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Review: Edward J. Delaney's Cary Grant LSD novel 'The Acroba
Review: Edward J. Delaney's Cary Grant LSD novel 'The Acroba
Review: Edward J. Delaney's Cary Grant LSD novel 'The Acrobat'
Edward J. Delaney's "The Acrobat," the latest novel to fictionalize a celebrity identity crisis, is built around a (real) LSD trip taken by Cary Grant.
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Turtle Point ,
Pennsylvania ,
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Philadelphia ,
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Edwardj Delaney ,
Hollywood Eden ,
Archibald Alec Leach ,
Tony Curtis ,
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Mary Pickford ,
Betsy Drake ,
Michael Tolkin ,
Cary Grant ,
Joyce Carol Oate ,
Howard Hughes ,
Greta Garbo ,
Warren Beatty ,
Chapters ,
Lawful Truth ,
Harry Lime ,
Northwesterly Direction ,
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Alec Leach ,
Turtle Point Press ,
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