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Stay tuned for that. Hello im max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know the world is a finite place. In marys capacity to generate garbage seems infinite oh my god how are those two going to work how do you square the circle so maxwell the circle is not being squared in fact theres a finite amount of space even in the Financial System where many think you can print an infinite number of dollars well china saying yankee go home to all american toxic waste whether it is actual trash trash garbage trash sort of stuff or trash us Treasury Bonds so they dont want any of them heres the first headline recycling chaos in us as china bans foreign waste and they set out to look at the classical virtue signaling sort of you know Portland Oregon couple and what it means to virtual signaling essentially its going to get a lot more expensive to signal your virtue like many portland residents such ish and arlene carr are serious recyclers their house is coated with recycled bluish white paint they recycle their rainwater compost their food waste and carefully separate the paper in plastic they toss out but recently after loading up their prius and driving to a sorting facility they got a shock. The fellow said we dont take plastic anymore satish says it should go in the trash so apparently china has said from january first is the official date no more foreign waste to. They accept you know all those container ships plastics and cardboard and all sorts of stuff sent to china to recycle well they dont want any of it anymore here. You know i remember the story about an entrepreneur in china this woman who noticed that all of these big cargo ships were going to china return to china empty because of course america doesnt export anything to china they only import she said well send us your garbage send us your corrugated cardboard for one thing and she recycled it re fabricated it in china and sold it back to the u. S. Essentially and she became a billionaire and there was a huge garbage trade flowing from america to china americas biggest export to china was garbage literally garbage huge tankers full of waste and now china is hit the Maximum Capacity for garbage and toxic sludge and air pollution and people are choking to death on the street and mercury poisoning is killing babies and whatnot so the governments like hey you know maybe we should take less garbage from america so they put the kybosh on this old garbage export business and now that as you point out these virtual signallers in other words you know weasely types and portlandia which is a great show by the way are on able to exercise their virtue by composting their own banana peels and by growing you know their own organic plants in the backyard and dividing plastic and whatnot in the recycling bin they have to now pay thats the bottom line they get the pay well actually part of the problem has been that they do not recycle they do not separate plastics so if in fact in our own community youll see that the recycling section is just you dump it all plastic paper. Anything danimal wool sweaters but and garbage to china and were not just talking with u. S. Treasury bonds because they said a lot of that garbage and they send fannie mae and freddie mac. Sort of Housing Mortgage backed securities and stuff like that but on the other end they send those at the higher and lower and they send all this stuff and the data is that the u. S. Exports about one third of its recycling and nearly half goes to china for decades china has used recyclables from around the world to supply its manufacturing boom but this summer it declared that this foreign waste includes too many other nonrecyclable materials that are dirty even hazardous and a filing with the World Trade Organization the country list twenty four kinds of solid wastes it would ban to protect chinas environmental interests and Peoples Health the complete ban takes place from january first but already some chinese importers have not had their licenses renewed this is leaving us recycling companies scrambling to adapt so they look at a Company Called Waste Systems in Southern Oregon which is you know theyve received all of this recycled stuff they package it and compress it into a bale in which they put it into a container and shipped to china but as china is no longer willing to accept it theyre piling up while they look for somebody else around the world willing to accept it to actually do this job in the u. S. Its too expensive to separate it all out and recycle appropriately so theyre looking for somebody to send it to in the meantime local authorities are just telling them to send it to the local dump so so these people a lot of people are feeling like theyre doing well and im i drive a prius and i recycle but in fact theyre recycling all that work theyre doing to recycle is actually just going into the local landfill you know it all back up and ill just be. Create a toxic environment you know ultimately corporations to package the stuff in plastics of course this would fall in the category of externality you know they dont pay for the environmental cost and they will never be forced to pay for the environmental cost is one of the subsidies that we as human beings give to corporations are willing to compromise our health by having to live in a garbage dump so that these corporations can continue to make on. Accounted for profits essentially and avoid this these problems which is their gated cities in fortresses so they have a fortress so since the whole kind of process weve been covering over the past few years and kaiser report is the de globalization weve lived through very relatively easy times i think in fifty years time people of back and say wow that period of time between like one thousand after the Opec Oil Embargo from that period up until about now was just like everything all the prices were going down and goods were going down shipping everything around the world just in time delivery everything was all perfect and cheap and now i think the cost i think weve hit the bottom there