A tube to reopen an airway he then performed c. P. R. For twenty straight minutes during the Ground Transport and maintained artificial respiration through two and a half hours and through emergency surgery kenton stacy would have died. If it were not for justins Selfless Love for his fellow warrior tonight kenton is recovering in texas rocca is liberated and justin is wearing his new bronze star with a v. For valor Staff Sergeant heck all of the illinois. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil. When possible. We have no choice but to annihilate them when necessary we must be able to detain and question them. But we must be clear. Terrorists are not merely criminals they are unlawful enemy combatants thad. And when captured overseas they should be treated like the terrorists they are in the past we have fullish lee released hundreds and hundreds of dangerous terrorists. Only to meet them again on the battlefield including the isis leader al baghdadi who we captured who we had who we released so today im keeping another promise i just signed prior to walking in an order directing secretary mads who is doing a great thank you thad. Thad to reexamine our military detention policy and to keep open the detention facilities in Guantanamo Bay cuba you are all i am asking congress to ensure that in the fight against isis and al qaida we continue to have all necessary power to detain terrorists wherever we chase them down wherever we find. Them in many cases for them it will now be one tenement pay thank you and i thought the same time as of a few months ago our warriors in afghanistan have new rules of engagement thank you and along with their heroic afghan partners our military is no longer undermined by artificial timelines and we no longer tell our enemies our plans to a last month i also took an action indorsed unanimously by the u. S. Senate just months before. I recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel had. Shortly afterwards dozens of countries voted in the United NationsGeneral Assembly against americas sovereign right to make this decision and twenty sixteen american taxpayers generously sent those same countries more than twenty billion dollars in aid that is why tonight i am asking congress to pass legislation to help ensure American Foreign assistance dollars always serve american interests and only go to friends of a not enemy ah i pod as we strengthen friendships all around the world we are also we storing clarity. About our adversaries when the people of iran rose up against the crimes of their corrupt dictatorship i did not stay silent america stands with the people of iran and their courageous struggle for freedom thanks i am asking congress to address the fundamental flaws in the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal my administration has also impose tough sanctions on the communist and socialist dictatorships in cuba and venezuela thanks but no regime has oppressed its own citizens more totally or brutally than the cruel dictatorship in north korea. North koreas reckless pursuit of Nuclear Missiles could very soon threaten our homeland we are waging a campaign of maximum pressure to prevent that from ever happening past experience has taught us that complacency and concessions only invite aggression and provocation i will not repeat the mistakes of past administrations that got us into this very dangerous position. We need only look at the deprived character of the north korean regime to understand the nature of the Nuclear Threat it could pose to america and to our allies i dont warm here was a hardworking student at the university of virginia and a great student he was on his way to study abroad in asia otto joined a tour to north korea at its conclusion this wonderful young man was arrested and charged with crimes against the state after a shameful trial the dictatorship sentenced. To fifteen years of hard labor before returning him to america last june horribly engineered and on the verge of death. He passed away just days after his return. Ottos. Wonderful parents fred and cindy warmed you are here with us tonight along with autos brother and sister austin and gretta slaves thanks thanks thanks. Credible people. You are powerful witnesses to a menace that threatens our world and your strength truly inspires us all thank you very much thank you thank you. Thank. You and tonight we pledge to honor ottos memory with. Total american resolve. Thank you. Finally thank you. We are joined by one more witness to the ominous nature of this regime his name is mr g. Sung ho. In one thousand nine hundred six song ho was a starving boy in north korea one day he tried to steal coal from a railroad car to barter for a few scraps of food which were very hard to get in the process he passed out on the train tracks exhausted from hunger he woke up as a train ran over his limbs he then endured multiple amputations without anything to dull the pain or the hurt. His brother and sister gave what little food they had to help him recover and ate dirt themselves permanently stunting their own growth. Later he was tortured by north korean authorities after returning from a brief visit to china his tormentors wanted to know if hed met any christians he had and he resolved after that to be free song ho travel thousands of miles on crutches all across china and Southeast Asia to freedom most of his family followed his father was caught trying to escape and was tortured to death today he lives in seoul where he rescues other defectors and broadcasts into north korea what the regime fears most the truth today he has a new leg but somehow i understand you still keep those old crutches as a reminder of how far youve come. Your great sacrifice is an inspiration to us all please thank you thank thank you thank. You thank you thank you. Thank her