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Rama wants himself or rep to lead council, vetoes Garcia-aut
Rama wants himself or rep to lead council, vetoes Garcia-aut
Rama wants himself or rep to lead council, vetoes Garcia-authored ordinance designating downtown Cebu City as heritage district
Rama wants himself or rep to lead council, vetoes Garcia-authored ordinance designating downtown Cebu City as heritage district
Related Keywords
Spain ,
Spanish ,
Michael Rama ,
Barangay Sto ,
Raymond Alvin Garcia ,
Cebu Port Authority In Pier ,
Committee On Tourism ,
Heritage District Council ,
Mayor Michael Rama ,
Sangguniang Panlungsod ,
City Ordinance ,
Ordinance Designating ,
Downtown Area ,
Heritage District ,
Creating Heritage District Council ,
Vice Mayor Raymond Alvin ,
City Vice ,
City Mayor ,
Chief Executive ,
Sunstar Cebu ,
Cebu City ,
Rosario Street ,
Imus Street ,
General Maxilom Avenue ,
Tejero Creek ,
Cebu Port Authority ,
Abellana Street ,
Gines Street ,
Drama ,
Wants ,
Himself ,
Or ,
Rep ,
To ,
Lead ,
Council ,
Vetoes ,
Garcia Authored ,
Ordinance ,
Designating ,
Downtown ,
Cebu ,
City ,
Gas ,
Heritage ,
District ,