Report: ‘Perfect storm’ conditions preceded Soldiers’ Home tragedy Signs, flags, flowers and wreaths are placed at the entrance to the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke, Wednesday, Apr. 8, 2020. GAZETTE FILE PHOTO Published: 5/25/2021 11:54:04 AM The Legislature should require the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home superintendent to be a licensed nursing home administrator, elevate the secretary of veterans’ services to the Cabinet, create a paid ombudsman position at both state-run soldiers’ homes, and impose a raft of chain of command protocols and training requirements, a panel of lawmakers concluded after reviewing the deadly COVID-19 outbreak that struck the facility last year. In a sweeping report that directed blame at the Baker administration for failing to address poor leadership and leaving key positions unfilled, a special committee created to probe the tragedy punctuated its findings with a long list of recommended legislative actions.