story is a testament to the yearning of every human soul to live in freedom. It was that same yearning for freedom that nearly two hundred fifty years ago gave birth to a special place called america it was a small cluster of colonies caught between a great ocean and a vast wilderness it was home to an incredible people with a revolutionary idea. That they could rule themselves that they could chart their own destiny and that together they could light up the entire world. That is what our country has always been about that is what americans have always stood for always strive and always done. Atop the dome of this capitol. Stands the statue of freedom she stands tall and dignified im on the monuments to our ancestors who fought and lived and died to protect. Monuments to washington and jefferson and lincoln and king memorials to the heroes of yorktown and saratoga. To Young Americans who shed their blood on the shores of normandy and the fields beyond. And others who went down in the waters of the pacific. And the skies all over asia and freedom stands tall. Over one more monument this one. This capitol this living monument this is the monument to the American People thad one thousand one. Where people whose heroes live not only in the past but all around us defending hope pride and defending the american way they work in every trade they sacrifice to raise a family they care for our children at home they defend our flag abroad. And they are strong moms and brave kids they are firefighters and Police Officers and Border Agents medics and marines but above all else they are americans and this capital this city this nation belongs entirely to them. At one thousand one our task is to respect them to listen to them to serve to protect them. And to always be worthy of them. Americans fill the world with art and music they push the balance of science and discovery and they forever remind us of what we should never ever forget. The people dreamed this country. The people built this country and its the people who are making America Great again id as long as we are proud of who we are and what we are fighting for there is nothing we cannot achieve as long as we have confidence in our values faith in our citizens and trust in our god we will never fail. Our families will thrive our people will prosper and our nation will for ever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and tree thank you and God Bless America could guide. President donald trump just finishing his very long and first state of the union speech it was a slow wall read if i can hear whats in the. Can i hear it the nat sound please. All right. President donald trump just finishing his first speech it was long it was a slow read but he covered a lot of topics i think we can all probably judge tonight that it was not the greatest speech weve ever heard as far as being an orator but the president covered a lot of detail tonight and the president touched on a lot of things and i think he probably went into more detail on immigration than anything else Steve Malzberg will go to you first tonight on this your thoughts as a conservative did you hear what you wanted to hear tonight yes i did and i think one of the great lines after he talked about the horrific gang m. S. Thirteen and presented to parents two sets of parents who lost young daughters to m. S. Thirteen he talked about the loopholes that allow gang members to come into this country and commit crimes such as those and then he said americans are dreamers too or america americans have dreams too which was a direct to me slap at at that the dreamers although on the other hand he did say he will let the dreamers have a path to citizenship he presented the pillars of his immigration proposal and they were just what we expected the dreamers to one point eight million could have citizenship in twelve years but were going to get a wall were going to get the end of chain migration and were going to get the end of the traffic lottery home and cook is a Media Consultant what jumped out at you tonight the sheer length of i thought he started strong i thought he finished wrong but there were a lot of false pauses in the middle as he was ticking off the laundry list of stuff and he could have done a better job with the he hit a home run at the beginning when he said the state of the union is strong because our people are strong and he came back to that at the end but he could have interjected that he talked about. Our new american moment and thats the kind of Bumper Sticker phrase that some monterey you want to keep coming back to i thought it was an opportunity missed i picked up on what this steve said about americans are dreamers too were just tougher than they are low level dog whistle stuff but the bargain on immigration seems to be ill give you twelve years you give me the wall and lets see if the base is ok with this flexibility on immigration also with us not tonight kareen tayloe whos a policy director of green for all. Kareen im anxious to know if you felt like there was a level of compassion coming out of the president tonight that maybe we have not seen or heard before the president talked about the f. D. A. He talked about experimental drugs he talked about bringing drug costs down which of course the democrats all stood in accord with him on that well it was this is donald trump that maybe you hadnt seen tonight oh i think weve seen this donald trump before he has the ability to read a script when i send it to him expect me when he stays on task and i think he did that tonight i appreciated his attempt to talk about the importance of our people being strong here in america and as someone who believes that we are a strong nation i think diversity is a very big part of that so while we talk about immigrants im a im a child of an immigrant family and im also someone