Live Updates
Queensland Hobie State Championships at the Royal Queensland
Queensland Hobie State Championships at the Royal Queensland
Queensland Hobie State Championships at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron
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Mexico ,
Australia ,
Brisbane ,
Queensland ,
Stradbroke ,
Victoria ,
Jervis Bay ,
Australian Capital Territory ,
Southport ,
Green Island ,
Mexican ,
Australian ,
Naomi Chiu ,
Daniel Innes Tara Hill ,
Lachy Sharon ,
Carmen Andrews ,
Murray Shane ,
Paddy Butler ,
Carmen Haylie Andrews ,
Peter Juliet Bates ,
Andrew Peterson ,
Ellie Zoe ,
James Rhodes ,
Kris Addison ,
Gordon Mcgillivray ,
Kenzie Gargan Gian Bilston ,
Dave Brianna Vincent ,
Waterhouse Mick Butler ,
Addison Lester ,
Lachy Owen Jimmy Winchester ,
Maddie Wendt Tom ,
Riley Bella ,
Ellie Knorre Zoe Cairns ,
Bella Wilson ,
Dave Brianna ,
Phil James ,
Kris Bilston Addison Lester ,
Gavin Luxton ,
Andrew Spinelli ,
Shane Tom ,
Phil James Kellond Knight ,
Dazzy Claire ,
Charlie Tonks ,
Carmen Haylie ,
David Brookes ,
Julie Casey ,
Mick Butler ,
Claire Elisabeth ,
Libby Charlie ,
Sunstate Watersports ,
Peter Juliet ,
Shane Tom Peterson ,
Kris Bilston ,
Keagy Nomes ,
Branchy Jo ,
Darren Smith Claire Bisgood ,
Young ,
Queensland Hobie Cat Association ,
Team Australia ,
Youth Division ,
Queensland Hobie State Championships ,
Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron ,
Hobie Sailors ,
Sunshine State ,
Queensland Hobie Cat State ,
Hobie Class ,
Quandamooka Country ,
Hobie Family ,
Yacht Share ,
Queensland Hobie Class ,
Gill Australia ,
Cat Covers ,
Cowboy Sailors ,
Queensland State ,
Youth Hobie ,
Hobie Nationals ,
Gav Luxton ,
Pacific Highway ,
Hobie Cats ,
Totally Immersed ,
Smith Clan ,
Championship Tour ,
Royal Queensland Yacht ,
Maddie Wendt ,
Brianna Vincent ,
James Kellond Knight ,
Race Officer ,
Andrew Warneke ,
Mexican Fiesta ,
North Stradbroke ,
Tom Peterson ,
Bryn Robinson Mills ,
Hannah Bates ,
Bridget Raftery ,
Leon Whitworth ,
Big Fella ,
Andrew Keag ,
Curtis Skinner ,
Sash Ryan ,
Olympic Silver Medallist Will Ryan ,
Riley House ,
Hobie Sailing ,
Ellie Knorre ,
Zoe Cairns ,
Lachy Owen ,
Jimmy Winchester ,
Juliet Bates ,
Crookie Award ,
Legends Award ,
Queensland States ,
Haylie Andrews ,
Rod Waterhouse ,
Darren Smith ,
Claire Bisgood ,
Daniel Innes ,
Tara Hill ,
Hobie Event ,
Kenzie Gargan ,
Gian Bilston ,
For Bryn ,
Youth Championship ,
Youth State Championship ,
Bad News ,
Sailing ,
Achting ,
Boating ,
Racing ,
Results ,
News ,
Reports ,
Photographs ,
Photos ,
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Yacht ,
Boat ,
Sea ,
Lake ,