Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20171230 :

Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20171230

this rate will see this kind of trend continue as well so let's continue on bitcoin because it has a huge impact more than just the price. we've seen a lot of volatility over the past few months but going into twenty eighteen what do you see the impact will be gold because you've said and others have said that you know this actually could help gold in the long run we've seen a lot of selling off of gold at the black hole of asset grab from other asset classes including gold what do you think the impact will be in twenty eighteen on gold the biggest problem with gold is structural can't get out of the locked environment it's trapped in because of the derivatives contracts and the naked short selling from those who support the u.s. dollar versus gold and structurally bitcoin will blow up those structures especially if patrick burns new platform zero launches. as were all of the back office settlement activities become redundant and this will open a path for gold to climb higher i think twenty eighteen are going to make a prediction for gold i think gold will hit a new all time high of twenty eighteen that's going to be above that's going to be i think gold will get above two thousand and twenty eighteen do you know twenty three twenty four hundred twenty eighteen because of the success of bitcoin wow i predict in terms of the gold market we've seen a few gold miners and gold sellers like out max the soon as they start offering big quine you know either to buy or sell or purchase or use bitcoin in any way on their platform their share price or their you know their customer base explodes so i think you're going to see a lot of those basically along the you're going to see more gold miners get into the mining space also in the millennial generation and that's the new defining population in america there's always this trend toward authenticity you know people started buying vinyl records again people wanted to cassette you know music again as a reaction to the over technologically engineered music industry of spotify and m p three files and this type of thing they see that authenticity is big and making furniture and going to actual ironworks and people are going to growing beards and growing you know tomatoes and so gold will be seen as an authentic version of bitcoin ironically enough it'll be the vinyl version of bitcoin it will be a store of value that you can actually hold you know you can make jewelry it will be not it will be a coin coble novelty for this millennial generation sitting on a huge profits in the crypt oh they'll be like you know it maybe i will go buy some twenty four karat gold jewelry at midnight for example or friends of gold money large headline and they'll be like this is cool you know this is fun and i think that will drive to demand and i think we'll see a prized move i might add that bit. yury has actually started opening a mining operation up in canada which of course is a big a minor of gold as well of the country of canada so i think we can see more competition in the mining space for sure so how about nationals states you know we've seen over the years so many different. you know proclamations first they were like this is for drug dealers and mafia you know illicit sort of operations and we're going to then we're going to ban it and they keep on going back and forth between we're going to ban it we're not going to ban it we're going to use it we're going to adopt it and you have predicted that there would be a nation that would start to first accumulate bitcoin it turns out that ball garia by the way at one point at the end of this year had like three billion dollars with a big point because of illicit operations i see some assets from some no gooders or whatever so we did see venezuela as wealthy and a twenty seventeen i think be the first nation to actually propose a crypto currency the petro which they're saying is backed by their oil reserves but which is really something that jim rickards had predicted quite a few years ago that once the u.s. pulled the trigger of using swift and the dollar financial system as a weapon to use you know to prevent nations around russia venezuela and other nations from accessing the financial system as soon as they pulled that powerful switch that alternatives would emerge and this petro for venezuela is kind of a way to circumvent sanctions so do you see other nations following with their own sort of ideas by the way i want to refer to a tweet that you had sent about this because everybody was laughing at my door over announcing this for venezuela but you had said necessity is the mother of invention venezuela is attempting to fight hyperinflation with a new hopefully if done right deflationary cryptocurrency the petro as a crypto and digital currency pioneer and inventor i support this initiative and encourage others to do the same well you know it's incredible because there's a debate in the crypt community called the scaling debate and people are trying to think about that in terms of hey is it for transactions and how do we increase transaction. there's a store of value is doing great as a store of value but the real scaling attribute of bitcoin that is ignored is what i would call the game theory scaling in the beginning going back to twenty eleven you had a bunch of technologist all trying to hack the system but they were incentivized not to hack the system because their coins were going up in price and then we had the emergence of really players who were gaming each other a mining the miners and you had china emerge as a big mining force and then japan was a big mining force you had you mentioned eastern europe and bit sirico they were dominant in the mining for a long time there almost you know about fifty percent of the mining of the hash power you know that was the the game theory was was scaled to that mining in that regional level and twenty teens are going to see the game theory scale to the sovereign level so that yes you will have countries russia china japan they're going to be adding crypto as a strategic reserve asset and they're going to be mining and nationally the big bitcoin and they're going to be subsidizing their energy resources and applying government dollars to mine coins as a strategic reserve and they will add to their gold and other reserve currencies china has three or four trillion dollars they have three four thousand tonnes officially of gold of course it's an officially a lot more now these countries are going to be coming out openly saying you know what we've got you know x. billions of dollars of the big point this is going to be game theory on the sovereign level to wrap up this first half i want to say in terms of price a lot of people say oh it's a bubble and blah blah blah but when you mention that game theory and you compared it back to you know they were as the early days of the internet i think this is a more comparison to adoption that you're seeing why why it's going hyperbolic in terms of price is this merely adoption. of the technology of the use of bitcoin because when you mentioned that first ever big conference in twenty eleven it was like the equivalent of the richard stallman sort of people and richard stallman was the very first early days of arpanet darpa in that and you know he was a hacker the original sort of hackers he was testing the system for the mit in the military and the people developing the internet and we saw that in twenty eleven twenty twelve and twenty thirteen we saw a lot of you know. the system became more anti-fragile based on all of these that attacks on the system and now we're starting to see more of the you know now we look at the internet you think of google and facebook and amazon and you know big professional sort of organizations but at that time back in the seventy's the late sixty's early seventy's it was richard stallman oh and when we come back let's talk about that what i consider to be the story of the year. so i don't go away stay right there much more coming your way. from. small room good. to come in the studio to eddie in. east oklahoma. into. the so the four college toso. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trillion united states dollars pass through most of conseco in the amount of time that we've in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows off money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most fun psycho documents where examine. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was his paper. and probably other politician which were. other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi. arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans in the us specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. we have. doctors here who never thought about the weight of care until after year ago they thought the relatives would hate them and relatives loved them and it just so absolutely inspiring to hear something at telephone call or a person coming actually i just had a man in my room at the same words he says my wife has just died thank you. last writing insisting that rachel not in them i am. the twenty list as that is they have. to go bust i'm. going you when you do who are you what it will be it's your blood showing you i need you to blush after i told him. oh. yes yes to. check. if you from my jewish but yes you steve. testing discussed the custos threatening just over young. i am i skies are welcome back to the kaiser report you know we're talking about all the great things of twenty seventeen and what to look forward twenty eighteen we left off stacey on this game theory going sovereign and the early days of bitcoin bitcoin and you're saying these are all now considered to be attack vectors essentially attack vectors that made big coin more anti-fragile robust robots and i'll tell you another attack vector that made because even more robust and took it from one thousand to fifteen thousand was the emergence of what bitcoin cache big going caches of hard fork a bit coy everyone was dreading it but it turned out to be just another attack vector that was survived and made bit coy even more anti-fragile and from that story came the story of the year and of course i am referring to the odds an awful story oh yes that was a real christmas story that was an amazing story tell everybody about it and if they haven't heard about the novelists well anyone in the crypto space knows andre's all topless he's been a tireless champion of bitcoin going all the way back to two thousand and twelve and he's been on joe rogan a few times a report going to kaiser report and he's just been an apostle of toshi and traveling the world we find out later because he was attacked by roger vera who's the big gun behind cash on twitter he had a he said made a snarky comments because andreas had launched a patriotic to have people donate money to him and they were like your bitcoin millionaire why do we need to give you money and where she had no business like you know what i've been i don't actually i'm not a big coin millionaire i had some big coin a few years ago i had to cash it out to take care of my family i actually had to go into credit card debt and suddenly it was like this massive turn jerker hit the internet. space and i want to like i think out. back or back from one of the core developers who came forward and said you know if the guy who does the buy big going to sign behind janet yellen who money was raised for him to raise like sixty seventy thousand bucks and decline why you know we should raise my friend ryan i mean he and grace is actually the real the real bitcoin jesus you know it's a story of i'm a man in a manger who's released this message of love and crypto to the world and sure enough you know within twenty four hours see the last i looked it's almost two million bucks so he is now a crypto millionaire and he's got a homeless guy in the world who's just about spreading