Rethinking Korea Asset Management – Is It Time for a

Rethinking Korea Asset Management – Is It Time for a Revisit? [Brought to you by RBN Chambers]

In the seminal case of Korea Asset Management v Daewoo Singapore Pte Ltd (in liquidation) [2004] 1 SLR(R) 671 (“Korea Asset Management”), the Honourable Judicial Commissioner V K Rajah (as he then was) (“JC Rajah”) laid down a non-exhaustive list of factors to be considered in an application under Sections 299(2) or 262(3) of the Companies Act (Cap. 50 1994 Rev Ed) (“CA”) (pari materia to Sections 170(2) and 133(1) of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (No. 40 of 2018) (“IRDA”)) for leave to commence or continue an action or proceedings against a company in liquidation. In such applications, decisions at various levels of the Singapore courts have cited and employed the factors in Korea Asset Management with a seemingly common reluctance to broaden or revise the factors. Following the recent developments in Australia, has the time come for our Singapore courts to revisit this position?

Related Keywords

Australia , South Korea , Singapore , Korea , , Supreme Court , Companies Act Cap , Rcr Odonnell Griffin Pty Ltd , Resources Pty Ltd Orsv Park Ors , Korea Asset Management , Daewoo Singapore Pte Ltd , Honourable Judicial Commissioner Vk Rajah , Companies Act , Dissolution Act , Asset Management , Pty Ltd , Donnell Griffin Pty Ltd , Corporations Act , Palace The , Personal Injuries Proceeding Act , Revisit Korea Asset , Maximum Amount Payable , Salaries Debt , Salaries Debt Cap , Korea Asset Management Guidelines , Corporate Insolvency ,

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