His self privileges we stick to before he was 40 is owed to transform the nature of his subject. The you are identified with a new level whatever that. The you are identified with a new level whatever that is you certainly have been an activist as well as a writer the is certainly has been an activist as well as a writer the professor noam chomsky or any of those didnt anybody. Has a theory on the time scale of any of this didnt anybody catalogue among the half dozen top heroes of the new leg of catalogues among the half dozen top heroes of the new left. Standing he achieved by adopting over the past 2 or 3 years a series of the standard he achieved by adopting over the past 2 or 3 years a series of. Adamant theres. At least american evidence. At least american. Barges. Barge in this notion anti american is quite an interesting one sashes to tell this notion anti american is quite an interesting one sashes to tell tearing the ocean it is used in free societies so some will tear in the ocean it is used in free societies so if someone and say italy is criticizing berlusconi and say italy is criticizing berlusconi or the corruption of the italian state and so on than a cold italian or the corruption of the italian state and so on than a cold area 16 they were called india today and people would collapse and laughter of the 6 they were called india today and people would collapse and laughter in the streets of rome or milan. In totalitarian state streets of rome or milan. In totalitarian states the notions used so in the Old Soviet Union dissidents were called the notions used so in the Old Soviet Union dissidents were cold and he said that was the worst condemnation in the n. T. Soviet that was the worst condemnation. Of the Brazilian Military dictatorship they were gold in any brazilian. Brazilian military dictatorship they were gold in any brazilian. No its true that in just about every society the critics are. No its true that in just about every society the critics are maligned. Mistreated different ways depending on the nature maligned. Or mistreated different ways depending on the nature of the society like them so it unions say well would improve the society like them so it unions they will be imprisoned. In a us dependency like el salvador a prison. In the us dependency like el salvador at same time is counterforce it either brains blown out by the us or in the same time his counterparts have their brains blown out by a us run state terrorist worse than others is it just condemned their villain state terrorist worse than others is it just condemn their villa for the so on and in the United States or one of the terms of abuse from the so on that in the United States or one of the terms of abuse is anti american and theres a couple of others like you know more cases theres an array is anti american and theres a couple of others like you know more cases theres an array of terms of abuse. Of in the United States of a very high degree of fear of terms of abuse. Of in the United States of a very high degree of freedom and so if youre vilified by some comments or who cares to go read them and so if youre vilified by some commas or who cares to go on to your work anyway these concepts only arise in the cold and do your work anyway these concepts only arise in a culture where if you criticize state power and when i state i mean where if you criticize state power and when i state i mean. Were generally not just government but state Corporate Power if you could were generally not just government but state Corporate Power if you criticize concentrated power youre against the society youre against the be its words traitors as concentrated power youre against the society youre against the b. Its quite strange in that its used in the United States and its for another the only thing that is used in the United States and its for another the only Democratic Society where the concert isnt just ridicule and its a sign of Democratic Society with the concert isnt just ridicule and its a sign of. Elements of the elite culture which are the great. Elements of the elite culture which are the great ugly. Ugly. The American Dream my many ideas. The American Dream my many ideals was partly symbolic but partly real so in the 1000 bills was partly symbolic but partly real so in the 1950 s. And sixtys there was a the biggest growth period in the fiftys and sixtys it was. The biggest growth period in. American economic history. That American Economic history. Gold made. The gold paint. It was pretty go a tarion growth so the lowest it was pretty go a tarion growth so the lowest 5th of the population was improving about as much as the upper 5th. If the population was improving about as much as the upper 50. And there were some welfare state measures which improved life for and there were some welfare state measures which improved life for much of the population it was for example possible for a. Much the population it was for example possible for a. Black worker to get a decent job in an auto plant. Black worker to get a decent job in an auto plant. Get a core of children go to school and so on and then. Get a core of children go to school and so on. The same across the board. When the same across the board. When the u. S. Was. Primarily a Manufacturing Center it had to be the us was. Primarily a Manufacturing Center and it had to be concerned with its own consumers here famously concerned with its own consumers here famously henry ford raised the salary of his workers who would be able to henry ford raise the salary of his workers who would be able to buy cars. When youre moving