/Reaction to Pope’s drive to tackle sexual abuse ranges from disappointment to optimism – 06/05/2021 – World Reaction to Pope’s drive to tackle sexual abuse ranges from disappointment to optimism – 06/05/2021 – World ksuadminJune 5, 2021 This week, the Vatican changed its internal laws to force its bishops to punish severely abusive priests. It is impossible to talk about this change in posture without returning to Fernando Karadima, a Chilean priest who has had a relationship with children and adolescents, aided by the complicit silence of peers. The first suspicion dates from 1955. One of the young men who denounced him years later, the current gastric surgeon James Hamilton, says that after the sexual assault, the parish priest told him to go to confession with another clergyman, who told him simply said, “Be patient, don’t worry.”