Rajasthan Teen, On Police Watch, Killed By Father For Eloping With Dalit Rajasthan Teen, On Police Watch, Killed By Father For Eloping With Dalit Pinki Saini was forcibly married off by her father Shankar Lal Saini. She returned home shortly after and later eloped with one Roshan Mahawar. Updated: March 05, 2021 3:32 pm IST The Rajasthan High Court had extended police protection to the young couple. Highlights She had alleged that she was forcibly married off by her father The High Court had extended police protection to the young couple Jaipur: A resident of Rajasthan's Dausa district has admitted to strangling his daughter, an 18-year-old who was under police protection. The victim had last week moved the Rajasthan High Court for help, fearing her father's wrath after eloping with a man belonging to the Dalit community.