the word of this fantastic technology and it shows also that krypto is not about drugs and about gun running and about evil doers you know the way the mainstream media portrays it at the core as our friend jimmy song has a great presentation about this it's about virtue it's about prudence it's about the qualities that you a high temperance you hold in the highest regard you must adopt these to be success in this in this space because there are no guarantees there are no bailouts you word is your bond your character is who you are and this is what's coming out as part of the script a revolution that's the message and i immediately thought of that great holiday movie it's a wonderful life you know it's about george bailey and his s n l savings and loan goes bust and he's just helping people get houses and then mr potter of pottersville tries to take advantage of the situation but then the people all come together and they throw you know cash into a bucket and they save yes analogy me stuart is save and you know little clarence the angel talks about the bells ringing yes everybody's watching over christmas but getting to this and a story going further on that one person one individual did give to him at the time five hundred twenty four thousand dollars with a big queen in one transfer to him and then went up to like seven hundred thousand and value. more over the next twenty four thirty six hours just those thirty seven bitcoin that guy had sent to him so you know there were a lot of amazing donations and you could also go online check him out. because there are some photos of him giving speeches to three people in a giant auditorium who are showing up in the early days of it going to learn about it there are only three people and he was delivering it with such passion you could see his face like speaking to these three people in the audience in a big empty room on the road to damascus yes i mean that's kind of continuing on we are still in december so it's a little bit of a christmas story but we're going into the new year we're going into twenty eighteen and one thing that you mentioned in the previous half of the show was that millennial czar you know you know millennial are part of this equation and what we're seeing i think with bitcoin in the leads into this next episode this next story this next forecast i have is this intergenerational thing because one thing that happened in twenty sixteen is that millennia were the bigger larger voting block them the baby boomers this is massive this is the first baby boomers have you know they've gone through you know they've laid their mark on every single thing in culture economy politics everything that they wanted they got just because of the vote they have the vote they have the majority of people they got whatever they wanted and now we have a new generation the millennial generation there there are more of them than there are baby boomers so i think baby boomers have a lot they got the free education they got the cheap healthcare they have they got the cheap houses they got everything and all of those asset prices the stock markets the house and property everything is booming it is that the peak they got it in cheap they got in early you know many early investors many early they were early on the other financial system i think that's part of why we see these cryptocurrency and bitcoin the whole. ecosystem erupting because it's a this is a new ecosystem for all of those who are not even given they're not there's no way to enter that system that the baby boomers are holding onto really tight i don't blame them but there's no room for the you know millennial czar or anybody else to get into it so they have to create their own financial system and i think you're going to see this through political systems cultural systems they have to create their own because they're the boomers are not going to give up their dominant position and the ones that they've created the world they've created it's a wall transference it's from baby boomers to millennial so it's also from the first for to the third world you know that because encrypt as being embraced by countries that are subject to those asian countries that are being victimized by sanctions and they're using this as a way to do an end run around swift and other international money systems that are being controlled by old compost and colonial powers and so there's a huge transference of wealth the biggest we've seen in hundreds of years and millennial is are taking part of the millennium the recovery more international in that sense and the victims of this will be the old guard of the legacy systems and agree that this is like the baby boomers of the rat bulge in the snake you know you see that snake and there's a bulge in the snake and in what is that bulge it's a rat that read of the baby boomers and now they've passed through the snake and now we've got to get back to some other new demographic trends i think that hash tag me too that i mention the first half that's part of this intergenerational transfer of power i believe you know all these politicians all of these hollywood in that feudal system all the gate keepers in hollywood it all turns out many of them are abusers and you know not very nice people and are very abusive with their power and i think. the money elsewhere like enough out of here go away and the fact that they like these super powerful people are being dismantled and destroyed their careers just such super power i worked in hollywood i can't believe the likes of harvey weinstein and kevin spacey they who would have ever thought that they could just be memory hold so fast and yet they're there they're gone they don't and this is what you know we're finding out about the silence breakers the made to hash tag me too as time magazine is that people when they were victimized in this way across all spectrum of society you know the perception is that a guy is abusive to a woman but what we're finding out is that guy is part of a system that's