Transcripts For RT News 20180126 :

Transcripts For RT News 20180126

will move forward obviously what's crucial as well is that within the last month dorrian officials have granted julian assange ecuadorian citizenship also raising lots of questions about the possibility of potentially him being granted diplomatic status which could make it easier for him to get out of the u.k. but all of those questions really yet to be answered as this hearing continues and now all eyes are going to be on what this judge decides in the weeks to come here in london. washington has accused turkey of destabilizing northern syria with its military incursion and chris carney carrying out an offensive against the u.s. backed kurdish militia groups there and is pushing closer to positions held by washington's troops turkey is saying seeking to clear the border area of what it sees as terrorist forces here's how the u.s. state department has commented on the situation. people now have to flee an area that was previously considered pretty stable i mean what a shame that is think about all that this country has been through and now we're looking at another destruction in northwestern syria because turkey has taken its eye off the ball isis and going after the p.k. at this time. the weapons have been provided to the white b.g. by the united states the americans haven't kept their promise since man page lately trump statement saying that they won't give any weapons to the white p.g.a. anymore and then saying that we are not giving them any during last night's telephone conversation and created a crisis of trust with. the phone call meant there by turkey's foreign minister has also been a source of tension with ankara claiming what was discussed has been represented by washington president trump relayed concerns the escalating violence in africa syria risks undercutting our shared goals in syria here to turkey to deescalate limited military actions and avoid civilian casualties the white house statement about the content of the phone call between trump and dick and we're probably drafted before the conversation took place because it did not reflect the truth a washington correspondent samir khan looks further now at the to writing relations between the two nato allies no matter how many times washington says encore its ally the reality is far from it as distrust between the two grows stronger u.s. turkish relations are headed south. turkey is an important nato ally we understand fully understand turkey's concerns should. america is in the process of creating a terrorist army on our border so. america do not encroach on our border do not provoke cos we will run outs of patients this has led to consequences on the ground in monday if the turks and the kurds came so close to each other they were almost at each other's throats and then washington literally had to step in to prevent them providing but no lessons learned clearly especially considering the turkish campaign against the kurds in a free and right now. don't be friends with kurds if you want to keep good relations isn't the only signal washington missed. the coup attempt back in two thousand and sixteen made things worse at the local one and turkish cleric living in exile in the us and grow things glenn orchestrated and demands that the us extradite him. and recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital didn't do their relations any good either and it even created an opening for air to want to grab the throne as leader of the muslim world to assistance to watch the. trump why are you backing israel whether it's ok patient terrorism is that what you were defending one would think that the us would take the theory of their ally into consideration before making any rash decisions but instead of treading carefully washington to cut aid to all of the countries opposed to the jerusalem seems the most important problem between that states and turkey is that is that there is no you know nobody you know trusts their other one this is the main problem for tricky especially talking people government never rely on never trust in. you not to stress and especially in middle. issues. so whether this is all been delivered or not washington has only been tangling this not further and further. journalists in the us have noticed a quietly made added to the official mission statement of the national security agency online it turns out the with honesty trust and openness and all gone the old core values used to begin with the word on a stick saying that the american people have placed great trust in the n.s.a. and therefore the agency promised to honor that with openness well now instead to start with the phrase commitment to service here's how the n.s.a. explain the changes. it's nothing more than a website update that's. the effort to delete words that are that mean a lot to americans such as honesty and transparency and what have you it's something that. is important but if if the national security agency's deleting it i think that means that they're getting more according to reality. as to just how these intelligence agencies work they are they're not called the deep state for nothing and and the only thing that they did agree that it did keep was the provision of. respect in the law and but but even there they fudge on that. a moscow cinema has been rated by police after it showed the newly released british film the death of stalin it fair to put the film on despite it being banned in russia. wow. i. have. not. been passed. a law to tell this story will cross live now to a guard down off his in central moscow eagle and explain why there's controversy surrounding this film. well my dear this is a british movie and it is following the last days and the death of joseph stalin but also the political in a fight that ensued late