Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240714 :

RT Documentary July 14, 2024

Elizabeth warren is tied with joe biden at 26 percent among registered voters your reaction lets start with you amy well we are still such a long way out before iowa New Hampshire South Carolina but it shows how effective Elizabeth Warren has been and being able to court you know democratic primary voters in the Democratic Base i think the person who should probably be the most worried about those numbers however is our friend Bernie Sanders who was supposed to be the progressive choice the progressive alternative to joe biden but Elizabeth Warren has cut into his foundation of voters and been able to you know make a really good go of it michel. Elizabeth warren and joe biden are very different candidates offering very different visions for america but most importantly very different versions of candidacies joe biden is talking about a return to civility and some sort of reboot or control to lead on the computer that is america so that we get to return to a period before President Trump and senator warren is suggesting that she has and has laid out very convincingly that she has a detailed plan for everything those are very different visions of what democratic primary and caucus voters are looking for and to amys well considered point these are base and primary and Democratic Caucus voters these are not the voters that you need to be convincing in general election so be interesting to see whoever wins a spot on whether its senator sanders or senator harris whether or not they can reset their themselves and appeal to those important moderate voters come november amy do you agree with with michaels definition of what each candidate stands for in do you think that the Democratic Party is split into these 2 camps well weve seen that yes joe biden has talked a lot about civility you know his 6 terms as a United States senator his 8 years as a Vice President that he puts a lot of stock and faith into institutions congress the white house etc while Elizabeth Warren and warren rather she has positioned herself as the outsider the fighter the fighter with the plan hes going to you know take it to donald trump i think as michael points out however while that might be appealing in the democratic primary and that Elizabeth Warren she talks about you know revolutionary change we dont want just incremental changes we want to you know to rework the whole system the whole way that America Works that might be appealing to the a. O. C. Wing the squad flank of the party but is that going to be an easy pivot when it comes to a general. Action where she has to appeal to more centrist voters who dont necessarily want is a radical vision for america well see if she gets the nomination and then has the you know the opportunity to make that sale but joe biden hes banking on the fact that those centrist voters will be with him in the general the question is can he appeal to those Democratic Left wing progressive voters in the primary michael lets not i lets lets look id like a lot of credit id like to get you know id like to get your reaction to that but id also like will like you to talk about whether or not this is really cutting into sanders appeal or or not. Well the big difference between joe biden and Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren is the obvious one which is gender whether or not the country is having passed on the opportunity to elect the 1st female president of the United States they see and Elizabeth Warren somebody more comfortable with that shattering the hardest highest Glass Ceiling then they were with Hillary Clinton so we really cant lose sight that Bernie Sanders i think is more in line with the a o c squad version of america so does this cut into sanders base i think not i think that sanders more radical approach to governing and to his candidacy will appeal to Younger Voters and digital voters and social media voters in a way that perhaps a poll gauging warren and biden might miss were not going to know these voters because they were busy in College Classes when those poll holes were coming in so i dont see it eating into sanders base as much as sanders is an outlier thats out there that may just come in and blow the whole thing up im interested in both your thoughts on defining some of these terms a little bit because theyre super complex and i dont mind taking a moment to unpack it a little bit specifically with regards to when we talk about whether or not its wise for someone from the Democratic Party for example to run a centrist or even to that matter whether whether trump to great degree during his candidacy period was also appealing to a kind of a centrist voter and what that means because i think that progressives would probably argue that the socalled left today is really maybe socially liberal but but fiscally more conservative and more in line with supporting kind of corporate interests to an extent so i wonder if you agree with that and how you would define kind of what is a centrist today in america and in the go ahead and start. Well i can see the progressives making the argument that centrist democrats quote unquote liberals you know are lapdogs of Corporate America wall street weve heard that a lot from Bernie Sanders and elizabeth Elizabeth Warren but just looking you know on the past debates when you see the candidates raising their hand that they want basically the equivalent of open borders decriminalizing illegal entry into the United States thats a fairly radical position that polling just came out this last week shows most americans dont agree with youve seen kemal harris been shes done this flip flopping she wants to appeal to progressive so she says that she supports medicare for all and even laughed that that would necessarily mean that private Health Insurance plan plans would become illegal well after a lot of backlash and blowback she then tried to pedal back and say thats not what she really meant she did that twice so youre saying that shes not really handling the centrist versus progressive divide very well as shes campaigning in this primary michael what are your thoughts and others a lot to react to from what and he said as well you know i think this is an absolute this is a fascinating issue and i actually spend a lot of time thinking about this centrists are those that believe in the power of institutions to do good and working in this system and working through institutions and working with the rules and procedures of these institutions to moderate competing views i believe that the squad types believe more in radical proposals less interested in compromise less interested in coming up with best alternatives that are workable and are more interested in staking out a ground that everybody else that has to accommodate and work around theyre convinced of their own righteousness and they simply will not budge on these things this is fall long generational lines young people never like to hear that older folks had tried this before and it didnt work so maybe you should consider our experience so i think it falls along generational lines and i think the. Thats the definition of a moderate whether theyre fiscally conservative or socially liberal is a belief in the power of institutions and we see that perhaps more with war and then we do with sanders and we certainly see it with biden and where come out harriss i agree with amy is having a hard time appealing to all those where senator jill brown would have been ok as a candidate if she progressed i think also would have been institutionalized as are the rest of the candidates in the field so really its sanders i think that is more interested in blowing these things up everybody else would have an easier time pivoting to the center after getting through these caucuses and primaries and that the lets not forget they got in general and where they actually make 11 point in reaction to that and you can you can frame your reaction with this in mind as well but i would think that that the squad see cetera and also Bernie Sanders would probably frame