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Was actually under no obligation to reveal the memos origin so lets quickly go back to how this all started a steel was hired back in two thousand and sixteen to find links between trump and russia but according to reports his dossier or was based on unverified allegations provided to him by the Clinton Campaign who was funding steele along with the d. N. C. And then the Obama Administration to use that dossier to secure a warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign now its been revealed that the Clinton Campaign was not only funding steele but providing him with information. When we won the House Intelligence Committee has voted unanimously to release a classified democratic memo this document challenges republican claims that the f. B. I. Abused its powers in the trump russia probe political talk show host brian crime trees says the democrats on just seeking ways to keep the russia collusion story going. First it was going to damage the f. B. I. Terribly it was something we could never release it was going to damage our sources and our our contacts and methods then it was nothing and now it deserves a rebuttal my head spinning how it how does it play out well obviously theres going to be of politically weaponized documents forthcoming the white house will likely release that will try to refute what is in the middle of that took months to create ribeye republicans this things just been in the making for a couple of weeks now by the democrats so thats the first point the second point is it will give the left in our country democrats something to say look all of this is untrue and there was trumped russia collusion thats going to be the narrative that plays out. Russia is mourning the deaths of major amman philip off his plane was shot down by islamic militants in Northern Syria on some today the soldier avoided capture by taking his own life detonating a hundred days when he was surrounded by enemy forces on the ground. For a man felipe of was fighting terrorism and died is a heresy and i came here today to on the hymns of it he gave his life so that we can live in peace on. Earth mover in the choir in high school he dreamt of becoming a pilot and the evans green when we were discussing creature was his during class he said without hesitation i want to fly after he entered the military academy he once came back to the high school during his winter break wearing his military uniform you know him behind others when anyone needed his help he was always there but you never do that to show off he was a great guy. The International Olympic committee has rejected the request of thirteen russian athletes and two coaches for invitation to this months winter games the athletes were recently ruled not to have violated doping rules by sports highest court but the i. O. C. Still has the power to decide who can compete at the olympics we are right the same street procedure after he straightly disappointing past decisions up holding a number for petes. The privilege to be invited requires. Then just the absence of a safe. So we have not been right. All the athletes requested invitations to compete along with other clean russian competitors under the banner of neutral athletes from russia on thursday the court of arbitration for sport said the i. O. C. Is evidence that the twenty eight had taken banned substances was insufficient in twenty cases the evidence collected was found to be insufficient to establish thats grouping rule violation was committed actually its concerned well the i. O. C. Has decision has infuriated a number of russian officials the Prime Minister has accused the committee of violating the olympic charter and basic legal principles while a representative of the countrys top slay federation described the i. O. C. As puppets and the head of the Cross Country Skiing Association warned that a war is beginning sports lawyer Stuart Gilhooly believes politics played a big role in the Decision Making process. It seems like a very strange way of going about things that. The i. O. C. Should be operating on the basis of the decision the cast had made whats the point in having that system if theyre not going to adhere to it it does seem to me that political pressure has been brought to bear in this situation its hard to see. Where it sort of a legal reasoning can come come about this decision certainly theres been a huge amount of pressure put on the i. O. C. Over the course of the last six months or so particularly in relation to russian athletes and i think that there are i think there would be such a backlash if they were allowed to compete that maybe the i. O. C. Feel that the that there be a lesser backlash if they if they lead them out which is of course desperately unfair on the cleanup its involved assuming of course they are claim. The u. S. Vice president will head to the Winter Olympics in pyongyang on friday but not apparently to enjoy the sport according to one of my pens his aides he wants to prevent north korea from hijacking the games the Vice President will point out the reality of the oppression in north korea by a regime as insulators people were not allowed north koreas propaganda to hijack the messaging at the olympics well Vice President s visit was announced in january one day after north korea revealed its plans to send a high level delegation to be on chang this follows a recent breakthrough in relations between the two koreas on january the fifteenth they held their first direct talks since twenty fifteen and soon afterwards it was announced north korea would attend the Olympic Games the two countries agreed to march together under one flag at the Opening Ceremony for the first time in twelve years and the north and south also decided to send a joint womens nice hockey team while in the latest news the leader of north koreas parliament kim young now will be attending the Opening Ceremony dr simone chun from the Korea Peace Network believes the games are of i want unity to deescalate tensions. Trump actually supported the korean our participation and you know and but he seems to me that there is to the vision with india a demonstration and this is the. Only games for players and one in seven percent or in think that the korean or you know during the olympic winter olympic is you know a benefit not only for Korean Peninsula but also for the entire world this is really truly extraordinary time to party is trying to go on you know piece of rock at the end of war a faster and this is this is tragically treats just to strategic trying to halt. The long green. Movement so i really hope that Vice President doesnt really ruin this awesome opportunity and the spirit of peace. A British Court has blocked the extradition of the hacker to the u. S. More on that after the break. The u. S. Is losing in two ways some on