and the reason it is having some troubles here in russia doesn't really have anything to do with the figure of joseph stalin hands himself it is mostly about the timing really because the showing of this movie was supposed to coincide with the anniversary of the battle of stalingrad now this was one of the most decisive moments of the second world war and the bloodiest battle really and the movie and it is a dark comedy it is a satire and of this man and portrays some of the people that made this victory for russia the victory in this war possible for example marshall zuko who's now who's known here as the marshal of victory so the russian ministry of culture decided that maybe some people may find the timing of the release of the movie a bit insensitive have a listen. many elderly people will perceive it as an offensive mockery of the soviet past the country that conquered fascism and most disgusting the victims of stalinism we don't have censorship we're not afraid of critical assessment of our history so really the movie that we're talking about here it was the license for it was called off at the last moment but some so it can't be shown here in russia but some cinemas like the one behind me decided to ignore this altogether because this one for example. tickets sold out for days ahead really now when it comes to the public opinion really it is played some agree with the position of the ministry of culture and that some like veterans and those who cherish the memories of the great patriotic war they may find this movie a bit offensive but others are saying that this is art and this is not intended to be historically accurate and shouldn't be taken too seriously. i don't think they should have banned it whether one likes it or not is this person's business i lived during that time and i saw stallions funeral i was there and what i just showed doesn't offend me you know who took it well it's a terrifying film you i left as a comedy i think it would be well received in most countries i'm not sure it would be as funny for british canadian or american people or for those who know the historical context but for me it was interesting and it was a good comedy is very important to show the film and i'd like to thank the pioneer cinema for ignoring the ban on the film it's worth the risk. months ago a russian made movie found itself in a rather identical situation i should say it was a film called matilda and it followed a love affair of the last saw of russian nicholas the second with a ballerina and the reason it faced so much opposition both from from the politicians and from the officials as well as from people in the streets is because nicolas the second is made a saint by the russian orthodox church so people so religious people for them some details of his love life well they could they could find it a bit disturbing now the outcome of that story was the movie was allowed to run in theatres and people had a chance to make up their own minds while of the case of in the case of this movie of the death of stalin his fate this fate its fate it remains in limbo. ok go ahead on a fair reporting from moscow thanks eco. the greatest sporting show on earth gets under way in russia the summer if you think the twenty eighteen foot ball will cup might inspire you to improve your ok auntie's very own style stan collymore meets the man who designs the boots of some of the game's greats. one guy came to me one day and said ok i need a pair of creased on flu crystals yet for my regular weekly game with my friend here on. sunday morning you know. that's the choose the evening game yet into. the stall to doing what two thousand and six seven so we left in twelve years like i had when he plays and what will be some ruby very soon time issues i'm eating so far probably close to. five. i think that what we're going to do is we're going to make some stan collymore special boots i would make it simple really simple. just inspired by the little. they look out salute really fantastic thank you thank you saw moche wish you all the very best in the future i'm going to send you some black live a full full fruits and see what people doing with all the. money is to come after this break. all see we have a great sea we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call the. thousand zero zero zero zero zero russia. nice drive. no left left left more or less ok stop that's really good. welcome back to the program try to says it's found no substantial evidence of russian interference in the u.k.'s twenty sixteen banks at referendum the findings have a have left some of those looking into allegations of meddling unsatisfied and pushing for a further investigation this is how the conversation went between twitter and the head of the inquiry. we found that one percent of the accounts in the data set were registered in russia could you confirm how many other accounts were being controlled from agencies in russia even if they were not registered there we do not have sufficiently strong evidence to enable us to conclusively link them with russia the failure to obtain straight answers is simply increasing concerns about these issues rather than reassuring people are the worst us government isn't happy with the fact that twitter has provided for them and the thrust of choice as message is that one percent of accounts that have been identified as sort of meddling in the referendum are registered in russia and this all started when questions were raised late last year about whether russia had perhaps to ferret that referendum the problem was that there was no proof to back up these claims of russian into ferentz online and through social media platforms take a listen to what the foreign secretary boris johnson had to say about alleged russian meddling. is another of your. i. think i'm.

