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Richmond Virginia Temple dedicatory prayer :
Richmond Virginia Temple dedicatory prayer :
Richmond Virginia Temple dedicatory prayer
President Dallin H. Oaks offered the prayer to dedicate the Richmond Virginia Temple on Sunday, May 7, 2023.
Related Keywords
Israel ,
Virginia ,
United States ,
Richmond ,
Greece ,
Greek ,
Jesus Christ ,
Joseph Smith ,
Dallinh Oaks ,
Jeffreyd Allred ,
Kathy Church ,
President Dallin ,
First Presidency ,
Richmond Virginia Temple ,
Thy Holy Priesthood ,
Thine Only Begotten Son ,
Lord Jesus Christ ,
His Atonement ,
Holy Ghost ,
Thy Holy Spirit ,
Thy Son ,
Begotten Son ,
Prophet Joseph Smith ,
Holy Priesthood ,
Athy Spirit ,
Beloved Father ,
Holy Melchizedek Priesthood ,
Holy House ,