abusive to women so there's in hollywood we find out that the agents are in on it other stars are in the public says they're in on it so when she going to woman you know other people say why didn't the woman speak up about this at the time because she's taking on not just the guy who abused her but the entire system and the entire system lets her know that if she speaks up she'll be she's out of a job her career is finished and this is one and this is anyone who suggests that women are partially to blame for any of this really doesn't owners know what they're talking about but again this goes to this point in the second half i am introducing is that those these powerful systems protect themselves they they fight back so the boomers naturally got the free healthcare they got the free education they got all that free stuff and somebody had but it was never free there's no such thing as a free lunch somebody had to pay and they got their children and grand while their grandchildren great grandchildren have to pay for it and these this generation the millennial generation. they want their own power they want their own systems and they're not able to be part of that system so without being abused in some way whether it's through you know credit default swaps or anything else they're they want they have to break through it and create their own system so i also want to to turn. another. many people think he abused you know the middle east and also the population of the united kingdom tony blair backs labour's land value tax to tackle housing crisis tony blair is backing one of the most controversial measures raised in labour's last manifesto by supporting a new land value tax designed to help solve the housing crisis so they're saying obviously it would be a huge shift left whether or not if you were in power if you were still in power of course you would never do this and why you would never do this is as the article points out is successive governments including blair's repeatedly avoided dealing with the council tax system which is based on wildly out of date house price valuations because the politically explosive consequences of updating it doing so could see some asset rich but cash poor people such as old early homeowners hit with big bills so the baby boomers they got the free houses as i mentioned before they got the free houses from margaret thatcher and they see those profits as theirs they do not want anybody to take those profits for them and if they do even if it means mass homelessness from the millennial generation they want to keep their profits tony blair i mean one total blur the invalid new labor you know new labor was supposed to be some interest in the way there's a third one in the british margaret thatcher ism. and so now it's still all the way full circle and see is the but a failed approach well of course it makes perfect sense tony blair and bill clinton invented the third way and the third way delivered in two thousand and sixteen the new president and twenty seventeen donald trump and i think this is what it is it's a recognition that ok we've benefited a lot but the fact is the baby boomers have to do something otherwise you're going to get worse than trauma next time and twenty eighteen this is a year for mid-term elections maximum last minute. here what do you think we're going to see in the midterm elections are you know there are democrats going to suddenly win everything and they're hash tag the resistance is going to take over and they're going to kick out trumps before and what do you see could possibly happen and i can imagine the campaign as for twenty eighteen and twenty twenty it'll be booming jobs booming markets and it'll look great and promises that were made on the campaign trail whether they're good or bad they're being kept so those campaign ads are going to great he's his popularity i mean his percentage of the vote will go up translating into twenty twenty one when the popular vote and twenty twenty one the electoral college and twenty twenty so we're got a lot more trump on the future in the last twenty seconds here i'll say i think the opposite i think something new the millennial we don't know because nobody has ever in the media given them voice but i think something will emerge out of there are they equivalent of an obama for the new millennial generation oh it's going to do it for this special even on the eve of new year's eve special seeing twenty eighteen maxa stacey wishing you all the best if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time by they all. come to call russia no one has ever known one has ever heard of and never been heard about most. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were a south and taken your last to bang turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry for me i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each other. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one to. speak to us there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is one business model helps to run a prison now we do stuart don't like i said nobody over the place and i don't know what comes in to them or we don't have to serve them anymore there's the great deal that's what they want to do that as long as they don't give a damn if you need to charge a very badly prio to put it back in very good the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what she could is behind such success. i. i. i. i. have a. little. human rights watch claims fifty two iraqi civilians were executed by use e.-d. fighters as revenge for supporting islamic state we talked to the group about an edge to revenge killings. will set up safe signs for women on new year's eve to repeat it to prevent a repeat of the mass sex assaults seen twenty years ago and close to me it sounds it's a bit like i'm only be set up it's a good idea it's needed. in front of me. and our teammates a bedouin tribes me to his village has been flattened by israeli authorities more than a hundred times we find out why.