Related Keywords

Russia , United States , Turkey , Stalingrad , Volgogradskaya Oblast , Sweden , Israel , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Jerusalem , Israel General , Syria , Moscow , Moskva , Washington , Ankara , Canada , Russian , Canadian , Americans , America , American , Swedish , Turks , Turkish , Boris Johnson , Samir Khan , Joseph Stalin , Chris Carney , Julian Assange ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For RT News 20180126 :

Transcripts For RT News 20180126

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will move forward obviously what's crucial as well is that within the last month dorrian officials have granted julian assange ecuadorian citizenship also raising lots of questions about the possibility of potentially him being granted diplomatic status which could make it easier for him to get out of the u.k. but all of those questions really yet to be answered as this hearing continues and now all eyes are going to be on what this judge decides in the weeks to come here in london. washington has accused turkey of destabilizing northern syria with its military incursion and chris carney carrying out an offensive against the u.s. backed kurdish militia groups there and is pushing closer to positions held by washington's troops turkey is saying seeking to clear the border area of what it sees as terrorist forces here's how the u.s. state department has commented on the situation. people now have to flee an area that was previously considered pretty stable i mean what a shame that is think about all that this country has been through and now we're looking at another destruction in northwestern syria because turkey has taken its eye off the ball isis and going after the p.k. at this time. the weapons have been provided to the white b.g. by the united states the americans haven't kept their promise since man page lately trump statement saying that they won't give any weapons to the white p.g.a. anymore and then saying that we are not giving them any during last night's telephone conversation and created a crisis of trust with. the phone call meant there by turkey's foreign minister has also been a source of tension with ankara claiming what was discussed has been represented by washington president trump relayed concerns the escalating violence in africa syria risks undercutting our shared goals in syria here to turkey to deescalate limited military actions and avoid civilian casualties the white house statement about the content of the phone call between trump and dick and we're probably drafted before the conversation took place because it did not reflect the truth a washington correspondent samir khan looks further now at the to writing relations between the two nato allies no matter how many times washington says encore its ally the reality is far from it as distrust between the two grows stronger u.s. turkish relations are headed south. turkey is an important nato ally we understand fully understand turkey's concerns should. america is in the process of creating a terrorist army on our border so. america do not encroach on our border do not provoke cos we will run outs of patients this has led to consequences on the ground in monday if the turks and the kurds came so close to each other they were almost at each other's throats and then washington literally had to step in to prevent them providing but no lessons learned clearly especially considering the turkish campaign against the kurds in a free and right now. don't be friends with kurds if you want to keep good relations isn't the only signal washington missed. the coup attempt back in two thousand and sixteen made things worse at the local one and turkish cleric living in exile in the us and grow things glenn orchestrated and demands that the us extradite him. and recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital didn't do their relations any good either and it even created an opening for air to want to grab the throne as leader of the muslim world to assistance to watch the. trump why are you backing israel whether it's ok patient terrorism is that what you were defending one would think that the us would take the theory of their ally into consideration before making any rash decisions but instead of treading carefully washington to cut aid to all of the countries opposed to the jerusalem seems the most important problem between that states and turkey is that is that there is no you know nobody you know trusts their other one this is the main problem for tricky especially talking people government never rely on never trust in. you not to stress and especially in middle. issues. so whether this is all been delivered or not washington has only been tangling this not further and further. journalists in the us have noticed a quietly made added to the official mission statement of the national security agency online it turns out the with honesty trust and openness and all gone the old core values used to begin with the word on a stick saying that the american people have placed great trust in the n.s.a. and therefore the agency promised to honor that with openness well now instead to start with the phrase commitment to service here's how the n.s.a. explain the changes. it's nothing more than a website update that's. the effort to delete words that are that mean a lot to americans such as honesty and transparency and what have you it's something that. is important but if if the national security agency's deleting it i think that means that they're getting more according to reality. as to just how these intelligence agencies work they are they're not called the deep state for nothing and and the only thing that they did agree that it did keep was the provision of. respect in the law and but but even there they fudge on that. a moscow cinema has been rated by police after it showed the newly released british film the death of stalin it fair to put the film on despite it being banned in russia. wow. i. have. not. been passed. a law to tell this story will cross live now to a guard down off his in central moscow eagle and explain why there's controversy surrounding this film. well my dear this is a british movie and it is following the last days and the death of joseph stalin but also the political in a fight