Welcome to our letters to the editor/opinion section. To submit yours for consideration, please send to [email protected] Please consider including an image to be used–either a photograph of you or something applicable to the letter. However, an image is not necessary for publication. Remember opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect that of Redheaded Blackbelt nor have we checked the letters for accuracy. Humboldt County residents and stakeholders in the cannabis industry, please be advised: an out of state entity is seeking permits for a vast, unprecedented cultivation operation in our midst. The Florida-based owner of Rolling Meadow Ranch seeks County approval for 5.73 acres of mixed light cultivation, in 16 greenhouses, with 33,750 square feet of processing facilities, occurring year-round, on remote, rural wildlands, on top of wetlands and immediately adjacent to the Main Stem of the Eel River. Proposed water usage is approximately 4,628,000 gallons per year, extracted from three wells on the property. It will be entirely dependent upon PG&E, and requires the further incursion of power lines into extremely fire prone areas. Essentially it is a huge indoor operation, with no intention of organic or regenerative cultivation practices.