millions of dollars a year and were going to limit the amount of money that the new workers could make and again dont call this capitalism people complaining that you know we may turn its a socialist country this isnt capitalism anymore theres no such thing in capitalism is too big to fail and you mention the homeless crisis this is just the beginning of it just its going to explode theres going to be homeless everywhere again people are flooding out of south america flooding out of africa flooding out of the middle east poverty violence corruption no future wars the homeless problem is going to be added control in a city and a country near you the same with detroit baltimore new York San Francisco l. A. Theyre streaming from the locals from americans that theyre not needed my point is workers are not needed medical or not if you can print money why would you bother feeding some propriety that you could just as easily put them in prison and make money from the Prison Industrial Complex right speaking of prisoners jamie diamond after you and ive been talking about this for years now that theyve been involved in racketeering and market rigging in the Precious Metals markets and we said you know this is

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