Donald trump the president of the United States is known to fabricate all kinds of things on his tweets and when he gives his rally speeches so his word is questionable and of course our run which tries to do things out behind a cloak of the regime there where it is questionable so finding the facts here and having the World Community believe those facts is going to be quite a challenge. From still liar thought of you arabia as a lawyer she just brought some truth to m. S. M. B c that is not cool all right. She just caused thousands of mindless suburban dads around the nation to rip their coffee across the room. You mean the murderous horrible regime of saudi arabia has a reason to lie and the murderous horrible. Regime of donald trump has a reason the law. No m. S. N. B. C. Wants you to believe trump is a habitual liar and lies hes saying something we want him to. Pay the damn saint. In a really. Really is when it comes to starting wars with countries weve been trying to destroy her deck and he never tells a lie now thank you thank goodness we have such an honorable man at the helm and then there are other people around donald trump our Corporate Media will tell you its like palms peo blames iran for the drone attacks on the Saudi Oil Fields the unimpeachable secretary of state and man and man who collects chins in his spare time nikon. Our Corporate Media will tell you his word is go hes always truthful i was a cia director we lied we cheated was the whole story just like we had with entire good terror training courses. Oh yeah thats right trusting my pompei go. Its a joke better than anything ive ever written it really as if its like believing your cat when she says she loves you she was something. You say. You. Wendy sherman gives a long explanation saying that we cant really know who did this because all sides are less likely lying the m s n b c host goes so why did iran do this. He asked that because he didnt hear wendy because hes head is off his corporate owned. And its talk to here and its also its also tough to agra had a mole. At once but im going to send b. C. Thats what they call multitasking. So here why didnt ron do this and it seems when he again goes off script they also very much object to saudi arabias actions in yemen a civil war that has just been completely tragic famine people many civilians having been killed a hospital having been a struck that. The president of iran keeps pointing out in their instance if there was an attack on an oil facility no people were involved certainly not civilians at a hospital oh thats right our allies saudi arabia has been blowing up children and hospitals in yemen causing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world using u. S. Missiles to do it and thats not bothering us at all right that 5 foot you touch our friends oil supply and we were you are right i mean i have i have those kids in yemen considered covering themselves in oil. Because we might care. The point is dont believe known liars when they tell you we have to bomb iran these are bloodthirsty killers who are furious that iran doesnt easily bowed to our will furious that iran dropped the dollar and is outside our central Banking System and furious that a ron has so much oil the job of our media is to get you to support the endless killing of innocent civilians and theyre doing it again right now come to your god thank you elaine. Thank you thank you. Welcome im leave camp now lets take the news from behind mania maniac sociopath and man who often appears on magazine covers looking like some sort of deity jeff bezos. Is in the news and by the way that is just exhibit a heres exhibit big. And heres exhibit c. K ill be honest he is my personal lord and savior all right because i worship Free Shipping and warehouse employees dropping dead from exhaustion i guess i just eat it up so thank you all my days oh so last week cut Health Benefits for all part time workers at his Grocery Store chain whole system study found is that hopelessly available numbers show that baze always makes more money then the cost of an entire year of benefits for all of those 1800. 00 employees in somewhere between 2 to 6 hours all food employees dont need health care they d can all thank god they also have 3. 00 all mcconnell ice cream and. They do it by you may laugh but you rub some of that got ice cream on a broken bone good as new york. Doesnt fix the bone but youre a hipster hero. Welcome to unfettered capitalism its ok for a Large Corporation to eliminate all health care for employees as long as they are free taco tuesday. Say we are friends. And i heard there are certain replacing Social Security where the freebie love remains i am a. Moving on linked in dot. Events have revealed that climate denial groups are planning a european Misinformation Campaign it will include a letter titled there is no Climate Emergency the groups letter claims that current changes in the climate are to be expected from the seqlock behavior of the climate system yes the planet used to be cold then it was warm then it was cold again changes are to be expected in 1000000 years 1000000 years child goes you yes all right those change youre talking no yes the butterflies and the polar bears had time to figure it out. This current shy goal that setting everything on fire is happening in 20 years see the difference w2xw1 day which means the butterflies in the polar bears and the humans are. Calling this normal is like if someone were standing there telling you dont worry life is a cycle youre adams didnt used to be part of you as soon soon theyll no longer be part of you that were part of Something Else so dont worry about it and theyre saying that to you while youre being eaten by an alligator. So you know. Theyre like youre acting very upset. This is the normal cycle. You get the point and that brings us every just to our last story a crucial news studied it just came out and since last week was the anniversary of 911 its a perfect time the study has to do with building 7 which was the 3rd skyscraper to collapse on 911. 