Evaluation Method and Criteria (Section III); Returnable Proposal Schedules (Section IV); ICRC Contract for Consultant Services for Works (the "Contract") (Section V) ANNEXURES: TOR A 1 - Benghazi RFP Sanitation Masterplan Study TOR A 1 - Benghazi Technical ToR Sanitation Master Plan TOR A 2 - Concept note Diffa TOR A 3 - Vision Urban Water TOR A 4 - Moyale RfP Master Plan Consultancy TOR A 4 - Moyale ToR If you are interested in submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, kindly send us a confirmation before the Monday 3rd of May 2021. In this case, please prepare your proposal in accordance with the requirements and process as set out in this RFP and submit it to ICRC by the Deadline (