Rise in property, sales tax has county in good shape for 2022 The total estimated budget is $55.3 million, with the general fund at $15.4 million The total budget of all department is $55.3 million, with non-general areas comprising $39.9 million. Sales tax is up 21% for the year to date from 2020, possible due to more online shopping. Reappraisal of property values in the county should have property taxes going up as well with values around 15% more. COSHOCTON - Increases in property and sales taxes collected for the year should help to shore up Coshocton County finances in 2022. Robin Schonauer, county budget director, said the anticipated carryover into 2022 from this year is $3.9 million with estimated resources from all departments at $11.5 million, giving a total general fund budget of approximately $15.4 million.