and it looks like costs are starting to rise because as the system says right now all this recycling is technically garbage but there are now International Regulations about how much you have to recycle so recycling will have to happen and its going to cost more so therefore your products and our cost more they one of the articles about this china story says that you know amazon for example is going to get rid of hit really hard because they buy almost all of a lot of their packaging is provided by the recycled end product that has been until now created in china this the guy who runs away systems that i talked about scott fowler he talks about what americans have been putting in their recycling bins that are technically not recyclable. Has always just been put into these one ton bales they get sent to china he points out a roll of linoleum gas cans a briefcase a surprising number of knitted sweaters plus their frozen food cartons and plastic bags that many people think are recyclable but are not well you know these carbon nanotubes are extra credibly strong and apparently you can create a geosynchronous satellites above planet earth on a rope made of carbon nanotubes so you can get into outer space quite quickly like you just take an elevator five minutes up from there at that stage and platform you can load up containers and rockets in carry the garbage to the moon which is our most you know close to satellite and the dark side of the moon is also geosynchronous to planet earth you dont see the dark side of the moon and turn that into an incredible garbage dump and just to get him on moscow or one of these other guys to work this all out a Richard Branson sure Richard Branson and you create a garbage fairy on this new technology and just create the dark side of the moon dump i mean thats obviously the answer to this well a lot of people all sorts of not just a lot of people working in private satellites they should maybe they might invent a chute that just shoots garbage and out of government cannon a garbage can and walk around on you know that you can shoot a projectile into outer space on nucular power rails essentially and you could just shoot garbage satellites and outer space because its already cluttered with various broken satellite parts and what nobody would know the difference if theyve got like old diapers and stuff floating around in outer space blanketing planet earth well of course Stephen Hawking is right that one day will come visit us and we should try to avoid them ever coming to visit us but if they keep all our trash keeps them showing up on their planet it might encourage them to come look for us and who the hell is said to us all of these old diapers you know thats a mark of who we are you know the the radius. Bills from mother earth that are still being emitted into outer space are the television singles our first broadcast in the one nine hundred forty s. And of course those were all fillers speeches that were televised those waves are the first waves to leave planet earth to travel into outer space so alien and if they do intercept rays or you know signals from planet earth from the one nine hundred forty s. Their first introduction to humanity will be filler and thatll be their First Impression and no you cant you cant you can never make a First Impression twice Something Like that yes so right now by definition they say that material out there is garbage referring to the stack of all these recyclables it has no value there is no demand for it in the marketplace its garbage and in china itself because theyre not accepting any of this stuff there is also a problem a lot of old ladies go around collecting all this sort of garbage and separating and they have no market now finally in this last headline year this is a tweet that came out i think it was via bloomberg and speaking of garbage and china no longer willing to accept it and what that might mean for virtual signal because a lot of our us military is. You know the support via the media is because where such great virtuous people were going to save those women of afghanistan were going to save those people of benghazi were going to save those people and you know various. Oil rich nations around the world were going to help them right well chinas appetite for treasuries it may be about to just as America Needs its biggest foreign creditor to help finance a growing budget deficit of course the budget deficit is not helped by the expanding military budgets which is totally financed by china and if they are no longer have the appetite for treasuries you know this is the thing that weve been looking at for years of course a lot of our guests are always like whenever they start buying up treasuries its going to go all horribly right. So thats amazing that they say things are cocoa you know incidental that theyre not taking the garbage of the american fat money either you know you could send them truckloads worth of dollars in hundred dollar bills and they would say no we dont take that garbage anymore and of course that means that the ability to neutralize the effect of all that money printing disappears so that it would come back into the economy in the form of inflation so were starting to see some early warnings of inflation on the margins you know the ability to hide that are disappearing rapidly. Weve got to. See rapidly exits the second how do we take a break you know take a break and come back for the second half so you know. The idea that dropping bombs brings us to the chicken or forcing you to fight the battle. That you saw for the so you can be gossip and talk with us. Today. Like. All the hall we along the board will want. To. Put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when youre the president. Wanted. To go and. See what was before three of them or you could get. Interested in the war. Well welcome back to the kaiser report im max keiser time to return to our conversation on marshall are back is a Research Associate at the Levy Institute all around nice guy hockey player marshall welcome back not a good hockey player you know you got to the Junior High