Ripley Senior News My riddle this week is: Why did the farmer bury his money? The Jackson County Commission on Aging is still serving meals three days a week. Meals will be available at the senior centers and delivered for Meals on Wheels Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Frozen meals will be given out on Thursday for Friday and Monday. April is here and let’s hope the nice weather stays with us. I’ve put my Christmas cactus and aloe plant out on the front porch. I’ve been out and about working in the garden. We’ve planted a large row of peas and I can’t wait ‘til they come up. My blackberry bushes are leafing out, and I’ve been transplanting flowers and pulling up weeds. I’ve already had to cover up perennials when we had those two freezing nights when the temperature got down to 21 degrees. Every year the warm temperatures make them pop up out of the ground way too soon.