Puerto Rico Selects ICF for $13 Million Disaster Recovery Contract Award Expands Company's Role in Housing Recovery Program Management News provided by Share this article Share this article FAIRFAX, Va., July 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Government of Puerto Rico's Department of Housing (PRDOH) recently awarded global consulting and digital services provider ICF (NASDAQ:ICFI) a $13 million contract amendment to expand the implementation of the agency's Single Family Rehabilitation, Reconstruction & Relocation Program (R3). The contract for this work currently runs through summer 2022. R3 is a Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) assistance program that supports the repair or reconstruction of single-family homes damaged by hurricanes Irma and Maria. ICF, one of the largest program managers of Puerto Rico's housing recovery efforts, will continue to administer all stages of R3 program implementation, from application through closeout.