rajib784 A professional with a fine blend of commercial and development sector experience. Working with international development organizations and donors in India. Am involved in Communication strategic planning, program management, behavior change communication and on-ground implementation of health interventions including social marketing projects (rural and urban markets). The health areas are Family Planning, Adolescent Health and Sexual Behavior, NCD (HBP & BP), Sanitation (FSM & Usage of Toilets). In lieu to this a short synopsis of the projects are as mentioned below: Project WASH – Transitioned the project in Bihar & AP from pure outreach to a social entrepreneurship model partnering Unilever on Toilet building, usage and cleaning. Endorsed by Amitabh Bachchan (Actor & Ambassador for Swatch Bharat Abhiyan) on World Economic Forum 2019 on Saving lives and cleaning up the environment. (https://wef.ch/2mkGtQa @SrBachchan#ies19 #india)