who came here through a chain migration im my my familys jamaican so im very concerned that if some if that type of policy what it were it had been implemented when i was before i was born before my parents are coming here i wouldnt be here and i wouldnt have been able to contribute to this country so im concerned about that i was excited to hear him talk about his plans for the Auto Industry and i hope that he will also work to enforce the Clean Car Standard which is employing over close to three hundred thousand people right now are working. And the Auto Industry and those cars are not only helping to keep us running but theyre affecting us with. Impacting us with clean air and theyre also working on fuel efficiency so he had some really great points but i think the actions that were going to need to be seeing him during the course of this year are going to really detail what he really intends to do i was thinking about the people in puerto rico who a third of those folks dont even have electricity still so i wonder if they were able to watch state of the Union Tonight you know i was thinking about just just the number of recent upticks and murders from white supremacist and how were going to address that so i hope that as a nation while we of course want to be stronger we need to address diversity we need to make sure that were not only thinking about thirteens or these other gangs that are coming here illegally but the people that are here in this country that are unfortunately doing a number of domestic type types of extremist terrorism here so we need to address that as well and so thats i think the direction that we need to go for the remainder of this year if i could just point out this appears to be the quickest exit. All of the lawmakers that have ever attended the state of the union speech i mean theyre out of there already but i do want to focus on this because this is a Kitchen Table issue that hits every American Household and thats a prescription drugs and i have to say im somewhat surprised that the president went down this road tonight here it is. One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs thank you in many other countries these drugs cost far less than what we pay. And the United States and its very very share that is why ive directed my administration to make fixing the in justice of high drug prices one of my Top Priorities for the year thank you that was his democratic moment tonight donald trump is going to accuse the big a democrat in raising money for democrats is a bad life guess what he showed up tonight on that sound bite well that was the dow post trump you referred to a little bit earlier the bottom line is hes been in office for a year what is he done with that hes had a Republican Congress both sides hes done nothing with prescription drugs he checked off every box to appeal to the to his base to the red states he took that piece to try to broaden his appeal but id like to see you know talk is cheap like see what happens with the Republican Congress in the next six months were all choking on hard prescription drugs we go through that every day but by the same token i have not seen any action like anything else this is a laundry list he hit all the points lets go back to beginning where the president talked about making America Great again and then of course he gave examples of her roic acts that were done by ordinary americans scotty values i think that everyone can relate to in the appreciation and i thought it was a theme that the president set up early tonight but he didnt seem to really follow through on it he got really into his rope country as far as detail after detail after detail but it it was an attempted trying to show this is the greatness of the country i think tonights speech gave a little peace to every but i think everybody walked away liking one part of probably not liking a little bit or wishing for more of a focus i think the bring make America Great again was in a static part for back to two thousand and sixteen a throwback to what got him elected the first place and he didnt use that them several times he also talks about making america safe again making america strong and he did continue that name because i think you saw it work for him President Trump is known for. Reinventing the wheel if its work thats one thing i think hes been consistent about and he has policies that went along with it as well jim jeffords is going to be joining us also this evening as well but i do want to focus again for just a moment because i think that this part of the speech. Really took up more time than any other issue and he didnt talk about the shutdown he didnt talk about what the democrats did or did not do he talked about bringing the parties together but the president in detail tonight talked about these four pillars as steve said and he did go into detail and he demanded really some legislation to come to his desk and now the challenges there and cook for for the congress to deliver we all know what the president wants right now against his own party and hard conservatives he is willing to go down the road of a path to citizenship thats big and hes its not just for congress to deliver how about when he brought up infrastructure and played on his own resume he called us a nation of builders i just heard fifty governors faint when he talked about what was it a trillion and a half dollars on top of the tax cut trillion and a half thats twelve zeros and a lot of this money is going to fall to the states so theres a lot out there that we have to digest between immigration and infrastructure. You know as mitch said talk is cheap heres the president on immigration. The first pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship. For one point eight million Illegal Immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age