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Reaping sweet returns with kelulut honey in the heart of Bor
Reaping sweet returns with kelulut honey in the heart of Bor
Reaping sweet returns with kelulut honey in the heart of Borneo
Suwandi Frans Sutoyo, 30, gently opened the covers of a kelulut honey bee hive, usually made of wooden cutouts, to check on a colony of stingless bees and ...
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Kalimantan ,
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Kalimantan Tengah ,
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United States ,
Rantau Atas ,
Palangkaraya ,
Tuwung ,
Jawa Tengah ,
American ,
Indonesian ,
Siti Nurbaya Bakar ,
Suwandi Frans Sutoyo ,
Randy Moore ,
National Economic Recovery ,
Village Forest Management Institution ,
Ministry Of Environment ,
Forestry Service ,
Kelulut Honey Cultivation Social Forestry Business Group ,
United States Forest Service ,
Frans Sutoyo ,
Central Kalimantan ,
Economic Recovery ,
Kelulut Honey ,
Sweetening Rantau Atas ,
Tuwung Village Head Number ,
Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar ,