> Asha Ramachandran, Leader of the NY YCL Prison Abolition Subcommittee > Kristin Richardson Jordan, NYC District 9 Candidate for City Council > Frank Chapman, Field Organizer and Educational Director at the Chicago Alliance against Racist and Political Repression > Angel Solis, Formerly incarcerated member of the NY YCL and youth empowerment advocate In the wake of the uprisings in defense of Black lives and against police terror last summer and amid growing calls to defund and abolish the police and prisons, the question of transforming the justice system is more pertinent than ever. The United States accounts for 22% of the global prison population despite comprising only 4.4% of the total global population. Mass incarceration and the prison-industrial complex are pillars of racist oppression in the U.S. Abolitionists say they are struggling for a revolutionary future that does justice to marginalized communities and the discussion will focus on their demands, visions, and fight.