RNZ Real estate agents are accused of adding fuel to the red-hot property market by manipulating so-called 'estimated prices' on websites. The number of people applying to become a real estate agent has increased 42 per cent during Covid-19, surprising the Real Estate Authority (REA). At the same time, the industry watchdog and Crown entity has expressed concern that New Zealand’s real estate qualifications are not fit for purpose and warns that an Australian loophole “undermines” professionalism in the industry. An REA briefing paper prepared for Associate Minister of Justice Aupito William Sio, who has oversight of the REA and Real Estate Agents Act, said as at September 30, there were nearly 15,200 active licensees (salespersons, branch managers and agents) including 601 new licensee applications from July to September, an increase of 42 per cent on last year.