April 20, 2021 finance & economy
Pearl Initiative and stc convene Saudi-based Compliance experts to share best practices on building a strong corporate culture of integrity in line with Saudi Vision 2030 Agenda
The Pearl Initiative, a leading Gulf business-led non-profit organisation promoting a corporate culture of accountability and transparency, held a virtual panel discussion in conjunction with stc. The discussion, moderated by Siemens, highlighted the perspectives of leading Saudi companies, including stc, SABIC and SEDCO Holding, in promoting integrity best practices as well as shedding light on how Gulf businesses can leverage compliance programmes to create a sustainable corporate culture.
As part of the United Nations Conventions Against Corruption, Saudi Arabia has made numerous strides towards transparency, integrity and fighting corruption in order to curb unethical practices in the workplace. The expert panellists from leading Saudi companies highlighted that Saudi Vision 2030 has helped accelerate the implementation and expansion of anti-bribery legislation across the private sector within KSA.