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Louisiana , United States , Japan , United Kingdom , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Argentina , Brazil , China , Canada , Russia , Oklahoma , Iraq , Israel , Morocco , Hollywood , California , Saudi Arabia , Panama , Venezuela , Americans , America , Saudi , Iraqi , British , Israeli , Roger Vera , Janet Yellen , Harvey Weinstein , Margaret Thatcher , Jim Rickards , Richard Stallman , George Bailey , Joe Rogan , Vladimir Putin , Tony Blair , Kevin Spacey , Petro Asa ,

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Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20171230 :

Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20171230

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this rate will see this kind of trend continue as well so let's continue on bitcoin because it has a huge impact more than just the price. we've seen a lot of volatility over the past few months but going into twenty eighteen what do you see the impact will be gold because you've said and others have said that you know this actually could help gold in the long run we've seen a lot of selling off of gold at the black hole of asset grab from other asset classes including gold what do you think the impact will be in twenty eighteen on gold the biggest problem with gold is structural can't get out of the locked environment it's trapped in because of the derivatives contracts and the naked short selling from those who support the u.s. dollar versus gold and structurally bitcoin will blow up those structures especially if patrick burns new platform zero launches. as were all of the back office settlement activities become redundant and this will open a path for gold to climb higher i think twenty eighteen are going to make a prediction for gold i think gold will hit a new all time high of twenty eighteen that's going to be above that's going to be i think gold will get above two thousand and twenty eighteen do you know twenty three twenty four hundred twenty eighteen because of the success of bitcoin wow i predict in terms of the gold market we've seen a few gold miners and gold sellers like out max the soon as they start offering big quine you know either to buy or sell or purchase or use bitcoin in any way on their platform their share price or their you know their customer base explodes so i think you're going to see a lot of those basically along the you're going to see more gold miners get into the mining space also in the millennial generation and that's the new defining population in america there's always this trend toward authenticity you know people started buying vinyl records again people wanted to cassette you know music again as a reaction to the over technologically engineered music industry of spotify and m p three files and this type of thing they see that authenticity is big and making furniture and going to actual ironworks and people are going to growing beards and growing you know tomatoes and so gold will be seen as an authentic version of bitcoin ironically enough it'll be the vinyl version of bitcoin it will be a store of value that you can actually hold you know you can make jewelry it will be not it will be a coin coble novelty for this millennial generation sitting on a huge profits in the crypt oh they'll be like you know it maybe i will go buy some twenty four karat gold jewelry at midnight for example or friends of gold money large headline and they'll be like this is cool you know this is fun and i think that will drive to demand and i think we'll see a prized move i might add that bit. yury has actually started opening a mining operation up in canada which of course is a big a minor of gold as well of the country of canada so i think we can see more competition in the mining space for sure so how about nationals states you know we've seen over the years so many different. you know proclamations first they were like this is for drug dealers and mafia you know illicit sort of operations and we're going to then we're going to ban it and they keep on going back and forth between we're going to ban it we're not going to ban it we're going to use it we're going to adopt it and you have predicted that there would be a nation that would start to first accumulate bitcoin it turns out that ball garia by the way at one point at the end of this year had like three billion dollars with a big point because of illicit operations i see some assets from some no gooders or whatever so we did see venezuela as wealthy and a twenty seventeen i think be the first nation to actually propose a crypto currency the petro which they're saying is backed by their oil reserves but which is really something that jim rickards had predicted quite a few years ago that once the u.s. pulled the trigger of using swift and the dollar financial system as a weapon to use you know to prevent nations around russia venezuela and other nations from accessing the financial system as soon as they pulled that powerful switch that alternatives would emerge and this petro for venezuela is kind of a way to circumvent sanctions so do you see other nations following with their own sort of ideas by the way i want to refer to a tweet that you had sent about this because everybody was laughing at my door over announcing this for venezuela but you had said necessity is the mother of invention venezuela is attempting to fight hyperinflation with a new hopefully if done right deflationary cryptocurrency the petro as a crypto and digital currency pioneer and inventor i support this initiative and encourage others to do the same well you know it's incredible because there's a debate in the crypt community called the scaling debate and people are trying to think about that in terms of hey is it for transactions and how do we increase transaction. there's a store of value is doing great as a store of value but the real scaling attribute of bitcoin that is ignored is what i would call the game theory scaling in the beginning going back to twenty eleven you had a bunch of technologist all trying to hack the system but they were incentivized not to hack the system because their coins were going up in price and then we had the emergence of really players who were gaming each other a mining the miners and you had china emerge as a big mining force and then japan was a big mining force you had you mentioned eastern europe and bit sirico they were dominant in the mining for a long time there almost you know about fifty percent of the mining of the hash power you know that was the the game theory was was scaled to that mining in that regional level and twenty teens are going to see the game theory scale to the sovereign level so that yes you will have countries russia china japan they're going to be adding crypto as a strategic reserve asset and they're going to be mining and nationally the big bitcoin and they're going to be subsidizing their energy resources and applying government dollars to mine coins as a strategic reserve and they will add to their gold and other reserve currencies china has three or four trillion dollars they have three four thousand tonnes officially of gold of course it's an officially a lot more now these countries are going to be coming out openly saying you know what we've got you know x. billions of dollars of the big point this is going to be game theory on the sovereign level to wrap up this first half i want to say in terms of price a lot of people say oh it's a bubble and blah blah blah but when you mention that game theory and you compared it back to you know they were as the early days of the internet i think this is a more comparison to adoption that you're seeing why why it's going hyperbolic in terms of price is this merely adoption. of the technology of the use of bitcoin because when you mentioned that first ever big conference in twenty eleven it was like the equivalent of the richard stallman sort of people and richard stallman was the very first early days of arpanet darpa in that and you know he was a hacker the original sort of hackers he was testing the system for the mit in the military and the people developing the internet and we saw that in twenty eleven twenty twelve and twenty thirteen we saw a lot of you know. the system became more anti-fragile based on all of these that attacks on the system and now we're starting to see more of the you know now we look at the internet you think of google and facebook and amazon and you know big professional sort of organizations but at that time back in the seventy's the late sixty's early seventy's it was richard stallman oh and when we come back let's talk about that what i consider to be the story of the year. so i don't go away stay right there much more coming your way. from. small room good. to come in the studio to eddie in. east oklahoma. into. the so the four college toso. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trillion united states dollars pass through most of conseco in the amount of time that we've in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows off money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most fun psycho documents where examine. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was his paper. and probably other politician which were. other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi. arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans in the us specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. we have. doctors here who never thought about the weight of care until after year ago they thought the relatives would hate them and relatives loved them and it just so absolutely inspiring to hear something at telephone call or a person coming actually i just had a man in my room at the same words he says my wife has just died thank you. last writing insisting that rachel not in them i am. the twenty list as that is they have. to go bust i'm. going you when you do who are you what it will be it's your blood showing you i need you to blush after i told him. oh. yes yes to. check. if you from my jewish but yes you steve. testing discussed the custos threatening just over young. i am i skies are welcome back to the kaiser report you know we're talking about all the great things of twenty seventeen and what to look forward twenty eighteen we left off stacey on this game theory going sovereign and the early days of bitcoin bitcoin and you're saying these are all now considered to be attack vectors essentially attack vectors that made big coin more anti-fragile robust robots and i'll tell you another attack vector that made because even more robust and took it from one thousand to fifteen thousand was the emergence of what bitcoin cache big going caches of hard fork a bit coy everyone was dreading it but it turned out to be just another attack vector that was survived and made bit coy even more anti-fragile and from that story came the story of the year and of course i am referring to the odds an awful story oh yes that was a real christmas story that was an amazing story tell everybody about it and if they haven't heard about the novelists well anyone in the crypto space knows andre's all topless he's been a tireless champion of bitcoin going all the way back to two thousand and twelve and he's been on joe rogan a few times a report going to kaiser report and he's just been an apostle of toshi and traveling the world we find out later because he was attacked by roger vera who's the big gun behind cash on twitter he had a he said made a snarky comments because andreas had launched a patriotic to have people donate money to him and they were like your bitcoin millionaire why do we need to give you money and where she had no business like you know what i've been i don't actually i'm not a big coin millionaire i had some big coin a few years ago i had to cash it out to take care of my family i actually had to go into credit card debt and suddenly it was like this massive turn jerker hit the internet. space and i want to like i think out. back or back from one of the core developers who came forward and said you know if the guy who does the buy big going to sign behind janet yellen who money was raised for him to raise like sixty seventy thousand bucks and decline why you know we should raise my friend ryan i mean he and grace is actually the real the real bitcoin jesus you know it's a