Retail Investor Pessimistic and Institutional Investors Optimistic on China's Capital Markets BEIJING, May 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Data collected in April 2021 for the first quarter of the Cheung Kong Investor Sentiment Survey (CKISS) found that retail investors showed pessimism towards China's capital markets while institutional investors showed optimism - 61.3% of retail investors expected China's A-share stock prices to rise in the next year, a decrease of 8.1% from the previous period, and 79.9% of institutional investors expected A-shares will rise, an increase of 18.3% from the previous period. Respondents' views on Hong Kong stocks also showed divergence. Retail investors are more pessimistic than the previous period, and institutional investors are more optimistic. However, compared with April 2020, both sides are more optimistic. Retail and institutional investors also showed divergent views on China's housing market. Approximately 62.5% of the respondents in this period believe house prices will rise in the future (retail investors and financial industry are 57.6% and 78% respectively), a decrease of 7.3% from the previous period.