Restaurants throughout the South Bay have modified their businesses to accommodate dining while also meeting LA County Health Department mandates for controlling the spread of the coronavirus. Currently this means they can fill take-out and delivery orders. Other restaurants are closing temporarily while considering options and waiting for updates from city, state and county governments. HERE'S WHAT'S NEW Skechers launches relief for restaurants Manhattan Beach based Skechers Corp. has initiated a fund aimed at helping local restaurants survive in the wake of COVID-19-related closures. The company will match up to $500,000 in donations made to the fund. Distributions will help the restaurants pay rent, manage operating costs and keep people employed. To make a tax-deductible donation, go online to Or, write a check payable to the Skechers Foundation with "Save Our Restaurants" in the memo line. (Or, include a cover letter specifying that the funds are for "Save Our Restaurants.") Mail the check to Robin Curren at Skechers, 225 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Manhattan Beach, CA 90206. Direct questions via email to [email protected].