story of i'm a man in a manger who's released this message of love and crypto to the world and sure enough you know within twenty four hours see the last i looked it's almost two million bucks so he is now a crypto millionaire and he's got a homeless guy in the world who's just about spreading the word of this fantastic technology and it shows also that krypto is not about drugs and about gun running and about evil doers you know the way the mainstream media portrays it at the core as our friend jimmy song has a great presentation about this it's about virtue it's about prudence it's about the qualities that you a high temperance you hold in the highest regard you must adopt these to be success in this in this space because there are no guarantees there are no bailouts you word is your bond your character is who you are and this is what's coming out as part of the script a revolution that's the message and i immediately thought of that great holiday movie it's a wonderful life you know it's about george bailey and his s n l savings and loan goes bust and he's just helping people get houses and then mr potter of pottersville tries to take advantage of the situation but then the people all come together and they throw you know cash into a bucket and they save yes analogy me stuart is save and you know little clarence the angel talks about the bells ringing yes everybody's watching over christmas but getting to this and a story going further on that one person one individual did give to him at the time five hundred twenty four thousand dollars with a big queen in one transfer to him and then went up to like seven hundred thousand and value. more over the next twenty four thirty six hours just those thirty seven bitcoin that guy had sent to him so you know there were a lot of amazing donations and you could also go online check him out. because there are some photos of him giving speeches to three people in a giant auditorium who are showing up in the early days of it going to learn about it there are only three people and he was delivering it with such passion you could see his face like speaking to these three people in the audience in a big empty room on the road to damascus yes i mean that's kind of continuing on we are still in december so it's a little bit of a christmas story but we're going into the new year we're going into twenty eighteen and one thing that you mentioned in the previous half of the show was that millennial czar you know you know millennial are part of this equation and what we're seeing i think with bitcoin in the leads into this next episode this next story this next forecast i have is this intergenerational thing because one thing that happened in twenty sixteen is that millennia were the bigger larger voting block them the baby boomers this is massive this is the first baby boomers have you know they've gone through you know they've laid their mark on every single thing in culture economy politics everything that they wanted they got just because of the vote they have the vote they have the majority of people they got whatever they wanted and now we have a new generation the millennial generation there there are more of them than there are baby boomers so i think baby boomers have a lot they got the free education they got the cheap healthcare they have they got the cheap houses they got everything and all of those asset prices the stock markets the house and property everything is booming it is that the peak they got it in cheap they got in early you know many early investors many early they were early on the other financial system i think that's part of why we see these cryptocurrency and bitcoin the whole. ecosystem erupting because it's a this is a new ecosystem for all of those who are not even given they're not there's no way to enter that system that the baby boomers are holding onto really tight i don't blame them but there's no room for the you know millennial czar or anybody else to get into it so they have to create their own financial system and i think you're going to see this through political systems cultural systems they have to create their own because they're the boomers are not going to give up their dominant position and the ones that they've created the world they've created it's a wall transference it's from baby boomers to millennial so it's also from the first for to the third world you know that because encrypt as being embraced by countries that are subject to those asian countries that are being victimized by sanctions and they're using this as a way to do an end run around swift and other international money systems that are being controlled by old compost and colonial powers and so there's a huge transference of wealth the biggest we've seen in hundreds of years and millennial is are taking part of the millennium the recovery more international in that sense and the victims of this will be the old guard of the legacy systems and agree that this is like the baby boomers of the rat bulge in the snake you know you see that snake and there's a bulge in the snake and in what is that bulge it's a rat that read of the baby boomers and now they've passed through the snake and now we've got to get back to some other new demographic trends i think that hash tag me too that i mention the first half that's part of this intergenerational transfer of power i believe you know all these politicians all of these hollywood in that feudal system all the gate keepers in hollywood it all turns out many of them are abusers and you know not very nice people and are very abusive with their power and i think. the money elsewhere like enough out of here go away and the fact that they like these super powerful people are being dismantled and destroyed their careers just such super power i worked in hollywood i can't believe the likes of harvey weinstein and kevin spacey they who would have ever thought that they could just be memory hold so fast and yet they're there they're gone they don't and this is what you know we're finding out about the silence breakers the made to hash tag me too as time magazine is that people when they were victimized in this way across all spectrum of society you know the perception is that a guy is abusive to a woman but what we're finding out is that guy is part of a system that's abusive to women so there's in hollywood we find out that the agents are in on it other stars are in the public says they're in on it so when she going to woman you know other people say why didn't the woman speak up about this at the time because she's taking on not just the guy who abused her but the entire system and the entire system lets her know that if she speaks up she'll be she's out of a job her career is finished and this is one and this is anyone who suggests that women are partially to blame for any of this really doesn't owners know what they're talking about but again this goes to this point in the second half i am introducing is that those these powerful systems protect themselves they they fight back so the boomers naturally got the free healthcare they got the free education they got all that free stuff and somebody had but it was never free there's no such thing as a free lunch somebody had to pay and they got their children and grand while their grandchildren great grandchildren have to pay for it and these this generation the millennial generation. they want their own power they want their own systems and they're not able to be part of that system so without being abused in some way whether it's through you know credit default swaps or anything else they're they want they have to break through it and create their own system so i also want to to turn. another. many people think he abused you know the middle east and also the population of the united kingdom tony blair backs labour's land value tax to tackle housing crisis tony blair is backing one of the most controversial measures raised in labour's last manifesto by supporting a new land value tax designed to help solve the housing crisis so they're saying obviously it would be a huge shift left whether or not if you were in power if you were still in power of course you would never do this and why you would never do this is as the article points out is successive governments including blair's repeatedly avoided dealing with the council tax system which is based on wildly out of date house price valuations because the politically explosive consequences of updating it doing so could see some asset rich but cash poor people such as old early homeowners hit with big bills so the baby boomers they got the free houses as i mentioned before they got the free houses from margaret thatcher and they see those profits as theirs they do not want anybody to take those profits for them and if they do even if it means mass homelessness from the millennial generation they want to keep their profits tony blair i mean one total blur the invalid new labor you know new labor was supposed to be some interest in the way there's a third one in the british margaret thatcher ism. and so now it's still all the way full circle and see is the but a failed approach well of course it makes perfect sense tony blair and bill clinton invented the third way and the third way delivered in two thousand and sixteen the new president and twenty seventeen donald trump and i think this is what it is it's a recognition that ok we've benefited a lot but the fact is the baby boomers have to do something otherwise you're going to get worse than trauma next time and twenty eighteen this is a year for mid-term elections maximum last minute. here what do you think we're going to see in the midterm elections are you know there are democrats going to suddenly win everything and they're hash tag the resistance is going to take over and they're going to kick out trumps before and what do you see could possibly happen and i can imagine the campaign as for twenty eighteen and twenty twenty it'll be booming jobs booming markets and it'll look great and promises that were made on the campaign trail whether they're good or bad they're being kept so those campaign ads are going to great he's his popularity i mean his percentage of the vote will go up translating into twenty twenty one when the popular vote and twenty twenty one the electoral college and twenty twenty so we're got a lot more trump on the future in the last twenty seconds here i'll say i think the opposite i think something new the millennial we don't know because nobody has ever in the media given them voice but i think something will emerge out of there are they equivalent of an obama for the new millennial generation oh it's going to do it for this special even on the eve of new year's eve special seeing twenty eighteen maxa stacey wishing you all the best if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report until next time by they all. come to call russia no one has ever known one has ever heard of and never been heard about most. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were a south and taken your last to bang turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry for me i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each other. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one to. speak to us there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is one business model helps to run a prison now we do stuart don't like i said nobody over the place and i don't know what comes in to them or we don't have to serve them anymore there's the great deal that's what they want to do that as long as they don't give a damn if you need to charge a very badly prio to put it back in very good the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what she could is behind such success. i. i. i. i. have a. little. human rights watch claims fifty two iraqi civilians were executed by use e.-d. fighters as revenge for supporting islamic state we talked to the group about an edge to revenge killings. will set up safe signs for women on new year's eve to repeat it to prevent a repeat of the mass sex assaults seen twenty years ago and close to me it sounds it's a bit like i'm only be set up it's a good idea it's needed. in front of me. and our teammates a bedouin tribes me to his village has been flattened by israeli authorities more than a hundred times we find out why.

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