the climate denying is precluding them from the dissipating in this new economy number one and number two the effects of the Climate Change and why the catastrophes the global you know my current state are the result of it all this other problems are hurting the us economy on the other side of the trade so youve got a double. Welcome back the u. K. High court has ruled against the extradition of an alleged british hacker to the us laurie love is accused of carrying out Cyber Attacks on the f. B. I. And one other organizations but the u. K. s lord chief justice says extradition could put the hunt to his life at risk polly boyko reports. Holding hands with his family larry love left londons royal courts of justice having won his appeal against extradition to the u. S. Where hes wanted for allegedly hacking into u. S. Government websites and very thankful. After a very long road to the right result. And we can exercise the sovereignty of a legal Justice System if you can have a reasonable expectation that you go be treated humanely and if they have engaged in criminal behavior that they will have a portion of influence inside the court when the judge read out his verdict the chair is in celebration was so loud that the judge was forced to remind lowery supporters that this is a court of law and not a theater throughout the legal battle the alleged hackers legal team had argued that his was a case of life or death love has aspergers syndrome and a depressive illness his family and legal team said that he was at high risk of suicide and the u. S. Incarceration system couldnt guarantee his safety it was very unfortunate the prosecution tried to paint the Mental Health conditions as being made up six protectionists come february to and that contributes to the stigma of people with them so this isnt as important. Ministration of criminal justice and also for the humanitarian accommodation of people whose brains work differently so the case was remarkably similar to that of another british man accused of hacking into u. S. Government websites Gary Mckinnon who has autism back in two thousand and twelve his extradition was also blocked but it was that then home secretary theresa may who did it since then the powers to block an extradition have been transferred to the British Courts and larry loves case was its first test but not all his legal troubles are over its possible the americans might decide to appeal i dont know if thats going to. No not that they have two weeks to decide whether they got or not and then yes we have potential proceedings in the u. K. But love and his family have always said that hes happy to face the music for his alleged crimes they just wanted to be a british band that british band or rather a british trial is likely to be larry loves next battle boyko artsy london. The e. U. Is looking to accelerate its expansion into the balkans on tuesday the European Commission will discuss a plan to bring serbia and montenegro into the got by twenty twenty five followed by four more contrasts were getting some media including the Financial Times this is part of an e. U. Strategy to counter russias growing influence in the region however the newspaper doesnt elaborate on that claim moscow has maintained close relations with most of the balkan states since the one nine hundred ninety s. In particular it supported serbia during nato as military intervention in one nine hundred ninety Nine International Affairs Commentator marco gas it sees the Expansion Plan as an effort to shut russia and china out of the region. Its not so much a question of the russia posing a threat to the e. U. Indeed the west in general wanting to make sure the russians appreciate the threats to them if they dont comply with what the west wants so this is about shutting russia out and indeed to some extent china as well from this region in order to make a monolithic e. U. Stroke western bloc serbia is the only country on the list which really needs persuading and the reason why it needs persuading is because the price of e. U. Membership for serbia unlike the others is incredibly high a lot of the serbians realize very clearly that the in essence the e. U. Is offering serbia the chance to lose good relations great trading relations with many economic blocs in return for having good relations with just one and so i mean we should recognize that serbia has several suitors on the global stage its got china its got russia its got japan its got the arab world its not just about the e. U. And survey has been doing very well well for more on these and plenty of other stories to get to r. T. Telecom otherwise ill be back in just over half an hour but the headlines see that. Local blogs sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the Chicken Hawks forcing you to fight the battle. To do stocks credit tell you that because its exactly the same. As the tell me you pull it out and its like. These are the hawks that we all have our good. When lawmakers manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. When the room in clusters protect themselves. When the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent. Going or middle of the room signals. Going to bring real news real world. Hey everybody im stephen bob. Taft hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all im just george bush and r. V. Im losing steam this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well just a little bit different im not a Abraham Lincoln oh no no no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country im shooting the road have some fun meet Everyday Americans call me and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the Great American people. Tommy. Cooper. Doesnt know as im going to let you. Come. Home as some serious security you know i always saw was a couple was the wrong call your face a tall and strong. Well i dont actually its easier you know like that i dont want too much attention. Or you know. Singing into tain and you know far out for a lady to go on the stage and perform from people openly it is considered a taboo in afghanistan and iran i just dont want. To do the best out of georgia to go down there with on and. Look for mother. Daughter mary brown are. You making film in the country to go and see them or you know we dont have foam in this studio we dont have a city to this country it was. Really good so dont say. So well see if you think. These are very much hello i want to go to sort of just in commission but there. Is a long record of them now to deliver their fish was to. Cover them couldnt we but that it takes a thing. As that record high peter barker cant touch the head asked me which at that time to enjoy myself next to say john made the kindest back and that is the one to be good our discussion natural and he cut it gently thats a card that was just time we could care act upon my dress