themselves more as kind of the labor Party Version of the Democratic Party as opposed to being anti institutional i mean they certainly are still want to be a part of the democratic process and so forth would they not and they go ahead well i mean i think they think of themselves as the conscience of the party you know where the the heart of the party really is which i dont agree with i dont think that thats a correct or accurate assessment you know i would also add lets not forget that senator sanders Bernie Sanders from vermont he is actually an independent and a self described democratic socialist as a o. C. And others which is far to the left of the American Center in politics but they believe thats where you know truth justice and what should be the american way where it lies id like to also throw in a poll that just came out published in the hill newspaper that i think is really instructive that a vast majority of voters were talking 2 thirds to 3 quarters depending on their Party Affiliation that they actually want their congressperson or senator to work with the other side they think that that is a valuable attribute. And skill that helps put our country forward and are willing to compromise you dont see compromise on the squad way of the Party New York times has reported that while President Trumps economic advisers do not see a recession on the horizon they worry that gloomy news reports and repeated downturn warnings could turn a fear of a recession into a reality is this something that can even become like a selffulfilling prophecy any. Well we know economically it can that if you know people lose their sense of optimism about the future that changes their spending habits their savings habits and of course that has a follow on Ripple Effect economically now i dont have the expertise to tell our viewers whether or not we are headed into recession but there are warning signs and red flags on the horizon that President Trump needs to Pay Attention to and that he needs to recognize including his trade war with china and imposing those tariffs have cost the American Economy and very specific groups of voters voters he needs were talking about those rural voters farmers etc and by the way theyre not just farmers they are people who work at walmart in rural areas of america who you know are in the Service Industry in some of those rural districts and if they are feeling the economic pinch then their feelings about President Trump may start to be a problem and mark mellman hes a well known democratic pollster he is you know said publicly hes like on the one hand hes concerned about the focus currently in the democratic democratic primary field on a lot of these social issues but hes as he says it only takes a couple of points to move some of those rural districts from purple to blue donald trump needs to worry about that michael do you agree we are always always always in our interconnected increasingly social media and information driven economy just a moment away from an economic meltdown and it could happen here in the United States because there are things we dont even know that we dont know about lending practices and the solve in c. Of banks those institutions attached to the massive Student Loan Debt economy but it could also happen at a Financial System in china it could start in japan it could start in europe as a consequence of a new brags that controversy we are always just a heartbeat away from a massive economic meltdown and its only people who run. Now are being seen as outliers and radicals and crying wolf like those who saw the early fiscal meltdown and Mortgage Backed security crisis years ago no one took them seriously then and there are voices out there we have to think should we be taking them more seriously and how that impacts the president ial election is another thing its a giant that you know they didnt so much as you know calling you know and going on social media and attacking the fed concerning Interest Rates the way to do it as we say were on from michael amy thank you so much for your time today thank you matthew more politicking after the break. There are 3 russian and winds. You know world of big partisan lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Tara from russia this. Is this is a stick from a water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the Cocacola Company which shows millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers theyre the bad ones theyre the litter box theyre throwing us away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. Sheets to cook absolutely speak. And may not care that seems cool sets for their classes kristie cant quote me on my end i need to tank on your own at a special projects funded he tells it to. Be on im your best bet is the end of a footy team but for now the mountains of waste only grow hi. Welcome back to politicking on matthew cook sitting in for larry king its a pleasure to welcome my next guest back to the program he is philip k. Howard the founder of common good a Nonpartisan Coalition which advocates for simplifying the Us Government he recently penned an op ed about the democratic president ial debate stating that the candidates are so far promising the moon and ignoring our broken government lets dive deeper into that as philip a noted commentator and bestselling author joins me from new york so philip lets just jump right in you write that the president ial debates so far have largely ignored the key issue of the last several elections which is a commitment to overhaul washington can you explain that. Yeah every president who got elected since jimmy carter has gotten elected on a platform not the only platform of reigning in excess bureaucracy americans hate it there are lots of studies about why they hated it demeans them it makes them worry about things that they know dont matter your nurses bit half their day filling out forms teachers are worried to care told not to put an arm around crying child that sort of stuff and and the democrats with one or 2 exceptions certainly the leading democrats have no not even talking about that issue americans hate washington if the democrats want to get elected they do far better if they actually said yes we need to address new issues like Climate Change or income disparity but we need to fix washington too and so why isnt that democrats dont go after this sort of thing because its not part of the narrative not since al gore and bill clinton did talk about it but not since then has anybody talked about it i mean right now the debate its in such a deep rut they cant even see over the edge its deregulation versus more regulation well i dont think the American People are going to vote for somebody who says lets just have more and more regulation but they might vote for somebody who said we need to deal with Climate Change and income stagnation and by the way we need to restore practicality and common sense to this big bureaucratic blob thats grown up in 50 years so lets clean that out while we address the new things thats perfectly consistent with the democratic platform in your op ed you know the democratic president ial candidate andrew yang stands alone in presenting concrete ideas for overhauling broken government whats your assessment of what hes advocating. Well i think his stuff is its great its overhauling the thump i call for in my in my we know new book try common sense its overhauling Civil Service its. Raining in crazy lawsuits its putting sunset clauses on old laws so that they need to be reviewed to see if theyre working as intended i mean nobody intended. The special ed laws to use up 25. 00 or 30 percent of the total k. To 12 budget in america nobody intended the federal education bureaucracy to make schools have more noninstructional personnel than teachers so so did they go fix it so that laws help this who benefits from all these insane regulations oh theres a whole industry of people i mean its theres a red tape industry and its headquartered in washington which is one of the reasons that i call for an entry yang

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