In one of the regions contributing most to the global increase in the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths, amid health chaos, unemployment, hunger and escalating inequality, workers, students and young people in the urban peripheries, peasants, small village dwellers, black and indigenous peoples have risen up to defend their lives – against the deadly austerity plans of right or centre-right governments. Colombia’s Paro Nacional (national strike) on 28-29 April 2021 opened a period of massive daily protests, with an unprecedented unity of urban, rural, indigenous, environmentalist and unemployed youth movements – the latter being the vanguard. Violent clashes have already left 75 people dead, 83 who have lost an eye, 1,468 cases of physical violence, 1,832 arbitrary imprisonments and 28 reports of sexual violence by the repressive forces. [1] As of 26 May 2021, INDEPAZ also reported 346 missing persons.