that ensued late and the reason it is having some troubles here in russia doesn't really have anything to do with the figure of joseph stalin hands himself it is mostly about the timing really because the showing of this movie was supposed to coincide with the anniversary of the battle of stalingrad now this was one of the most decisive moments of the second world war and the bloodiest battle really and the movie and it is a dark comedy it is a satire and of this man and portrays some of the people that made this victory for russia the victory in this war possible for example marshall zuko who's now who's known here as the marshal of victory so the russian ministry of culture decided that maybe some people may find the timing of the release of the movie a bit insensitive have a listen. many elderly people will perceive it as an offensive mockery of the soviet past the country that conquered fascism and most disgusting the victims of stalinism we don't have censorship we're not afraid of critical assessment of our history so really the movie that we're talking about here it was the license for it was called off at the last moment but some so it can't be shown here in russia but some cinemas like the one behind me decided to ignore this altogether because this one for example. tickets sold out for days ahead really now when it comes to the public opinion really it is played some agree with the position of the ministry of culture and that some like veterans and those who cherish the memories of the great patriotic war they may find this movie a bit offensive but others are saying that this is art and this is not intended to be historically accurate and shouldn't be taken too seriously. i don't think they should have banned it whether one likes it or not is this person's business i lived during that time and i saw stallions funeral i was there and what i just showed doesn't offend me you know who took it well it's a terrifying film you i left as a comedy i think it would be well received in most countries i'm not sure it would be as funny for british canadian or american people or for those who know the historical context but for me it was interesting and it was a good comedy is very important to show the film and i'd like to thank the pioneer cinema for ignoring the ban on the film it's worth the risk. months ago a russian made movie found itself in a rather identical situation i should say it was a film called matilda and it followed a love affair of the last saw of russian nicholas the second with a ballerina and the reason it faced so much opposition both from from the politicians and from the officials as well as from people in the streets is because nicolas the second is made a saint by the russian orthodox church so people so religious people for them some details of his love life well they could they could find it a bit disturbing now the outcome of that story was the movie was allowed to run in theatres and people had a chance to make up their own minds while of the case of in the case of this movie of the death of stalin his fate this fate its fate it remains in limbo. ok go ahead on a fair reporting from moscow thanks eco. the greatest sporting show on earth gets under way in russia the summer if you think the twenty eighteen foot ball will cup might inspire you to improve your ok auntie's very own style stan collymore meets the man who designs the boots of some of the game's greats. one guy came to me one day and said ok i need a pair of creased on flu crystals yet for my regular weekly game with my friend here on. sunday morning you know. that's the choose the evening game yet into. the stall to doing what two thousand and six seven so we left in twelve years like i had when he plays and what will be some ruby very soon time issues i'm eating so far probably close to. five. i think that what we're going to do is we're going to make some stan collymore special boots i would make it simple really simple. just inspired by the little. they look out salute really fantastic thank you thank you saw moche wish you all the very best in the future i'm going to send you some black live a full full fruits and see what people doing with all the. money is to come after this break. all see we have a great sea we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call the. thousand zero zero zero zero zero russia. nice drive. no left left left more or less ok stop that's really good. welcome back to the program try to says it's found no substantial evidence of russian interference in the u.k.'s twenty sixteen banks at referendum the findings have a have left some of those looking into allegations of meddling unsatisfied and pushing for a further investigation this is how the conversation went between twitter and the head of the inquiry. we found that one percent of the accounts in the data set were registered in russia could you confirm how many other accounts were being controlled from agencies in russia even if they were not registered there we do not have sufficiently strong evidence to enable us to conclusively link them with russia the failure to obtain straight answers is simply increasing concerns about these issues rather than reassuring people are the worst us government isn't happy with the fact that twitter has provided for them and the thrust of choice as message is that one percent of accounts that have been identified as sort of meddling in the referendum are registered in russia and this all started when questions were raised late last year about whether russia had perhaps to ferret that referendum the problem was that there was no proof to back up these claims of russian into ferentz online and through social media platforms take a listen to what the foreign secretary boris johnson had to say about alleged russian meddling. is another of your. i. think i'm.

Related Keywords

Russia , United States , Turkey , Stalingrad , Volgogradskaya Oblast , Sweden , Israel , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Jerusalem , Israel General , Syria , Moscow , Moskva , Washington , Ankara , Canada , Russian , Canadian , Americans , America , American , Swedish , Turks , Turkish , Boris Johnson , Samir Khan , Joseph Stalin , Chris Carney , Julian Assange ,

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