into my cars. When youre moving into an international tunnel me as the mag would international plutonic me is the max like to call it a little small percentage of the worlds population thats a guess like call it a little small percentage of the worlds population thats a gathering increasing wealth what happens to American Consumers of much less considering increasing wealth what happens to American Consumers of much less concern because most of them arent going to be consuming your products anyway at least on a major base term because most of them arent going to be consuming your product anyway at least on a major basis. Your goals or profit in next quarter or even it if its. Your goals or profit in next quarter even it if its based on financial manipulation and. High salary high bonuses based on financial manipulation and. High salary high bonuses produce overseas if you have to and produce for the wealthy because produce overseas if you have to and produce for the it will. See classes here and their counterparts abroad what about the rest well theres a term classes here and their counterparts abroad what about the rest well theres a term coming in to use for them to as theyre called the precariat. Coming in to use for them to as theyre called the precariat. Precarious proletariat the working people of the world who live in precarious proletariat the working people of the world who live increasingly precarious lives. And its related to increasingly precarious lives. And its related to the attitude toward the country altogether. The attitude toward the country altogether. During the period of great growth of the. During the period of great growth of the economy fiftys and sixtys but in fact earlier taxes khana made fiftys and sixtys but in fact earlier taxes on the wealthy were far higher corporate taxes were much higher on the wealthy were far higher corporate taxes were much higher taxes on dividends are much higher simply taxes on wealthy or much of a tax on dividends are much higher that simply taxes on wealthier much higher the tax system has been redesigned so that the tax ire the tax system has been redesigned so that the taxes that are paid by the very wealthy are reduced and cursed but is that are paid by the very wealthy are reduced and correspondingly the tax burden on the rest of the populations increased. And leave the tax burden on the rest of the populations increased. No the shift is towards trying to keep tech. Now the shift is towards trying to keep taxes just done and wages are not consumption which everyone has to do next is just done and wages are not consumption which everyone has to do not say and dividends which i go to the ridge. Say and dividends which i go to the ridge. The numbers are pretty striking. The numbers are pretty striking. Now theres a pretext of course theres always a pretty. Know theres a pretext of course theres always a pretext the pretext in this case is well that increases investment in increases jobs but there isnt any evidence for that if you want to increase investment give money to the poor in the world to x. The pretext in this case is well that increases investment in increases jobs but there isnt any evidence for that if you want to increase investment give money to the poor and the working people if people live so they spend their incomes that stimulates production during people if people live so they spend their incomes that stimulates production and stimulates investment that leads to job growth and so much. Stimulates investment that leads to job growth and so much. If youre an ideologist for the masters you have a different line and in fact if youre an ideologist for the masters you have a different line and in fact right now its almost absurd and corporations have money coming out of their pocket right now its almost absurd and corporations have money coming out of their pocket. So in fact General Electric are paying 0 taxes and they are not. So in fact General Electric are paying 0 taxes and have enormous profits let them take the profits somewhere else or defer it but not pay taxes or much profit let them take the profit somewhere else or defer it but not pay taxes and this is common. And this is. The major american corporations shift the burden of sustaining a society on the other major american corporations shift the burden of sustaining a society on to the rest of the population. The rest of the population. Solidarity is quite dangerous from the point of view of the masters youre only supposed to care about yourself solidarity is quite dangerous from the point of view of the masters youre only supposed to care about yourself and not about other people this is quite different from the people they are not about other people this is quite different from the people they claim are their heroes like adam smith who based is whole approach to the claim part of their heroes like adam smith who based is whole approach to the economy on the principle that sympathy is a fundamental human trait but economy on the principle that sympathy is a fundamental human trait but that has to be driven out of peoples heads got to be for yourself for the wound that has to be driven out of peoples heads got to be for yourself father while maxon dont care about others which is ok for the rich and powerful maxon dont care about others which is ok for the rich and powerful but is devastating for everyone else. But is devastating for everyone else. Going to take a whole lot of effort to try to derive these basic going to take a whole lot of effort to try to drive these basic Human Emotions out of peoples heads. And we see it