00 it fell to the ground 7 hours after the other 2 towers and it wasnt hit by an airplane apparently when americans were recently sold 36 percent of respondents said that they were unaware there was a 3rd building. Collapsed on september 11th well in that case this may be 18 years too late but its a brand. New existence is 4 years study was conducted by the department of civil and Environmental Engineering at the university of alaska and not by may by the university of alaska. And used complex computer models to determine if building 7 really was the 1st steel framed high rise ever to have collapsed soley due to office fires the study found that the building came down not due to fire but from the near simultaneous failure of every column in the building now i want to be clear i am not questioning the fear still story of 911 was would never do that because if you if you if you watch this show you know i always trust our government. And i like being alive i like being right i want to continue the alive as i have going so far. So not questioning the official story add all i put on the pencil stories im awful even when i watch n. B. A. Games i root for the officials. Model im just reporting on a Large University of alaska engineering study that is all and i would never question the official narrative when its signed off on but every new York Fire Department that was there on the day i was there they were there they were there well ok maybe not every new York Fire Department this summer in late july commissioners for one new york area Fire Department which responded to the attacks and lost one of their own that day voted unanimously in their call for a new investigation into the attack. They stated. They stated clearly in the resolution that they dont believe the official story unlike this guy. Even the redacted back story and even the censored portions i see im like right on the money. They are yes black ink i love it i stand with the 100 percent of people who have actually seen the footage of building 7 collapsing and believe it was done took by fires alone well maybe i want a 100 per cent and a new poll found that 52 percent of those who saw the footage of the building falling were either sure or suspected that the buildings fall was due to explosives and was a controlled demolition with 27 percent saying they didnt know what to make of the footage so that adds up to 79 percent who watched the footage did not say it looked like it was caused by fires but i did as i. Was yet. Get your strength that is just a poll it doesnt mean anything and it certainly doesnt mean the official story is wrong that the 911 commission report. Or maybe not knowing. This vice chair of the 911. 00 Commission Thomas kean and lee hamilton wrote in their book without present president that not only was the commission starved of funds and its powers of investigation oddly limited but that they were obstructed and outright lied to by top pentagon officials and officials with the f. A. A. What do the chair and the vice chair of the commission. The official story is the only way you. Read this. Other guy. Was right there i stood. There it. Sat throughout theres a lot of live coverage our concerns are got it right. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. This very Dramatic Development only really going to exist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in a countrys military and the decision. Every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped. You know told a shot kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he raped me just berthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the u. S. Military is a very very traumatizing tat happened but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even going to justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats men or women. You know world a big part of the market and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. The world is driven by a dream shaped by the person of those great. Thinks. We dare to ask. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Ive been back on the only camp the tribe in ministration e. P. Ng is rolling back clean water protections so what one stood for Environmental Protection agency now stands for environment poisoning tatts here to explain is our water reporter correspondent i only care about. What he found well lead to prepare for this report i went skinny dipping in a river. Near the new jersey turnpike and i thought i grew gills down lair but it turns out im just an anatomically correct woman. With a good ear but i dont get it if its not killed then how come i always get plastic strong stuck up there. Ok we switched. To a switch to clean water act please go its over the alright i guess obama expanded clean water protections to not only include larger bodies like gold and rivers but also tributaries wetlands in even ditches connected to a water supply. So you see its a slippery slope literally soon wed have protected puddles bathtubs porta potties protected drool on your pillow semen in your sock. And of course wed have federally protected slippery slopes and evidently are concerned with the quality of its a Building Block of life we needed chamblee our goal is still going to be safe to drink. Could survive on whisky well lee you drink like you believe otherwise. Think about it this way were so 7 making the flint water crisis in the newark water crisis by degrading the quality of water in every other American City now wind doesnt look so bad legionnaires disease could be a type of latte at starbucks seems who the hell benefits from polluted air and water your friendly neighborhood Chemical Plant of course is. The clean water act has been burdensome to industry instead of developing Condo Developers have to tame costly permits for building near water sources sure and they might kill a few kids in the process but thats a small price to pay for an affordable lakefront view. With their own children playing. Eliminating federal regulations for business has been a priority of the Trump Administration including coal fire coal coal fired power plants automobile tailpipes methane and pesticides theyve never met a chemical they dont want in your air and water. You know. Relaxing government control will raise production and increase Consumer Choice at a restaurant say instead of sparkling or still youll be asked sparkling still spece. Delish. Arsenault no one can be happy about this come on farmers are ecstatic extatic because its been years since theyve done pesticides and cow manure straight into a well without pretending theyre doing Something Else with it. In 2009 wisconsin residents suffer from chronic diarrhea stomach illnesses and severe ear infections but can we really tell whos to blame for that when they dip their children and butter. Naomi thats a butter sculpture oh oh thats a sculpture i love it power to stick i love this entre pasta and this. Should i go to you have it now but they are never allowed to drink bottled water so they only of water from local water sources they can actually sympathize with the people well but. Lets take a look at their most local source a few years back just as the rollback of Environmental Protections began the water friends at the e. P. A. Headquarters were spewing what looked like sewage. God was losing all of this subtlety in his signs. But it turns out it was coffee grounds and rotting soup that employees threw out in the fountains and one that seems careless those fountains are cleaner than most of the water in america. Then again i thank the u. S. Has a rich elite and may force our favorite ride share apps to start treating their slaves like real life employees oh the horror for more on this lets go to our truth bomb redacted correspondent natalie mcgill. If youre a good job in americas good khana me there is an important change coming that might lift your spirits so high youll make a door dash outside to tell everyone the news about your. Fix. Ok there are too many of these companies with an. Important change comes out of california where the California State Assembly recently passed by a law that will classify good economy workers aka independent contractors as actual employees contractors including many and multibillion Dollar Technology companies are not covered by laws guaranteeing a minimum wage overtime pay sick weve family leave unemployment and Disability InsuranceWorkers Compensation and protection against discrimination or Sexual Harassment nor do businesses pay into Social Security or medicare for contractors but if you Ask Companies like Food Delivery Service jordache trade offs are worth it for the flexibility as an driver you should want them whats ability to cry your car between rides because you cant afford your prescription. Though you cant really cried during deliveries for door dash because if youre salty tears getting their food they will not give you a tip. There was a former Delivery Driver ive been stiffed regardless. Of. Your pork your dumpling and your mummy. Heres a little tiff i like to give on my door dash oh thank you. I know this did not just hit me in cars if youre going to be that she believed give me a draw for a while. Worker protections stood no chance against the local state and federal lawmakers who let conservative think tanks and nonprofits craft legislation that favored corporations yet undercut unions and americas social safety net when. The system is already designed to give corporations more wealth as we just stagnate its hard for c. E. O. s to imagine just a sliver of that wealth going away and in the case of Companies Like looper which stands to pay 30 percent more in cost to be compliant hoovers chief legal officer tony west the only claim that californias law actually doesnt force them to reclassify their drivers as employees thats because to do so they would have to consider drivers as part of their new course of business. Or has set its drivers hard because the app is really a tad platform for digital marketplaces and not primarily an employer of driver. But i guess their argument could work for other things for example low price seltzer wouldnt really classify themselves as a soft drink thats because to do so they w