Realme X7 Pro 5G with 6.55-inch FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 1000+, 64MP quad rear cameras launched in India for Rs. 29999 Realme just launched the X7 Pro 5G, the company’s latest mid-range 5G smartphone along with the X7 5G, as it had promised. It packs a 6.55-inch Full HD+ 120Hz Samsung AMOLED flexible screen with 240Hz touch sampling rate, 100% DCI-P3 color gamut, 4096-level brightness adjustment, 1200 nits peak brightness, DC Dimming, 32-megapixel camera inside the punch-hole and 91.06% screen-to-body ratio, thanks to 3.05mm ultra-narrow chin. It features ultra-thin light-sensitive in-screen fingerprint solution making it 91% thinner, and the screen is 29.4% thinner, said the company. The phone rung Android 10 with realme UI, but it will get the Android 11 with realme UI 2.0 update soon.