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Readers sound off on an end to gun violence and some ways to
Readers sound off on an end to gun violence and some ways to
Readers sound off on an end to gun violence and some ways to get there
I know that collective action works because following the 101 California Street shooting, our community pulled together, lobbied Congress, and helped pass the Federal Assault Weapons Ban that took effect in 1994.
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Massachusetts ,
United States ,
Philadelphia ,
Pennsylvania ,
Raynham ,
San Francisco ,
California ,
Westborough ,
Australia ,
Andover ,
Bedford ,
Texas ,
Acton ,
Littleton ,
America ,
John Rosenthal ,
Keith Backman ,
Robert Banta ,
Cathy Putnam ,
Antonin Scalia ,
Christie Lowrance ,
Brown Bess ,
Bryana Garner ,
Yvonne Abraham ,
York State Rifle Pistol Association ,
Supreme Court ,
Federal Assault Weapons Ban ,
Second Amendment ,
New York State Rifle ,
Pistol Association ,