History has not been without its ups and downs. In the last hundred or so years, the world has seen two world wars, the Spanish Flu pandemic, and a host of other tragedies in between. In my lifetime there were no world wars, no global pandemics that reached the U.S. shores, and the many tragedies that did occur around the world were just news stories to many of us. That was until early 2020 when things started to unravel with the outbreak of COVID-19. COVID-19 seems to have touched everyone. It was a pretty mixed bag of who got dealt what hand, but everyone was dealt something. We saw many lose their jobs, some lose loved ones, and small group see their fortunes grow as a result, but one thing that everyone faced was that we all had to quarantine. And while some had a more favorable quarantine than others, we all had to miss seeing friends and loved ones for what seems like an eternity.