GENERIC Road Closed sign Roadworks Road Ahead Closed Diversion signs..Pic Tom Kay Friday 21st September 2018.
Chippenham: Proconect DMT Construct of Office 1, Stockley Farm, Stockley, Calne, is applying for an increase of the total number of goods vehicles from two to three, at its operating centre at Lawn Farm, Grange Lane, Malmesbury.
Box: Bob Holland has put in a planning bid to renovate and convert an existing barn at The Old Barn on London Road. Mr Holland proposes to repair and convert the barn into a house. He has also bid for a change of use for the existing equestrian land to be used instead for agriculture. Anyone who wishes to make a comment should write to Wiltshire Council at Development Services Monkton Park, Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1ER.