Research Community Migration research has long been important to IOM, and for decades, this work has been central to the organization’s commitment to fostering migration that is humane, orderly and benefits migrants and society. From its early years, IOM has conducted, promoted and has been informed by "disinterested" or objective research on migration. In addition to enhancing the organization's programme delivery, migration research within IOM is designed to contribute to the broader understanding of migration patterns, processes and the connections between migration policy and practice. To this end, IOM’s Migration Research Division (MRD), based within the Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships (ICP), frequently collaborates with academic and applied researchers in universities, research institutions and other organizations throughout the world to conduct and support this type of research. These collaborations not only allow IOM to benefit from the diverse knowledge and expertise of various applied researchers and scholars, but also enable the organization to reach a global audience. These partnerships are also key to supporting migration research from all over the world, including contexts that are traditionally ‘under-researched’. Many of the Division’s research outputs are translated into several languages to make them as accessible as possible to audiences around the world.