School level of sickly thats where you ever seen that video on you tube birth of a canadian its you know you see ice theres a hole in the ice and then a man emerges oh yeah ive seen that with a hockey stick in a park well thats true thats so we are thats how you were born thats how i was born incredible yeah im a can see that on you tube all right lets talk about this move on to some other topics of concern your thoughts on the crypto economy will this take down the Economic System as weve noted it what do you call with the crypto economy look. If you look at the history of money anybody can create an iou or conduct commercial transaction with another person broad both parties are willing to accept payment in the same medium of exchange so in that sense bitcoin or whatever other cryptocurrency you want to its fine if thats how they want to settle it but if you really want to ensure a crypto currencies long term viability then the easiest way to do that is by allowing you to extinguish your tax liabilities by using the government were able to do that then you know that would confer a huge immediate additional demand on the currency right now because you would grab those because because you would actually be able to extinguish your Tax Liability so with the government now my guess is that the u. S. Government or for that matter any other sovereign government is not going to lose its monopoly issue of the currency and so they wont allow that but that if you really want. And to have a bible alternative currency that would be the best way to do that if the government decided to more that for example you can pay your taxes and be repelled youd probably get a revival in demand for beaver pelts well the government is clearly not on board with the idea of having citizens create their own currency yeah the government likes to be able to control that and so the question is really i dont know if you. Well the government is constitutionally mandated to rule that was a rule that was given to them so its out of its if its if its a dictatorship or a monopolist role it was conferred on them by the. Followers of independence yes and this ability now individuals to create their own sovereignty by creating their own currency my question is you know youre smart i want to leave the institute you can i sit around talk about the big issues all day long i mean you know is this a threat to banks in other words banks there theyre nervous theyre a bit nervous about this because it threatens their monopoly how do you see that well and i have to look im in the camp that says its probably a bubble i know you with your but who. Have a different view of this i must admit that when i hear jamie diamond. You know go on against it i it does make me much more sympathetic to the whole is a big point i can certainly understand you know weve talked before about the low the massive political dysfunction because you know rebel and you know you dont want jamie diamond no i dont youre a rebel youre on the side of the crypto Sovereign Movement i can understand the the objectives behind it i certainly feel that they have a legitimate beef against the system which they feel is stitched up against them and so i think that they. Can certainly understand why this thing has developed the political context for which is to develop im just trying to say that if you really wanted to be on sound footing thats where you would have to do it and youd have to have some cooperation with the government to do it that way well i mean in the meantime if your community feels. That theyll drain some much capital away from banks Central Banks and government but alternative well you know look i mean if you can point to me one historical example of this libertarian fantasy that you know is actually existed somewhere then you know thats great but i mean William Golding i think wrote about this in lord of the flies so its a very to stop and take im going marshall out of it im moving on all right the republicans are pushing through tax reform many who watch m s n b c may not know there are actually any domestic matters unrelated to the russias president putin scandal hoax your thoughts on what you see a tax reform whats going on there well its pretty regressive meaning that it confers a lot more benefits to the top one percent and the middle class of working class theres a whole lot of goodies in it for corporations as well you know this talk about you know weve got the one of the highest Corporate Tax rates in the world thirty five percent thats thats bogus with the with all the exemptions that are already written into the code the effective tax rate for most large corporations is its more like fifteen so ive seen some estimates as low as twelve General Electric i think i found a seven thousand page tax or yarn and they got a tax rebate yeah thats right and then youve got Companies Like apple that you know domo solve a lot of their facilities in places like jersey tax havens like like jersey in the Channel Islands so so mitigate their tax bill so theyre there are its an unnecessary giveaway in a lot of respects there isnt that much done for personal income tax holders and and look my my big. And thats really the grounds on which i think you should object to this bill is that its highly regressive and also it will probably do very very little for employment growth and for rising creating Income Growth which should be the goal behind it and in that regard i think that those are the grounds for objecting to a course the democrats are being very. Because they keep on saying well its going to add to the deficit and thats absolutely awful but of course the minute you start taking that argument you are effectively ceding the youre effectively embrace in the paradigm of the rule publicans use because the next stage of that is going to be that infuse time if the deficit do in fact grow as a result of this tax reform and there are the republicans like paul ryan are going to say see weve got to get hold of entitlements because the deficit so is way too large and were going to tech Social Security medicare and then theyll turn to the