Reformed Church Home adds air filtration system as COVID-19 preventative measure Reformed Church Home (RCH), a long-term care community offering nursing home, rehabilitation, and assisted living services to the elderly, has announced the addition of a Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI) system from Global Plasma Solutions (GPS) to improve air quality. The installation helps improve ventilation in all common areas, alcoves and corridors throughout the home, located on Route 18 in Old Bridge, by deactivating harmful pathogens. NPBI is an air cleaning system that uses ions to disrupt surface proteins of viruses and bacteria with which they come in contact, rendering them inactive and unable to spread. This in turn reduces the volume of infectious pathogens in the air and improves the efficiency of air filtration, without introducing ozone or harmful byproducts into the ventilation system, according to information provided by RCH.