A serious creature pushed on with the mice. Hes a company made his melody in the old some a song for slow down. To kiss a specialist. Coaster so you have collateral but i think its because key. Kill look at it because this was falling so precious to the fs so our lives as though illness can discuss so many might even there should trace check on this for so us creates comb. For said the but as you fell face 1st. In focal my school to cast also a special morality and im poking my eyes most claws in manaus launching. A muscle com for myself as an adult and value it off as an ally yaar. Theres a good way to mahmoud you knew that or you get. Used to the c media. Report you missed it because its the most cordial. Movement post and the 1st that we should. Be here. For earth to tell it to. Your face be assured the munder. That there are. Those out. Which. I was coming to the scene. Is that they owe you up a bit as they would to know folk would do just how imagine the cost of daniel boyd chan like. Platitudes because theyve had their fair. Share go sure go ahead is also sawing out every metal bad idea that a bite on the floor. To the song out of. My ill fated that i have done many are shows up on stage better than my they did at the end mover see those are the specialist players so on to the stillest so ive been saying oh so ive been in that thing at me and then before you make over a really powerful 6 and found that. It was. Sad but i still saw you 5 now boasting of their stories from our view that the this is the stuff i mean it was at the scene. Absolute you will just youll. Get into ok itll take us seeing. If i stay same i see and i just sack as i think media im lazy and secure of the things that brought. Down my male surprising place guests always speak kate always you about the same theyre. Odells like i say i had to calm them down civility. That as a badge of that belongs they were scheduled sawing a. Chair up a social back to the center of a. Dish stuck in a good mood today to give a shit oh yes. You on the same page there but thats because im. Probably not i thought vision then National Found the significance of their base found capital by plane. The Single Mission accomplished after death by his own admission he is a natural my taking. Positive did you do you that is so. Fulfill musician. And in so many in the media. So many real problems so little. So that in rich people. You only get half of the she wish to do the song found. I cant find. Much one of the chain you know you know forced to film the movie thing fool. Which is bull but i did so. Crisp only in the midwest a philosopher most of the most pleasurable such. Needs to be enough for the rest. We need to do that i wish you could be able to look at the niche. Of the dine you would think so why nothing you buy showed up for her must be on the if she does that you also go away. A lot of. Who can teach at the most school. My. T. V. I feel the need of these. The charts are both for. You know one of your dads new with the burner if im going to. Get rid of my size. Such. A favorable moment cannot be almost be just but i want to combine yes. Fame to big gavel all over. You desk when you see my baby almost gave me my key key how mention the most obvious of you that smiley of bama julie most of us if i dont know. My brother have been. How much closer to mike i had the operation woman can you help with that i was doing someone thinks key to solving solve. If im pissed or. Oh my god you know most of those payday my good half of of a 00 thing you know some get out of both a. Sauce you get and stay into other long. Before and moments my my family for the tsunami i mean to. Me to say. For sure one of them which is shes from the parchin there. Is the one 3rd so you will see in the winter if i havent signed. Up opening the door to just bush i. Ignored me here for this event ship in charge of the plane the while theyre going to see is. For your premise will shock you so can we. Expect me to. Move away from me. For good seeing them get it i mean having this a. Temporal order of myself as a party. It was legal to buy. That cab but they will be really nice to see those guys so moved by the style of managing it expand out in the course of the dives he calls even. Though he for much of the time he put on that local go was made as he was putting it on. The as is only. Fair that hell which. Bennett and when he did you want psycho to feel so nice of you famous for a chat. Does does those dumb i am freshman shows both nights in crimea be that acme. Of the stimulus that was in the city or. Was very much the same for the. Bring them up are going to feed off of or no face value but if were going to hand over a. Number thats what they were should stink and she says that the same group drove a. Woman to go around them. Like they had to see ask the stranger to tell. Me we spots they want to show see the nice. Site for us in. A special pool and see. The same school st. Peter and this is can we just. Move it into the he says pointing to the keys of the bridge from the porch and. You ask something where he joins us tells me that a key National Association night. And how was he solved most of my studies just. To. You know i speak wait for me to think can you offer to help me if i want to buy them a check on the shelf or seem it. Would you pay up but they eat if i only think i only official just have it on the science it just a place for god to do it is cheap its possible that hes not. Using us. But no deal except the point you made it was no use talking to your bullshit you can shut up for the good of this mystery for you to get the point and off. From. My future social uplift my people. Each new social safety net it will always will be stuck with parts of all the little bits that. It wants in at the will. And if it is a right if. Both his appointment to send tremors around washington to at least among those who are out of government and many of those in government because it is a long track record of being very strong polemical bursary a man who understands how to make the government work but very much polarization if you wish. There is time. Arguing for brady here and for invading north korea etc and this was very much not working for the president wanted to go so why he pointed to him or some bit of atlanta. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Please. Play it. Live. So. Lets. Just say just slipped. Play. Play and very well might continue watching us in such. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been only temperament for inside venezuela things are different were going to announce sanctions against a troll venezuela socio. Political moment to. Get out of that. Battle to stay on the path to. The moment the focus of the who story isnt new nixon called in Henry Kissinger to tell him. Not be tolerated in latin america. An alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed. I think were going to do both or you both say yes yes more rates for the movie. Will see democracy sartre were just going to do most of the good but i. Mean 3 years interest but i just i mean all those calling. For the departure. Of tracy. I think they must. Be told of a skill he will face some. Things that he thinks all of those and. Shallow tenets i was always painful to my family alone mind. Mindful and choky over one flashed on my feet to do enough like you get back up on guys you cycle haimovitz you feel a little should. Be able to hit a little. Bit of. What the what you that i should know something did or we took the dont think of the chimney amplified in one of. My boys. Just on the fate i should get ahead of ourselves. Day to day stand a silent cold basically. Noise you saw in the charitable shop my cat in the boise state when i make i had a cold but i didnt know kind of when told by far. The wind chill because it meant complete educating i can reach out to me with the entire National Science qualified to do for this stuff i dont want to get out and. Can also get a new episode of the add on to charge people try. To spread it to geospatial my money for the sort of thing im going to let me thank you. For then though. Kat is also enjoyed the best moment but i dont have to go. Thank you. Can the been someone towards you will sing the sartorial board. The charges from the sides. So you. Know here using my eyes only call the shots going out. Say to the shots. That. Had been sent by the to me today. And so forth yeah this alibi how Michael Smith does this commute still of the simple but is i. Think sending stuff into space and that alley and used by a. School bus it guides. A lot of brazil to kill fish kill the signal my c. D. s are. Fuzzing my dog the we see me up said to do is nice voice it too but ill see you. Keep calling. Us to see for more. If you. Love me shall i do. Just. As you. Choose. The pub simple notion of people coming from the trouble before the sick i know im going to cut off the most for not come push you in but i believe the practice is a commitment based affiliate of the church though so keep it going for both the chicks on the blue phase at least. Its called the gorge bridge and got to its knees should you is using a gun so she can go to the global open the open. The results of a skillful as it does sometimes really about icecap we need a. Couple feet. To go fuse up that god at. Balliol stuff malinda involves. Both. What they want fries and ill simplify like it does sound but i like i gulp is the one with up all that space. Sucks him back and well you know i joined out of me on my 2. Father the scout goes i was up i had one. Vision. And leadership that blew this fall you might ask. That that is the evidence that. Sam was. Dying. And. Its always the same putting much thought that. Was most mean to. You physically move them into yes i was a key jimmy choos us of the key to me this time i hope i shall not be alone so if i add deaths were headed died soon then. The best of. You. Also soon be. Hey the same age will Say Something openings. And spit out. And say that and you. And i. Thank goodness then that is the issue there. Sterol ski less each a ski belly at sea beach. Those are the easy think of the scope with dorie but as you. Tell each story rebel post you quote. The brazier i see in episode one at the part of those radio where those ring is lovely but it sure was sort of bitter. Bitter but it was good for mr the pushing and shoving mutual seriousness. Of going to tease the world for philip to marry. Mr mitchell was used to. Stick him in the new deal neil free and see me. Looks nice. To get them aboard this thing. Never work with your thoughts to start. Things you love it down during the being with us oh dear. No my still sinking fish in the cereal i did im washed the secret assured me im wife is inside. Put on. Itself up by. Us i still cannot get. I said doc im here. Yes in my somewhere it was a. Bad enough but i jam packed full view of the. Old. One on the agenda eventually champlin signed good bye and are going to be asked that i will always be listening to so many of these. I thought something must have a noise of the love. That we a started to give the dylan this is giving. Up the social punishment i mean she always will be able to. Either sell yourself the bull by the well put it in might and i. Dont believe theyll be able to launch a new style voyage. To the edge. Only civilian life she had suffered i am like you im going up and see. My life as a bill 50 of shield full polish bush speech will cut me a little bit. And then im aint cheap shot i love the truck my beauty always she every new signal for. The whole time. This is a story about what happens austria stray bullets kills a young girl in the streets. What happens to her family my daughters im sure the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery if you. This is with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court be the. Shock shock as far as a side deal. We dont know still just from. End of this trial unfortunately you too will still not know childress. Aaron 2019 when they hit him Interest Rates and multi 100000000000. 00 trillion dollar thank your capital unicorns are all going to cost and the colossal fail out is being felt in every corner of the Global Economy and thats why countries are buying gold. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. In 2040 you know bloody revolution to crush the demonstrations going from be relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we hear liz put video through to me in the new bill is that im new school in need of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. Of those who to vote had invested over 5000000000. 00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Ukraines president refused to say shouldnt he was pressured by donald trump into investigating a rival for a summary of a phone call between the 2 leaders is really republicans and democrats are speaking to their party lines written. By the white house confirms this behavior which undermines the integrity of our election this phone call is not in the peach. Still wants kiev to investigate the alleged corruption activities of former u. S. Vice President Joe Biden and his. Claims goes well beyond ukraine