today in policy formation for example Human Emotions out of peoples heads. And we see it today in. How is he for a measure for example in the attack on Social Security. Social security attack on Social Security. Social security is based on a a principle its based on a principle of solidarity is based on a a principle its based on a principle of solidarity so a very caring for others. So very caring for others. A Social Security means i pay payroll taxes. Social security means i pay payroll taxes so that the widow across town can get something to live on a so that the widow across town can get something to live on. Much of the population thats what they survive. Its of no use for much of the population thats what they survive. Its of no use to the very rich so therefore theres a concerted attempt to destroy it used to the very rich so therefore theres a concerted attempt to destroy it. One of the ways is defunding it you want to destroy it. One of the ways is defunding it you want to destroy some system 1st the fund. Then it will work people be angry by some system 1st the fund. Then it will work people be angry they want Something Else thats a standard technique for. Privatizing they want Something Else thats a standard technique for. Private eyes exam system. We see exam system. We see it in the attack on Public Schools and Public Schools are based on the pretty in the attack on Public Schools and Public Schools are based on the principle of solidarity. I no longer have Children School theyre grown up and simple of solidarity. I no longer have children in school theyre grown up but the principle of solidarity says i happily pay taxes but the principle of solidarity says i happily pay taxes so that the kid across the street can go to school that normal so that the kid across the street can go to school that normal Human Emotion at a drive that out of peoples heads i dont have kids in school Human Emotion that it drives that out of peoples heads i dont have kids in school why should i pay taxes private eyes or so on. Why should i pay taxes private eyes or so on. The Public Education system all the way from. The Public Education system all the way from kindergarten to Higher Education is under severe attack i mean that kindergarten to Higher Education is under severe attack i mean thats one of the jewels of american society. One of the jewels of american society. Go back to the golden age again. Go back to the golden age again the great chris period the fiftys and sixtys a lot of that is based on free public great growth period the fiftys and sixtys a lot of that is based on free Public Education. One of the results of the 2nd world war was the g. I. Bill right look at education. One of the results of the 2nd world war was the g. I. Bill of rights which enabled veterans remember thats a large part of the cuts which enabled veterans remember thats a large part of the population and to go to college they would have been able to do otherwise of the century got Free Education elation and to go to college they would have been able to do otherwise of the century got Free Education where a community a state or nation regularly invest substantial vision where a community a state or nation regularly and best substantial share of it resources in education the investment invariably it we turned into share of it resources in education the investment invariably we turned in Better Business and a higher standard of living u. S. Was way in the lead in developing Better Business and a higher standard of living u. S. Was way in the lead in developing. Extensive mass Public Education at every level. Extensive mass Public Education at every level. But now more than half the states most of the funding for the colleges comes from twitter but now more than half the states most of the funding for the colleges comes from tuitions not from the state thats or radical change thats a terrible burden not from the state its a radical change thats a terrible burden on student and it means that students if they dont come from very wealthy finance student it means that students if they dont come from very wealthy families theyre going to leave college with big debt and if you have the dead youre trapped employees theyre going to leave college with big debt and if you would think that youre trapped i mean maybe you wanted to become a Public Interest lawyer but you i mean maybe you wanted to become a Public Interest lawyer but youre going to have to go into a Corporate Law firm to pay off those dead by the time youre part of the cold enough to go into a Corporate Law firm to pay off those dead by the time youre part of the culture you know youre not going to get out of it again and thats true cross the border sure you know youre not going to get out of it again and thats true cross the border. And were going to fulfill the repeated promises of politics. And were going to fulfill the repeated promises of politics to the people on the you know weve all got. To the people on the you know weve all been. Grieving. For a. Dream. For a rough. One. All the. Little. Scripts. Pretty good. Now you want to work. Pretty good. Now you want to work. No. No. No. No. Ball be cut cut a hole. Cut cut cut. Cut cut cut coming. Up. Quick to dismiss supposed to know what was an answer to linger some its just a. Note of what was an answer to linger some its just a bullet youre looking its not in the. Least youre. Looking its not the. Least you want to. See him do you see him if you can also oppose me. See him do you see him if you can also oppose me. Look with the showing of the study when i. Looked with the showing