like a kid and giving them a total of eight up from the stuff you could call me learn. That no fear. Of caught up on a whole edition of us who lost. A son the most of all you know the snow what the slopes was going. To be done up. Right here right here. Not always. You know one of the voting was in the book i thought would look good from bush you know much more could not cope with it because. I was going but never got much out. Of it. But offloads almost. Touch and didnt want to know mummys on the slow season on the stage you see that almost child thank goodness i was not you but i. Was some of them have to hold up it. By. Said. Yeah. I. Can i can get. On a. Run. Or try to show your face was that he could i was just not yes get to depreciate i asked me she nodded a couple so kind of oily b. S. Get more then get the g. S. Your bus back and what did i want on the stuff you need to to get me what i want some people are just. The next and that the last i you but i dont say i just i mean it was a sad moment of me thinking of some kind of bone one a gift you can only have one. Theyll say ive planted a common. Or that its all that dust that hangs even muscle that it almost killed. But i do see you are. A total ass theres a lot of them sort of like it probably not because but he also joined the. Company k. Dawlish tom i can out of all. Why i get out i was scared but in five days my boss got a deficit as he has more than him because i want to have someone take shes. Time graham care and someone that shall have time for me now thats our cottage and i mean a. Monitor bad enough for them cushy scanner quickly as such how bad. Are they busted it wasnt that difficult to debug on the song. I want to can was more than that i want to so new york me could him how that has more than pushed the was would on us push that was who she as the boss i might be pushy as well as the neck out of any. More then you must like a scared me to what he she will be about thinking to how to spot me when i spoke to the school was a double shot by. Going to put a box of books on the front it was a problem so i thought i was going to buy one of those but as usual of all of. The. Most things are so. Much. More. Truthful. I smoke john businesswoman so man down his. Face should rule quite as you know how to go wrong with any accent of the world bullish from the right im to go to somalia on william as have you on a billion. Moated course you son could look at oakwood can unhide so see adds the oddest. Well. Cheese if you will fareed is im on board game of the music you dont get to be a church should look there are messages in that you are called to shine and or on when talkback the key quote of them has societe was your teacher made brother a calendar as they call shrew kirkland after all mother bought up their yard more moderate on to amber on east more laws or one. Was solid as of mark norad that says he caught red they are stuck one would do so that rebound after all mother had docked at plessy the rocket after be afraid of us and of the laughed at us that were going to hell over the next question i shall never shall here in peril he in. The any color can either get as it should them talking a lot of what is the art well it was i mean it was an eye of the motherland of if you dont really had that hope was there if youre trying to get it on national yeah global chillers are sadder boards of what is your mad then do you mean with that you charge up and thats sort of like e. J. Who be all celestial. Tutors can measure that junk or to my plate on a. Natural gift. Were closer to critic i mean were. Here with a less evil spirit to get we need to. More than i should was it took me doesnt it oh it was a tremendous actually. Because i didnt do it for what they did i mean i know they are going to get in on that but i dont quite get it and just sort of. Peed on. How much is behind the law they dont know what a more. Last option more. People think that theyre going to think much much that eventually some say say say what i dont know about that i must. Be. As one who would disagree. With. You dont push on. But change the balls between a total new job here was a vision both a vision for the read about pretty fast track down have a little that was once us now thank you doesnt seem easy and. As you mention what im selling im not one hundred nineteen. Percent and when they start the thing john and i believe hes just not that back with the jalan high class that does not ask me. To get my thats my thats damned if you. Have a you know what i should the fight john im. Sure he took another would be. Someone he could want that about of all meek and was misunderstood up taken in a normal battle miles but thats the but not with the better more on the but then of journey to what he had caught the ball modeling good will come on why did you put him on and i should just go. But i dont wish any. More that was the how much rejoiced at the whole different but thats because im isha. Sesay could be high i mean about a foot of a judge looking at me for what i did and i got it by going to see my god as well as to my god im off the scapegoat for the baucus bill as i knew about all that i want to son doesnt what cost look at. The lot of. Ja rule. If you go back forty to forty years back or fifty years back im going to. You know open mind a country that had music we had. People dressed the way they wanted never things but today. Change is done there theyre trying to enforce people into their ways of what bait want people to do. Right now we are now music studio and they actually have made a song for the Football League in afghanistan i have to go and finish it. Up who are really. Into it world or really was a little bit of those over america never going to. Follow through on that i could see up close. The time when i was i was doing a show in afghanistan called the voice which is the International Show one of the National Team in afghanistan and they had gathered a couple of mo asked to sit down to talk about me so that basically build brainwashing people against the kurds who might soon amazon which is a holy month so at the end of the show on the team flights one of them allows he says who have a cut her head and brags that they will go to heaven and this was i still get goosebumps when i talk about this. Ordeal so you did what im sorry youre already on our side. As not. Thank you its no you know more stuff. To push to understand is this. The u. S. Is losing in two ways number one the climate denying is precluding them from the dissipating in this new economy number one and number two the effects of the Climate Change and why the catastrophes the global you know migrants that are the result of it all this other problems are hurting the u. S. Economy on the other side of the trade so youve got a double. Appetite

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