democrats and say and you see you guys basically express so concern so much concern about the deficit earlier so lets do something about it so its a democrat a modern monetary theory is economy more on the tax side the fiscal side were talking about two were talking about taxes now so in your view what would be more of an ideal tax structure thats a political judgment what do you think would be the like sweet spot for how taxes are levied across the economic well that youre asking me to make an a priori judgment i would say that you cant really want to watch the was so whats wrong with the current tax regime is my own personal opinion that i think youll find that i am in tears have as many different views are or are right its a catch up so my own feeling is the current tax code is too complex has become a political plaything for lobbyists do you support a flat tax in general in favor generally in favor of tax simplification id probably go for some elements of Progress City to help meeting right now like two or three to two or three basic level and then get rid of all the polls yeah that would be mine im totally for why oh why dont we do that because all the lobbyists who like all the are saying thats right the corporate because the real welfare queens that we have to worry about well youre the real welfare queens are corporations corporate and theyve got a right love their corporate welfare they thats socialism for the rich and capitalism for the rest of us yeah thats right we take the risks they play the game. Yeah thats right and they get the bailouts when times get tough so youre right through the primary lever of Interest Rates at the central bank but i want to go there and lets move on and we also have in my goodies oh the twenty eighteen midterms are coming up do you see any economic ideas coming from any of these democrats. Well Bernie Sanders has a few thats largely because hes got a great economist working for him Stephanie Kelton who go with the money he she still is affiliated with them still buys them so hes probably one and im sure there are others out there but yeah the the better deal introduced didnt have much that was new to it there were some interesting aspects of talking about concentrations of monopolies and any names i would offer my work like member barack obama came out of no donald trump was kind of like the heart of where is this guys no no unfortunately. You know the ones that keep getting named. Are unfortunate being in you know a lot of them get ensnared in other kinds of scandals but no one that thats a real problem the democrats say they dont have a lot of bench strength i mean their leadership is basically always saying to me that the Democratic Party relies on charisma or as the republicans have policies that they just keep hammering consistently they dont they dont change that much whereas the democrats you have a clue bill clinton or j. F. K. You know who are very charismatic or barack obama i would say roe wade was very charismatic even if you you know you didnt agree with the politics but no i love what i what i would say the fundamental difference is that the the democrats go out of their way to insult and ignore their bases aspirations whereas the republicans at least in word pay at least i Pay Lip Service and they also arent afraid to introduce crazy quote unquote crazy ideas because that was what happened for example under bush and cheney is that they they would you know introduce an idea and people say you cant do that thats against the crazy idea but you repeated long enough and eventually you changed the Political Landscape where is the democrats are always try to be reasonable when the call takes to being reasonable they never will introduce new ideas and they they will stick with the existing paradigms and thats why they keep losing elections and i think thats very insightful and something less than perhaps that these guys in the democratic. Really should embrace and they do need new leadership to me as i said you know look. The three leading democrats in the house are all in their late seventys all the people that are being talked about in twenty twenty president ial candidates. Sanders war and. Biden theyre all in their mid to late seventys you know youve got a few young names like Camilla Harris being talked about but again not much is known about her background and and and there isnt enough to theres really not a lot new bench strength theres a few interesting people of the state theres a lot of influx of women across the spectrum across america in the wake of these sex scandals so women are getting more Political Trends a year aware of and you see that having an impact in twenty eighteen and twenty twenty seems to have had an impact in the last set of elections we had the special elections in the election we had a virginia look im an obsolete and my view or that of the levy and i dont know me you know theyve got artificial sperm theyve got Artificial Insemination they dont need us anymore marshall were relics from a previous era theyre setting us up for the big extermination everyones a sex predator or they dont theyre going to throw us off a cliff and its just going to be you know a world run by women thats his view not mine. For the record look what i what they will face higher we you know overlord we need to i think weve to we men have spent enough time screwing up the world that women have a turn of yeah sure you know its all intellectual property now you dont need muscles well you know i run one thing at a conference and i heard Christine Lagarde head of the i. M. F. And she said that she thought the economic environ post two thousand and eight might have been a bit different if wed had lehman sisters rather than Lehman Brothers all right marshall have to leave it there thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks for having me again i think. All right well thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser stay here when i think our guest marshall are back from the loo. To generate just on twitter is kaiser report until next time. 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