Regulation on 0% VAT for exporters' local purchases signed :

Regulation on 0% VAT for exporters' local purchases signed

Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (Facebook photo) MANILA - The new Revenue Regulation (RR) that will allow exporters to continue to avail of zero value-added tax (VAT) rating on their local purchases of goods and services will be issued soon, according to a Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) official. Larry Barcelo, Officer-in-Charge and Assistant Commissioner for BIR Legal Service, informed the House Committee on Ways and Means in an online public hearing on December 6 that the amendatory RR has been signed and will be published soon in a newspaper of general circulation. "There is yet no number on that RR and [we will still] publish it, but it was signed by both the Commissioner [of the BIR] and the Secretary [of Finance]. It implements the VAT zero-rating of local purchases of goods and services under Sections 294 E and 295 D of Title XIII of the CREATE Act as well as Section 5, Rule 2 and Section 5, Rule 18 of the CREATE IRR. So next week siguro (maybe) this will be published," Barcelo said. The new RR amends certain provisions of the controversial RR 9-2021, which took effectin June and implemented the 12 percent VAT on indirect exports and sale of services previously taxed zero percent VAT. Implementation of RR 9-2021 was suspended by the BIR in July through RR No. 15-2021 to make way for amendments following vehement objections from exporters, domestic suppliers, and other stakeholders, who said imposing the 12 percent VAT would kill the pandemic-hit industry. However, RR 15-2021 states that the postponement is solely due to the Covid-19 pandemic and new amendatory regulations would be published. Refund system Thus, the Export Development Council -Networking Committee on Legislative Advocacy and Monitoring (EDC - NCLAM) wrote to Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez to express support for the eventual implementation of the VAT policy "provided that the preconditions for the removal of VAT exemption are satisfied and an enhanced VAT refund system is in place". Rami Amer Hourani, EDC-NCLAM vice chair, in his letter to Lopez who is also the EDC chair, noted that the BIR has not yet established a new VAT refund system and continues to use the old system, which does little to assure stakeholders that the VAT refund could be completed within the required 90 days. "It would be considerably easier for all involved if the process could be automated. This would be possible under the proposed electronic invoicing system, which the BIR intends to implement in 2023," Hourani said. The refund of VAT backlog to several companies should also be fulfilled to avoid a situation where new VAT applications are reimbursed ahead of preceding claimants. The committee also proposed that VAT refund centers be established in the BIR and Bureau of Customs to devolve the processing of applications, which is currently being done only in the National Capital Region. "This power should be devolved to the various Revenue District Offices in order to ensure that everyone is able to avail of the option to claim a VAT Refund," the letter to Lopez read. Include MSME It further urged the Board of Investments to "abbreviate its process of registration to accommodate MSME (micro, small and medium enterprises) exporters in order for their participation in the tax system to remain simple." Hourani further stated that the ability to register should not be limited to new and/or expanding enterprises as this will shut off MSMEs from availing of new tax incentives. "Any reasonable implementation of this policy would make the opportunities available to large corporations also available to small business. Otherwise, we run the risk of inadvertently taxing the least profitable and most vulnerable in the business sector," he explained. The committee likewise sought legislative reforms that will exempt local purchases of goods and services from VAT imposition. The EDC - NCLAM called for the signing of an agreement with relevant government agencies on the continued deferment of RR 9-2021 "until such time the Philippine export sector has fully recovered from the economic impact of the pandemic and enhanced, effective and efficient VAT refund system has been established." (PR) }

