Richa Chadha On Working With Director Subhash Kapoor Despite Me Too Allegations Against Him: I Won't Judge Anybody Follow Actress Richa Chadha’s upcoming film Madam Chief Minister is already on the receiving end of a lot of backlash on social media even before it released in theatres. While the makers are busy defending the movie against the criticism being levied by the Dalit community for their lopsided representation and the leading lady of the film, Richa addressed why she chose to work with filmmaker Subhash Kapoor who was facing Me Too charges a few years ago. Addressing her stand working with the filmmaker despite the sexual misconduct allegations that Subhash Kapoor facing Richa tells Mid-Day, “I stand by the #MeToo movement. But at the same time, I don't believe in social media trials. Unlike other [accusations] that were brought to light on Twitter, this case is subjudice. We must respect the law of the land and the court's verdict. Till the court passes a verdict, I won't judge anybody.”