Olney, IL, USA / WSEI Freedom 92.9 FM | The Best Country in America May 19, 2021 | 7:29 AM (OLNEY) The Richland County School Board met for its regular monthly meeting in May last night in Olney. The Board : reviewed the District’s April financial report and approved the monthly bill listing worth $572,014 : noted that the state currently owes the School District $112,439 : heard updates on school board member training and on District bond refinancing : awarded the bank bids to TrustBank : approved the $48,000 bid from Doll’s Incorporated for the RCES walking track : approved student fees for the 2021-2022 school year : recognized the twelve Illinois State Scholars from Richland County High School : heard from FBLA students with a recap of yearly activities : and made several moves dealing with personnel – approved intent to retire notifications from RCHS Teacher Lisa Billington in September 2025, from RCHS Teacher Rob Flanagan at the end of the 2024-2025 school year, and from RCMS Teacher William Page 39 days into the 2025-2026 school year – accepted resignations from RCHS Teachers Dave Berry and Mark Anselment, from RCES Teacher Samantha Phillippe, and from RCHS Guidance Counselor Heather Lee – hired Blaize Kimmel as RCHS PE/Health Teacher, Ian Laughlin as RCHS Social Studies Teacher, Nicole Shan and Marissa Routien as Elementary Teachers, Matthew Meredith as RCES Music Teacher, Stefanie Short and Samantha Wingert as Paraprofessionals, Amy Siders and Kim Range as Food Service Staff members, Meghan McLeary as Guidance Counselor, and Jesse Thornton as RCHS Custodian – approved transferring of Jason Smith from RCHS Math Teacher to Math Instructional Coach, Ryan Roark from Technology Specialist to District Technology Coordinator, and Crystal Green from Food Service Staff member to Food Service Manager – approved eleven Driver’s Education Instructors for summer 2021 – and approved the RCHS and RCMS additional duty assignments for the 2021-2022 school year : the next regular meeting for the Richland County School Board is June 17.