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Revenge of the Prius: Hybrid cars stage a comeback as EV sal
Revenge of the Prius: Hybrid cars stage a comeback as EV sal
Revenge of the Prius: Hybrid cars stage a comeback as EV sales slow
As Teslas and other electric vehicles dazzled car buyers with futuristic technology and dreams of a gasoline-free future, hybrid cars began to seem like...
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Georgia ,
United States ,
New York ,
Alabama ,
Montana ,
Americans ,
American ,
Stephanie Valdez Streaty ,
Lawrence Ulrich ,
David Christ ,
Miranda Alam ,
Kia America ,
Jim Farley ,
Jim Wilson ,
Dave Cooke ,
Union Of Concerned Scientists ,
Honda ,
Environmental Protection Agency ,
Toyota ,
Steve Center ,
New York Times ,
Hyundai ,
Ford Motor ,
Volkswagen ,
Toyota Prius ,
General Motors ,
Honda Accord ,
Yet Hyundai ,
North American ,
Concerned Scientists ,
Environmental Protection ,
Consumer Reports ,
Revenge ,
Of ,
The ,
Prius ,
Hybrid ,
Cars ,
Stage ,
Comeback ,
Gas ,
Ev ,
Sales ,
Slow ,
Teslas ,
Mother ,
Electric ,
Vehicles ,
Pbedazzled ,
Buyers ,
With ,
Futuristic ,
Technology ,
Dreams ,
Gasolinefree ,
Future ,
Began ,
Gseem ,
Like ,
Yesterdays ,
News ,
Standardbearer ,
Hybrids ,
Fell ,
Scent ,
Dover ,
Decade ,