Q&A: Endy founder Rajen Ruparell on how the brand is making sure healthcare workers catch some quality Zs during the pandemic The Canadian company has stepped up to support front-line healthcare workers in a big way. Abbotsford Hospital Donation Since Endy launched in 2015, their signature Canadian-made mattress has skyrocketed in popularity, garnering stellar reviews and improving the sleep of hundreds of thousands devoted customers. The company has championed an admirable giving philosophy from its inception, donating over 10,000 new and gently used mattresses to families and individuals in need through organizations like Furniture Bank in Toronto, Matthew House in Ottawa and Women in Need Society in Calgary. Most recently, in a mission to help out healthcare workers exhausted by the pandemic’s second wave, they’ve worked with Abbotsford Regional Hospital in BC and Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket to make sure their call rooms are outfitted in cozy mattresses and bedding.