ROCK SPRINGS — The Rock Springs City Council will review several changes to the Rock Springs Housing Authority’s (RSHA) Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP). Since a lot of changes are being proposed, a public hearing is scheduled to take place. During the Council meeting Tuesday at 7 pm at City Hall, the Council will host three public hearings. The first allows for discussion on the proposed changes to the RSHA’s SCOP to conform to the Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations. In the 50-page document, numerous changes are being proposed. From simple date changes to numerous paragraphs being added or subtracted. One of the proposed changes allows for the Public Housing Authority (PHA) to prohibit the admission of those who have committed certain types of criminal activity. However, PHA’s cannot impose “blanket prohibitions on any person with any conviction record, no matter when the conviction occurred…”