The Daily Vox The Kagiso Trust is a self-funded South African development agency. This year, the trust is celebrating the performance of grade 12s in schools that are part of its Beyers Naude Schools Development Programme (BNSDP). We spoke to Mankodi Moitse, CEO of Kagiso Trust about. What effect did the pandemic have on the class of 2020? The phrase unprecedented is almost over-used, but there has not been a school year like it in the history of the country. It was disrupted and had the potential to create a knock-on effect that would further disrupt education for some years had South Africans not adapted and managed to finish the year’s curriculum. Schools were closed before lockdown officially started, then reopened, then closed again in July. Grade 12s missed out on countless hours of study and teaching, particularly in the poorer areas. Learners were put under immense psycho-social strain. They had to deal with anxiety about the virus and their education and their future.