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Manila , Philippines , Ramon Lopez , Samer Hourani , Larry Barcelo , Legal Service , Networking Committee On Legislative Advocacy , Bureau Of Customs , Development Council , Bureau Of Internal Revenue , House Committee On Ways , National Capital Region , Revenue Regulation , Internal Revenue , Assistant Commissioner , House Committee , Export Development Council , Networking Committee , Legislative Advocacy , Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez , National Capital , Revenue District Offices , Philippine Exporters Confederation , Nc Facebook Photo Manila The New Revenue Regulation Rr That Will Allow Exporters To Continue Avail Of Zero Value Added Tax Vat Rating On Their Local Purchases Goods And Services Be Issued Soon , Ccording Toa Bureau Of Internal Revenue Bir Official Larry Barcelo , Fficer In Charge And Assistant Commissioner For Bir Legal Service , Nformed The House Committee On Ways And Means In An Online Public Hearing December 6 That Amendatory Rr Has Been Signed Will Be Published Soon Ina Newspaper Of General Circulation Quot There Is Yet No Number We Still Publish It , Ut It Was Signed By Both The Commissioner Of Bir And Secretary Finance Implements Vat Zero Rating Local Purchases Goods Services Under Sections 294e 295d Title Xiii Create Act As Well Section 5 , Ule 2 And Section 5 , Ule 18 Of The Create Irr So Next Week Siguro Maybe This Will Be Published , Uot Barcelo Said The New Rr Amends Certain Provisions Of Controversial 9 2021 , Hich Took Effectin June And Implemented The 12 Percent Vat On Indirect Exports Sale Of Services Previously Taxed Zero Implementation Rr 9 2021 Was Suspended By Bir In July Through No 15 To Make Way For Amendments Following Vehement Objections From Exporters , Domestic Suppliers , Nd Other Stakeholders , Ho Said Imposing The 12 Percent Vat Would Kill Pandemic Hit Industry However , R 15 2021 States That The Postponement Is Solely Due To Covid 19 Pandemic And New Amendatory Regulations Would Be Published Refund System Thus , He Export Development Council Networking Committee On Legislative Advocacy And Monitoring Edc Nclam Wrote To Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez Express Support For The Eventual Implementation Of Vat Policy Quot Provided That Preconditions Removal Exemption Are Satisfied An Enhanced Refund System Is In Place Rami Amer Hourani , Dc Nclam Vice Chair , N His Letter To Lopez Who Is Also The Edc Chair , Oted That The Bir Has Not Yet Establisheda New Vat Refund System And Continues To Use Old , Hich Does Little To Assure Stakeholders That The Vat Refund Could Be Completed Within Required 90 Days Quot It Would Considerably Easier For All Involved If Process Automated This Possible Under Proposed Electronic Invoicing System , Hich The Bir Intends To Implement In 2023 , Uot Hourani Said The Refund Of Vat Backlog To Several Companies Should Also Be Fulfilled Avoida Situation Where New Applications Are Reimbursed Ahead Preceding Claimants Committee Proposed That Centers Established In Bir And Bureau Customs Devolve Processing , Hich Is Currently Being Done Only In The National Capital Region Quot This Power Should Be Devolved To Various Revenue District Offices Order Ensure That Everyone Able Avail Of Option Claima Vat Refund , Uot The Letter To Lopez Read Include Msme It Further Urged Board Of Investments Quot Abbreviate Its Process Registration Accommodate Micro , Mall And Medium Enterprises Exporters In Order For Their Participation The Tax System To Remain Simple Quot Hourani Further Stated That Ability Register Should Not Be Limited New Or Expanding As This Will Shut Off Msmes From Availing Of Incentives Any Reasonable Implementation Policy Would Make Opportunities Available Large Corporations Also Small Business Otherwise , E Run The Risk Of Inadvertently Taxing Least Profitable And Most Vulnerable In Business Sector , Uot He Explained The Committee Likewise Sought Legislative Reforms That Will Exempt Local Purchases Of Goods And Services From Vat Imposition Edc Nclam Called For Signing An Agreement With Relevant Government Agencies On Continued Deferment Rr 9 2021 Quot Until Such Time Philippine Export Sector Has Fully Recovered Economic Impact Pandemic Enhanced , Ffective And Efficient Vat Refund System Has Been Established Quot Pr ,

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