Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240714 :

RT Keiser Report July 14, 2024

Hi there im max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know. This is amazing. We have an amazing episode for our 1st episode of september 29th teen and were heading into our 10 Year Anniversary quarter you know so the amazon is on fire but not very many people are talking about the fact that angola and the congo are also on fire we also saw in the past week or so yeah the past week that we saw trump trump president of the United States has denied reports that he wants to blow up hurricanes with Nuclear Weapons in order to avoid these hurricanes hitting the u. S. The d. N. C. Has said they dont want to debate Climate Change and age of climate treaties is over because of course at the g. 7 and refuse to participate in the so this is the landscape of our headlines coming up oh right well you know what can you say the temperatures are rising sea levels are rising. Theres a lot theres a few ways to play it if you want to make money on the apocalypse of course theres a couple of great trades on the table but without a doubt this is as weve said the last generation so the kaiser report 10 Year Anniversary or a quarter is heading into what we call the last generation which will probably be anyone whos 30 or under probably wont have a sustainable biosphere on planet earth in which to live well never know until it happens but in the mean time what we have noticed is as you mentioned the temperatures are rising faster than they expected and basically you have 2 Greenhouse Gases 2 primary ones Carbon Dioxide and when we emit that that last for hundreds of years in the atmosphere methane or methane as i might say in the United Kingdom is. Another one and that we most associate with cow farts rate and mass production of livestock this is they say the cause of methane increase well in fact a new study from Cornell University shows that it is obama and Hillary Clinton who they were pushing for asking it is actually fracking which is causing that because there is a signature of fracking of natural gas carbon verses animal part carbon and with animals and that when they emit methane thats a carbon 12 with with fact gas carbon 13 as methane concentrations increase in the earths atmosphere chemical fingerprints point to a probable source shale oil and gas according to a new Cornell University Research Published on the 14th of august in bio geosciences journal of the European Jewish Sciences Union so cornell has found that in fact the increase theres been a huge surge that scientists have noticed since 2008 methane in the atmosphere had been decreasing from about 20022008 then it surges through 2014 so the great environmental social Justice Warrior virtue signaling obama well apparently he was very proud that was one of the last things he ever said he was very proud of the news of how much natural gas and oil the u. S. Is producing based on all this fracking right so it goes to obama or Hillary Clinton its ok so if he smelt it dealt it. Or he could summarize obamas presidency very simply is pull my finger. Once again i guess on top of the 2008 financial crisis and the situation where the creditors are allowed to get bailed out of sort of the debtors 1st time in recorded history thats ever happened hes now responsible for. The fracking apocalypse ice obama to any outsider looking at the cable news and you know partisanship to teens it often leads to this sort of crazy right that you know from the outside you could see that obama is. Well much better spoken and trump trump talks like a thug from queens im from queens too you know they talk like thugs there and he talks like that from somebody from new york in the seventys right thats what he talks like and everybody that screeches at him everybody screeches about the horrible stuff hes doing on the u. S. Border with mexico but time and time again for example the photos they keep on using is like thats obama error so they they hide that and they try to find a new one so theyre this got much difference is just the. Only difference and basically delivery so the fact that this carbon 13 signature exists means that since the use of high volume hydraulic fracturing commonly called fracking shale gas has increased in its share of Global Natural Gas Production and has released more methane into the atmosphere according to the papers author robert ho worth david are accurate and professor of ecology and environmental biology at Cornell University and the us this recent increase of methane since 2008 is massive is globally significant is contributed to some of the increase in Global Warming weve seen and shale gas is a major player but it dissipates very quickly so hes saying like if we just stuff like our temperatures would noticeably decline because there would be less immediately this media thing whereas like all these Climate Change treaties are talking about Carbon Dioxide where its like the inertia of you know anything we do if we completely stopped all Global Manufacturing and every single thing and stop cars and planes today its still in motion all the Carbon Dioxide weve already admitted so hes saying that methane would dissipate quickly if you stopped all this fracking like today it would you would see a noticeable difference and amazingly nothing about fracking is profitable for the extract later they can raise and they dont they dont make about money to pay the debt required to create the fracking so its a negative cash flow. Plus it takes more energy to frack than be to use then you get b. T. U. s coming out of the fracking rigs so its negative energy as well as cash flow energy they only do it to create fees for the lenders into the dead industry plus we also have a lot of flaring at all say the in the north dakota where they are doing a lot of fracking of oil but it produces as a byproduct natural gas but theres no infrastructure to transport it out of there so its too expensive the price at which natural gas now sells due to the oversupply to the market because of all the fracking so they just flare it burn it off so they want to be able to say that the u. S. Has more energy than saudi arabia even though it means the premature extinction of humanity to make that statement doesnt matter because for the next 2 weeks we get bragging rights so im going to compare also obama to trump ok like trump is supposed to be an axis central threat and hes the worst thing thats ever happened on earth and on c. N. N. They just recently compared him to like all hitler and stalin his suggestion of of nuking hurricanes you know the Previous Administration was suggesting geo engineering like who knows what the side effects would be of that. You know put particles up in the atmosphere surrounding the earth to reflect the sun you hope it works and that it doesnt cause some sort of winter you know global meltdown is very medieval before the age of reason before the age of enlightenment the medieval period where people were debating how many angels around the head of a pin and proclamations were made about the sun must go this way and the earth is made of cheese and because they had no information or knowledge and then once you buy into that it becomes the basis for your philosophy and the basis of your knowledge is based on fraud so now. Most unlike men are in a period the new dark ages and literally dark because the sun is being blocked up by all these fluent they what they want to because in fact if we did because manufacturing was so much cleaner than it was 100 years ago it doesnt block out as much as it used to you know in fact after 911 when there was no air traffic for 3 days again the skies cleared up quite a lot so if we admitted that that was obamas suggestion essentially to darken the atmosphere its just some signs us like the new dark ages literally that what you were going to be going to create darkness to save us from the truth and in the knowledge and so they lied miniseries over as with it came free market capitalism in the works of adam smith now or into the works of the money regular j. P. Morgan silver manipulators trump speaks hes like the fool in any shakespearean play and the fool is the one that always speaks the truth to power theyre the ones that get away with it by fools saying were going to nuke gains this is basically him a foolish way of like. Condensing the ideas that the the elite people behind the scenes what their plans for us are hes just basically tweeting it out we also have you know he was wanting to buy greenland and everybodys mocking him laughing but what the what is this really about because again this is something that you and i have been actually looking at since pre r. T. Since pretend years ago when we were making films for aljazeera were looking at the arctic and how thats hiding out by race too you know because the arctic is melting its a short passage for transporting goods around the world heres why trump wants a bi greenland greenland Strategic Value is linked tightly to new north Atlantic Shipping lanes opening up due to melting polar ice caps the new lanes have dramatically decreased maritime trade travel times which generally includes traveling through the panama or suez canal to circumnavigate the world my 1st one trump announced you want to buy greenland was ok what about americas infrastructure like a weak roads and bridges collapsing right here in the usa maybe you should you know pull back your ambition a little bit hes only verbalizing forest what the elites are saying the elite dont give anything they dont care about the deplorable living in this country right they dont care about that theyve already plundered this nation what they want to do is plunder the arctic because theyre basically theyre angry that we only have alaska bordering the arctic and that doesnt give us as many rights as canada and russia have to the arctic so. You know when i was doing the research for aljazeera film what i had found was u. S. Military assessments this is from the pentagon and they note that the rapidly declining ice in the Northwest Passage and what they wanted to understand was that the u. S. Has equal rights to their northwest can colin powell go to the u. N. In a way around a bottle of wild talcum powder and claim that denmark is hiding weapons of mass destruction why you believe that if you might just put a like a little bit of an ice cap in there that mark is not going to be stopped if we want greenland were going to get greenland and well i think thats true but Trump Administration by the way is not the 1st to make an inquiry about buying the island president harry truman expressed a desire to acquire the island in 1946 for 100000000 dollars in gold and earlier attempts to buy the island stretch back to 1867. 00 but also greenland has a huge amount of Natural Resources they have coal zinc copper iron ore and Rare Minerals those Rare Earth Minerals i think that one should buy greenland and start mining because in there as you know what the big miners in iceland Genesis Mining they could do great Mining Operations in greenland i think that strategically its a great and im going to take a break when we come back much more coming your way. During the Great Depression which must remember that it was most of. It was you know much worse during the day but there was an expectation of the future going to get better. There was a real sense of hope. There isnt a day to do these america wish to turn prince. The pose of concentration of wealth and power. Reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on tone scale one set of rules for the rich opposite. Thats what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will which will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. Welcome back to the kaiser report im max keyser time now to go to independent journalist j. P. S. Attilla a vandal dot com j. P. Welcome back good to be with you again max all right so j. P. You wrote recently in a piece titled if you cant stand the heat get out of the empire the u. S. Military is suffering the consequences of its main policy objectives of securing the oil reserves and oil shipping lanes around the world lab rape well i think whats interesting about u. S. Empire is that its basically been a project protection racket for the hydrocarbon industry right ever since 1905 when f. D. R. Cut a deal with king sowed we will have a protectorate over you you will deliver oil to the west it has grown exponentially over the course of the decades and one of the fascinating things about this oily empire is that oil is not just a justification for empire but Climate Change is also becoming a justification for empire and the irony being that all of the burning of oil has lead to Climate Change Climate Change is leading to things like the melting of the arctic where the United States wants to expand its military presence and also to an emerging climate refugee problem which the pentagon is planning on because what is a pentagon want to do keep the climate refugees out and try and figure out a way to manage the massive stabilisation thats going to come from Climate Change so so basically Climate Change is becoming a rationale for empire which is funny because readers empire was one of the causes of Climate Change and i guess looking back at previous empires this is a different case the right because previous empires they were not into terra forming right the British Empire did not permanently alter or the climate of planet are or the portuguese or the spanish before them are the dutch so this empire because of their. The ship with the saudi kingdom and the use of hydrocarbon in the growth of the Global Economy and it is causing Climate Change and terra forming and so now theres a interesting idiosyncratic relationship where the empire is being reinforced by the fact that the empire is collapsing so the more the empire collapses the more the empire is needed j. P. Becomes the justification for more empire mike pompei always at the Arctic Council these are arctic nations you know finland canada russia get together they talk about norway they talk about what the future of the arctic and when pompei o came out of the council instead of decrying Climate Change what was happening with the loss of. Vice he said this opens up great opportunities for waterways and for exploration of oil and Gas Resources in the arctic so not only is the arctic melting because of climate were going to try and get more hydrocarbons to burn to what to increase the melting and of course the pentagon is now trying to budget up for the competition to scramble for the arctic so the arctic becomes another zone of imperial competition which the United States is really i mean what else that the United States have at this point in terms of its International Prestige and power its not doing belton road like china its basically trying to maintain a massive 800 base strong empire around the world and they contrast that with previous empires there was always a notion of securing. Treasure and territory and when the empire collapsed they would lose territory they would lose treasure and it was pretty obvious because you did the accounting on a global basis and youd say ah the span to span the spanish empire just lost all their treasure or all their territory its over but here the american empire is really based more on this concept of too big to fail whether exam be bank zombie corporations or a zombie. Policies that the Climate Policies are are killing us but they are explaining hair its a too big to fail situation the cash flow that we get from this broken system keeps the empire going its an empire of negative cash flow its negative like fracking it takes more money than frack than you make fracking it takes more energy to frack then you get out from the other side of fracking so were just basically casing down this incredible imperial rabbit hole j. P. There are 2 things there id love to talk about military keynesianism because one aspect of why this system continues to work is because many thousands of americans are employed directly in the Defense Industry or in the end similarly businesses that go around the Defense Industry the f. 3051. 00 of the great boondoggles in Human History it is too big to fail and one of the reasons why is that its production has been spread across numerous congressional districts so you have numerous numerous senators and members of congress who need to sustain the f. 35 y. Because military keynesianism is pourin

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